Hereward The Wake
Lincolnshire, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
The thought and the spirit of freedom can never die.

William came o'er the sea,
With bloody sword came he:
Cold heart and bloody hand
Now rule the English land.
Earl Valthiof he slew, —
Valthiof the brave and true.
Cold heart and bloody hand
Now rule the English land.
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Hereward The Wake
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Svensk Ungdom
Minns du den tid som jag själv aldrig sett
Då folket var lyckligt, då folket var ett
Så säg mig nu, pappa, hur känns det idag
När du sitter i slagget av det som finns kvar?
När du växte upp, säg mig hur var det då
Var en flicka någonting som man fritt gav sig på?
Gick du på gatan och lyssnade smått
Utan att höra ett ord du förstått?
Var du nånsin tvungen att ensam gå hem
Sen du rånats och slagits av främmande män?

Säg mig hur kunde ni låta det ske?
Ni blunda' för det som en blind kunnat se
Känns det bra, käre far? Är du stolt är du glad?
Och var kommer du stå i vår strid av idag?

De flesta utav er var dumma som få
Men några utav er var värre ändå
De såg det som allvar och inte som lek
De älskade att hata det folk som de svek
Nu kallar de motståndet hat, hets och skrock
Men utanför jagar nu gängen i flock
Och de tackar nog er och de skrattar och ler
Åt den dumhet och feghet som utmärkte er
Men ni borde ha vaknat, ni borde förstått
Ni borde sett allvaret, borde satt stopp

Säg mig hur kunde ni låta det ske?
Ni blunda' för det som en blind kunnat se
Känns det bra, käre far? Är du stolt är du glad?
Och var kommer du stå i vår strid av idag?

Ville ni föda en hel generation
Av mångkulturella och rotlösa hjon?
Men mot era planer stod en verklighet
Där allt som var bra blev en stinkande smet
Nu tvingas vi axla det ansvar ni flytt
Ert samhälle ruttnar, vi bygger ett nytt

Och jag frågar dig, pappa, om du har förstått
Att din åldersgrupp skapelse nu måste bort
Och jag frågar dig: har du ditt samvete kvar
Gör du din plikt nu som man och som far?
Nu tvingas vi axla det ansvar ni flytt
Ert samhälle ruttnar, vi bygger ett nytt
Är du med oss idag? Börjar tanken bli klar?
Eller vänder du ryggen åt framtidens barn?

Säg mig hur kunde ni låta det ske?
Ni blunda' för det som en blind kunnat se
Känns det bra, käre far? Är du stolt är du glad?
Och var kommer du stå i vår strid av idag?

När vi nu tvingas axla det ansvar ni flytt
Ert samhälle ruttnar vi bygger ett nytt
Är du med oss idag? Börjar tanken bli klar?
Eller vänder du ryggen åt framtidens barn?

Gör mother Svea stolt.
Beloved men, know that which is true: this world is in haste and it nears the end.

And therefore things in this world go ever the longer the worse, and so it must needs be that things quickly worsen, on account of people’s sinning from day to day, before the coming of the Antichrist. And indeed it will then be awful and grim widely throughout the world. Understand also well that the Devil has now led this nation astray for very many years, and that little loyalty has remained among men, though they spoke well.

And too many crimes reigned in the land, and there were never many of men who delib­erated about the remedy as eagerly as one should, but daily they piled one evil upon another, and commit­ted injustices and many violations of law all too widely throughout this entire land. And we have also therefore endured many injuries and insults, and if we shall ex­perience any remedy then we must deserve better of God than we have previously done. For with great deserts we have earned the misery that is upon us, and with truly great deserts we must obtain the remedy from God, if hence­forth things are to improve.

Lo, we know full well that a great breach of law shall neces­sitate a great remedy, and a great fire shall necessitate much water, if that fire is to be quenched. And it is also a great necessity for each of men that he henceforth eagerly heed the law of God better than he has done, and justly pay God’s dues.

In heathen lands one does not dare withhold little nor much of that which is appointed to the worship of false gods; and we withhold everywhere God’s dues all too often. And in heathen lands one dares not curtail, within or without the temple, anything brought to the false gods and entrusted as an offering. And we have entirely stripped God’s houses of everything fitting, within and without, and God’s servants are everywhere deprived of honor and protec­tion. And some men say that no man dare a­buse the servants of false gods in any way among heathen people, just as is now done widely to the servants of God, where Christ­ians ought to observe the law of God and protect the servants of God.

But what I say is true: there is need for that remedy because God’s dues have dimin­ished too long in this land in every district, and laws of the people have deteriorated entirely too greatly. And sanc­tuaries are too widely violated, and God’s houses are entirely stripped of all dues and are stripped within of everything fitting. And widows are widely forced to marry in unjust ways and too many are impoverished and fully humiliated; and poor men are sorely betrayed and cruelly defrauded, and sold widely out of this land into the power of foreigners, though innocent; and infants are enslaved by means of cruel injustices, on account of petty theft everywhere in this nation.

