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0.7 godz. łącznie
My secret word was Appreciative
Again this game gave me insights and honestly was very entertaining to play
I look forward to the future projects
Opublikowana: 25 sierpnia 2021.
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0.5 godz. łącznie
My word was potential
Gave me more insight about myself and different from the original
Opublikowana: 25 sierpnia 2021.
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Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest przydatna
0.2 godz. łącznie
My secret word is gifted
The test gave me some good advice kind of insightful
Opublikowana: 25 sierpnia 2021.
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Według 2 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
2,972.6 godz. łącznie (2,968.5 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Used to have a review back in 2018 that said the game was fun and back then it was
but being a part of the game community since beta in 2016 its sad to see the state of the game now
the game is fun yes
for the first 1000 hours or so its a blast its like a honeymoon one of the best games ever
but once you start playing more and more you realize how much the developers keep screwing up
mistake after mistake

Dedicated servers and Crossplay in my mind is what ruined the game
Console survivors and killers are just some of the worst players to play with and are extremely laggy
people who VPN from countries like China and Russia make the game infinitely worse
The Meta has been stale for almost 3 years with survivors and killers running mostly the same perks
You have over a hundred perks in the game and at most 15 actually see play because tbh a lot of the perks are downright garbage

Poor map design/indoor maps make the game super unfun hawkins (which is being removed btw XD) The Game Lampkin lane Swamp RPD Lerys Dead dog Saloon Midwich Yamoka and MOST variations of Badham are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ awful with unfair tiles dead zones and with the new aspect of random breakable doors makes it a tossup on whether or not you have a busted ass loop or a super oppressive dead end
The meta at higher "ranks" (which shouldn't even exist because its not a competitive game) is to run oppressive slowdowns and promote a very toxic playstyle on killer side because again out of the hundred or so perks only like a handful actually are worth using and on the survivor side the same applies

the game CAN be fun it really can be but the developers seem to be more focused on pumping out content for more money and adding updates for no reason like the graphical update and character model update than they are working on what they have in the game to increase perk viability map balancing and longevity
They can add as much ♥♥♥♥ as they want but this game is just a pig with makeup smeared on it
it looks cute but at the end of a day its literally just a pig covered in makeup

Do better BHVR
Opublikowana: 2 lipca 2019. Ostatnio edytowane: 18 października 2021.
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28.2 godz. łącznie (24.5 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
This game is not optimized very well its true. I have no issues running it as I have an Intel Core i7 4790K and SLI'd EVGA GTX 970 FTW SC 2.0 Editions And I get an average 70 frames and have only dropped as low as 45 when driving the bat mobile.People are giving it horrible reviews just because their PC's can't play it. When I expect people are trying to max it out at 1080p with nvidia game works enabled. My Laptop with a 970M can run this game albiet at medium to low settings, and even then it looks stellar. Also I wouldnt reccomend this game to anyone with an AMD rig as this game was specifically tuned to run better on a Nvidia card. I would suggest having double the reccomended specs in order to run this game at a playable frame rate with everything maxed.

The quality of the game is second to none. The Combat is Smooth and feels a lot better than what was given with Batman Arkham Origins. The City has been completely revamped and the streets of Arkham Are flooded with activity compared to the dull lifeless city we have been given in the past 2 games. The skill system has been changed so that completing an objective rewards a skill point, therby giving you more but having abilities cost 2-8 skill points each to unlock. The Bat Mobile handles really well and it feels.. Well like a Bat Mobile? I was really concerned how they were going to implement it into a game which core revolves around fighting. You mow down anything in your path. It has 2 main modes, "driving" mode and "battle" mode which both have their advantages/disadvantages. The side quests are more numerous and include, Tracking down a serial killer, Looking for an arsonist, and of course everyones favorite Riddler quests. Besides the PAINFULLY obvious optmization issues I think this is a GREAT way to put an this franchise to rest.
Opublikowana: 23 czerwca 2015. Ostatnio edytowane: 23 czerwca 2015.
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