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111.4 hrs on record
Yes, I played more than 100 hours of this game! And so should you!

Following the first game, the character development and storyline are superb. It features the same simple but now improved user interface as the previous one, so you will probably find it easy to navigate through the main commands. In this title, you will find reappearances of iconic characters as well as the emergence of new strong personalities worthy of their predecessors. In my humble opinion, these class trials are better than ever before, and you will see a whole new level of complexity and suspense at each and every one. The island here in comparison to the closed environment in Happy Trigger gives you a heightened sense of freedom while keeping the same progression style. Goodbye Despair has been a welcomed addition to the series and what might be the most enjoyable game of the trilogy.
Posted 20 June, 2022.
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487.0 hrs on record (112.7 hrs at review time)
comunidade toxica pra caralho no online
Posted 28 June, 2019.
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1 person found this review helpful
34.1 hrs on record (33.2 hrs at review time)
Ta pra quem comprou por 1 dollar no humble bundle vale, mas o jogo e extremamente repetitivo em trilha sonora,combate e as stats são horrorosas.

No começo a historia parece boa mas quando finalmente chega no apice do jogo onde e revelado tudo, eles so jogam uma cutscene de 30 segundos na tela que deixa tudo mal explicado e vc termina o jogo frustrado.

As Animaçoes nao mudam de acordo com suas skills e diferentes tipos de chute ou soco no final tem a mesma animação.

Dialogos extremamentes repetitivos, alguns personagens so tem uma fala kadkaskd

Ta aqui algo que realmente eu senti falta,customização nos visuais do personagem principal uma vez que vc n pode alterar a aparencia dele em nada.

Notal Final 4/10
O jogo não vale 20 reais, eu recomendaria pegar em uma promoção se quiser muito jogar

Posted 3 June, 2019.
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510.7 hrs on record (150.5 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
Posted 30 July, 2018. Last edited 29 November, 2020.
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