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1 person found this review helpful
13.7 hrs on record (6.2 hrs at review time)
I was really surprised how fun and addictive game is. Art style fort this game is so good and the visuals are so cool.
Apparently this game was liveservise first but , changet it to offline and made it co-op style game. And all micro transaction items are now rewards. (This was very smart choice)
I will update more when I completed the game.

For now 8/10
Posted 25 December, 2024.
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12 people found this review helpful
14.7 hrs on record (13.0 hrs at review time)
Still one of my favorite Assassin's creed game after Ezio trilogy.

why we can't get AC games like these anymore? Cool looking game whit interesting time period. Also fun gadgets (Rope shooter) makes fun and little faster game play.
Still waiting ww1 and ww2 AC games what was teased in this and AC unity.

Gonna give this 8/10
Posted 21 November, 2024.
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18 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
This is what i thought Overwatch 2 was going to be. Owerwatch 1 PVP whit PVE story but, no. We got 3 mission and 15€ price tag. was it worth it? yes and no.

- missions are great and fun
- in-game cinematic are beautiful (more like movie stuff)
- character we can use in mission are ok
- 1000 coins

- no talent system like was shown
- some bugs but, not totally game breaking. (still after a year)
- no good rewards after completing missions. (only one character skin. like W.T.F?) (Why no more skin reward from completing mission harder difficulties?)

overall 6/10 rating
(Buy if you want only earn one skin and some sprays...)
Posted 8 November, 2024. Last edited 8 November, 2024.
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5.0 hrs on record (3.7 hrs at review time)
Very good card game!
fast and fun. Really easy to learn, hard to master.
You can almost earn everything free. (and that's good)

Posted 17 October, 2024.
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120.3 hrs on record (15.4 hrs at review time)
Relaxing game and nice looking too.
Gotta say I really like it 🥰

Easy to learn and not so hard to master.
Also it's free to play. All buyable content are just cosmetics. (Cool looking too)

9/10 will continue playing
Posted 14 July, 2024.
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6.5 hrs on record
Time travel shooter story whit fun abilities. I had fun playing this and hope whit sale price you have too.

Solid 7/10
Posted 18 April, 2024.
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103.8 hrs on record (87.0 hrs at review time)
This is true pirate game.
Not like that "Quadruple A" game.

10/10 Having fun every time
Posted 29 March, 2024.
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25.1 hrs on record (21.9 hrs at review time)
This is not your usual Saints row game.
This is modern saints and little bit boring saints xD

Game is not like it's previous titles this is reboot if I remember right?
Gameplay is fun and game looks good, but there is issues on this. Minor bugs sometimes (nothing that stopped gameplay) story is short if that's the only thing you play. Otherwise game have side missions and activities that are okey at best.
I can recommend this if you get in sale. Dlc content is not worth it. (They add mostly 2-3 h more story content)

I give this game 7/10 not the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, but not the bestest ether.
Posted 22 March, 2024.
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154 people found this review helpful
67 people found this review funny
106.8 hrs on record (65.3 hrs at review time)
Ride monster
Life good
Monster fight back
Y E E T M O N S T E R !
Monster gone
Think about monster
No regrets

10/10 would ride monster again.
Posted 25 December, 2023.
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1,343.4 hrs on record (1,102.3 hrs at review time)
I make art!
Art is cool, This software is daam cool too.

10/10 (1000 hours and still counting)
Posted 1 November, 2023.
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