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25.1 hrs last two weeks / 2,315.5 hrs on record (2,277.6 hrs at review time)
Posted: 3 Jun @ 10:02am
Updated: 3 Jun @ 5:14pm

Gotta put something here, so have a statement on the crisis made to sound like Ned Flanders.

"Well, hi-diddly-ho, neighborinos! It's your ol' pal Ned Flanders, here to chat about a wee bit of a pickle we're all in with Team Fortress 2. Now, we all know and love TF2 for its fun-diddly-un gameplay, wacky characters, and the sense of community that makes us all feel like one big happy family. But lately, we've been seeing a rise in those no-goodniks called bots, causing all sorts of trouble in our favorite game.

Now, don't you fret or get your mustache in a twist! I want to remind everyone to stick together like glue and keep that positive spirit alive. This bot crisis is just a bump in the road, and with a little bit of neighborly love and cooperation, we'll get through it stronger than ever. Remember to keep our chats friendly and supportive. After all, a kind word can go a long way!

So, let's keep on playing, keep on smiling, and keep on being the best darn community in all of gaming. We'll weather this storm together, just like the Good Book says. Love thy neighbor, and in this case, love thy fellow TF2 player. Okily-dokily?

Stay righteous, folks, and see you on the battlefield!"
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