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2.2 hrs last two weeks / 268.5 hrs on record (60.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: 7 Jun, 2023 @ 2:16am
Updated: 7 Jun, 2023 @ 2:20am

- Graphically good looking and pleasing
- Good OST despite having the worst rap crap on character select screen.
- Gameplay is fantastic.
- The versus part run so smooth.
- The Starting roster is great
- There's a story mode/Solo mode available on launch, wow capcom!
- Options are great
- Lots of tutorials for new players to learn the basics and fundamentals.
- Tons of fun modes.
- It's on RE engine, mods are kings on PC.
- The Woke propaganda being fine for now, you still got uncensored outfits, the story isn't impacted by stupid politics and the LGB characters are totally fine. This review might change if they revert that in updates or add the rest of the letters to this.
- The modern controls help but...


- Modern controls are too weak, loss or primodial normals and specials on some characters making them weak and unable to vary combos.
- World tour despite being fun is terribly optimised and sometimes unplayable if you unlock frames even on good pc.
- World tour is also very grindy and unbalanced, the last fights are so boring and stupid.
- World tour doesn't seem to be build for DLC/Expansions, enemies being already lv99 and 2shoting you while you're on max gears lv70.
- The PS prompts are missing, you have to mod the buttons in the game which is stupid in 2023.
- The casino isn't arrived yet but you can catch a glimps of it with ads everywhere, a cash shop with insane pricing already.
- The DLC is pretty weak.
- The battle pass have locked Music in options which is really slimy.
- No way to build points yet beside using credit card already.

To me, it's one of the best versus fighting game of the modern generation. Some tweaks to do and it'll be perfect. I sincerely hope that Capcom won't ♥♥♥♥ up, they started strong but they can still pander/censor and release insanely bad DLCs and casino. They're worse than EA/Konami/Activision & co... I don't trust them.

If you fear them to add this and backstab people, buy this game at a very small price or when the "Ultra super mega edition gold plus plus" release.

If you are only interested in SOLO content, pass too. While being fun at the begining, the WT mode is weak in all aspects. If you seek a real experience like that, buy a Yakuza game.
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