Jared   Australia
Australian, Queanbeyan NSW

Hey all, im just a person that loves games, Movies & FRIENDS especially :D

"Oh but i must remember to do homes work & Assignments 1st XS, Oh well :)

Many people say my name as "Kalagayan" in the game but it is actually pronounced "Kalaguyan" Even though it's spelled that way. This is the right way in saying my name so PLZ get it right, Thanks :)

Do you know why it's like that? Well it's because its a name from the Philippines meaning "Situation" :D

Been gaming ever since and still proud of it.

Nicknames: JDK, JD, Jarhead & Sleepy
Birth: Classified
Rank: TBA
* Odd Brothers (2009 - Present)
* FICF (Disbanned)
* Trigger Happy (Formerly)
* Cake Gang (Formerly)
* Bloodmist (Formerly)
* 5.Evil (Formerly)
Weapons: Colt M4A1, Colt M1911A1, M9 Bayonet, M67 Fragmentation Grenades, M203, Colt M16A2, Beretta M9, TAC-12 Combat Knife, FN SCAR-L, Remington ACR, Colt MK 18 Mod 0
Service Length: 2001 - Present
Status: Alive & Active in gaming (Re-Initiating as of 2019)

I love many video games but my favourites are Team Fortress 2, Killing Floor, Battlefield series (3 especially), Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (and other mw series) Brothers in Arms, Left 4 Dead series, The Walking Dead by Telltale, Far Cry 3, Deus Ex series and many others haha.

Currently Offline
Rarest Achievement Showcase
oß.JDKalaguyan 23 Dec, 2011 @ 5:50pm 
No worries bro & thx :), you have an awesome Christmas too :)
Jenna Tolls 22 Dec, 2011 @ 1:07am 
thanks jared for all ya help, much appreciated, have a good christmas yo~
moodz 4 Jul, 2011 @ 12:33am 
your awesome
moodz 4 Jul, 2011 @ 12:32am 
oß. Jets 3 Jul, 2011 @ 2:29am 
Hey cheers buddy :D
oß.JDKalaguyan 3 Jul, 2011 @ 2:21am 
Very good mate, its awesome helping my friends to getting sumthign cool =D