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For $4.99 USD / 5.69 CAD

I believe it's well worth it for the quality of these 8 maps. I've gone through and looked at them separately and if you have the industrial DLC, or just enjoy polluting your cities for the financial benefit I'd consider getting this map pack. Mostly all the maps have large amounts of natural resources to exploit for profit.

Now with that said, sadly while having great potential for huge industrial zones, a lot of the natural resources are outside the 9 tiles you'll purchase with some exceptions. This can be easily fixed with a mod that allow more purchasable tiles. (Plus you can get a mod that allows achievements to still be gained while using a mod called Achieve It!)

Notes: Most of the oil on these maps are land based and wont need offshore oil rigs.
Also two of these maps are European theme by default (Biome Valley & Desert Pass)

Extra Map Info

While not having used these maps very long, I can try to give a brief summary and edit as I play them.

Biome Valley - Personally this map is favourite overall. It feels like it has a lot of variation in the landscape with farmland, forests, hills in the distance and a beautiful river through the middle.
This map is good if you like industrial (mostly oil, farm, small amounts of ore) but would still like a variety of scenery to construct your city. (European theme)

Desert Pass - This map is particularly good for the players who base their economy off industrial zones or those just wanna learn how to use industrial DLC. With the huge amounts of oil, ore and small bits of forestry and water you’re sure to make a killing. But beware this map doesn’t look the best due to the oil fields leaving the ground very flat and dry in colour. (European theme)

Farmland Flats - Exactly how it sounds, a bunch of neatly squared fields outlined with trees. The only resource this map lacks is water, other than that this map is perfect for an eco friendly city with Forestry / Farm industry

Meandering River - A good map for farming with lots of fertile soil and flat land. Forestry could be alright in this map but would have to be spread out for enough trees. Another resource this map is rich with is Ore, but with that said it only has small oil fields. Note this map only has one small river but it flows out to an ocean.

Mountain Taper - If you’re the type of builder who loves making atheistically pleasing cities with tourist areas, sandy beaches, and some tree lined rivers. There's a mountain in the background with a river flowing down from it on two sides, it's beautiful. Sadly this is one of the maps that really suffers from not having enough tiles.

River Valley Plain - This is another one of my favourites just based on looks alone. Surrounded by mountains and rivers. While this map has a lot of resources, they are mostly spread out. This seems like another map that would be perfect for an eco-friendly city and industries

The Eyeland - Want to build an island city with tourist spots near the ocean? This is the map for you. Long breaches, rivers, medium sized islands and all surrounded by a lake/ocean/sea. Sadly this map lacks land in general but with the new soil purchasing feature we shall see. Also cruise ships go right down the river past a decent sized island, making it good for tourist buildings. Mostly a flat map with very few inclines.

Tropical Pass - Basically the same as “The Eyeland” with lots of water, resources, small hills but this time with skinny islands on each side of the mainland this is my least favourite based on looks alone and feels like i couldn’t build a huge or even multiple medium/large sized cities, but again we’ll see.
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Cube 5 Dec, 2021 @ 3:40pm 