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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 121.5 hrs on record (81.3 hrs at review time)
Posted: 11 Jan, 2015 @ 2:27pm

Early Access Review
To start this off, this game is mix between Mario Kart and a metaphorical hampster wheel. You simply run, jump, dive, swing, bounce off walls, and blow the stuffing out of everyone to get ahead of your opponents. If your opponent falls far enough behind and into the Red Zone, you will thus be out of the run. To win, you must be the last man standing in 3 runs.

That being said, the game is very, very fun. It's quick game that will require plenty of reflexes and reaction time. Very easy to pick up for beginners. But as you progress in the game, it will require more effort in each run.

Without further ado, here's the Pros and Cons of the game:

+ Simplistic art style
+ Local AND online play
+ A plethora of game-changing match preferences and items
+ Active Development team (A new update every day/other day)
+ Community involvement from the Dev team (That's how the best games are made)
+ Isn't very taxing on computer requirements (I run just fine on my Gateway laptop)
+ Quite easy to pick up
+ Controller support
+ Perfect party game
+ Workshop editor with a great building community
+ Good family-friendly gameplay (i.e No blood, swearing, etc.)
+ Simple acheivements

- Rather buggy as of the current update
- Higher ranked matches are more based on "Who knows the most glitches to exploit"
- Irritating online lag (randomly spiking to 999 ping before getting disconnecting)
- A sometimes functioning AI
- Random crashing on launch and in game
- Glitchy surfaces (You may get stuck in a wall for 2 seconds, which is life-or-death in this game)
- Not too many players online (Not really something the Devs can fix)

Overall, I would recommend this game to all my friends. Additionally, the game goes on sale quite frequently, so be sure to look for sales before purchasing the game straightaways. For the best experience, play with people you know, as it is far more fun playing that way. I'm personally looking forward to future updates, as the game gets better with each patch/update.

tl;dr Buy this game. Jolly fun.

(Since this is also an Early Access review, these opinions are subject to change with further releases.)
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