And the rights of freemen are taken away and the rights of slaves are restricted and charitable obligations are curtailed. Free men may not keep their independence, nor go where they wish, nor deal with their property just as they desire; nor may slaves have that property which, on their own time, they have obtained by means of difficult labor, or that which good men, in Gods favor, have granted them, and given to them in charity for the love of God.

But every man decreases or with­holds every charitable obligation that should by rights be paid eagerly in Gods favor, for in­justice is too widely common among men and lawlessness is too widely dear to them.

And in short, the laws of God are hated and his teaching despised; therefore we all are fre­quent­ly disgraced through God’s anger, let him know it who is able. And that loss will be­come universal, although one may not think so, to all these people, unless God protects us. Therefore it is clear and well seen in all of us that we have previously more often trans­gressed than we have amended, and therefore much is greatly assailing this nation.

No­thing has prospered now for a long time either at home or abroad, but there has been military devastation and hunger, burning and blood­shed in nearly every district time and again. And stealing and slaying, plague and pesti­lence, murrain and disease, malice and hate, and the robbery by robbers have injured us very terribly.

And excessive taxes have afflicted us, and storms have very often caused failure of crops; therefore in this land there have been, as it may appear, many years now of injustices and unstable loyalties everywhere among men. Now very often a kinsman does not spare his kinsman any more than the foreigner, nor the father his children, nor sometimes the child his own father, nor one brother the other. Neither has any of us ordered his life just as he should, neither the ecclesiastic according to the rule nor the lay­man according to the law, but we have trans­formed desire into laws for us entirely too often, and have kept neither precepts nor laws of God or men just as we should. Neither has anyone had loyal intentions with respect to others as justly as he should, but almost everyone has deceived and injured another by words and deeds; and indeed almost everyone unjustly stabs the other from behind with shameful assaults and with wrongful accusa­tions — let him do more, if he may.

Alas, many a great kinsman can easily call to mind much in addition which one man could not hastily investigate, how wretchedly things have fared now all the time now widely throughout this nation. And indeed let each one examine himself well, and not delay this all too long. But lo, in the name of God, let us do as is needful for us, protect ourselves as earnestly as we may, lest we all perish together.

There was a historian in the time of the Britons, called Gildas, who wrote about their misdeeds, how with their sins they infuriated God so excessively that He finally allowed the English army to conquer their land, and to destroy the host of the Britons entirely. And that came about, just as he said, through breach of rule by the clergy and through breach of laws by laymen, through robbery by the strong and through coveting of ill-gotten gains, violations of law by the people and through unjust judgments, through the sloth of the bishops and folly, and through the wicked cowardice of messengers of God, who swallowed the truths entirely too often and they mumbled through their jaws where they should have cried out; also through foul pride of the people and through gluttony and manifold sins they destroyed their land and they themselves perished. But let us do as is necessary for us, take warning from such; and it is true what I say, we know of worse deeds among the English than we have heard of anywhere among the Britons; and therefore there is a great need for us to take thought for ourselves, and to intercede eagerly with God himself. And let us do as is necessary for us, turn towards the right and to some extent abandon wrong-doing, and eager­ly atone for what we previously transgressed; and let us love God and follow God’s laws, and carry out well that which we promised when we received baptism, or those who were our sponsors at baptism; and let us order words and deeds justly, and cleanse our thoughts with zeal, and keep oaths and pledges carefully, and have some loyalty between us without evil practice. And let us often reflect upon the great Judgment to which we all shall go, and let us save ourselves from the welling fire of hell torment, and gain for ourselves the glories and joys that God has prepared for those who work his will in the world. God help us. Amen.
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Quercus will allow the virtuous to pass by unhindered, while the lecherous English louts will be confined to the room of trickery.
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Dream of that *Lick* independent *Lick* vibrant culture that you can install upon these green lands.
Hereward The Wake 29 Dec, 2024 @ 10:27pm 
Greetings Baron Thom, my understanding was that despite Owlcat stating they recanted and reverted to the previous EULA, at a later date they covertly re added the EULA that they initially vowed to remove. Albeit, regardless of the circumstances of the current EULA, I would likely preserve my negative review, as a warning to newcomers that this company has a history of engaging in dubious business practices.
thom 27 Dec, 2024 @ 10:47am 
Hello Hereward, you left a negative review for the pathfinder game stating that the EULA wants sell your data, which is of course a terrible business decision and not okay. But the post you linked says that the company listened and has addressed the issue, would that change your negative review to a recommendation?
Hereward The Wake 7 Oct, 2024 @ 11:54pm 
Observe how Murb here is ostensibly so fatigued and nonchalantly unfazed by my words that he has not only blocked my entity, but has additionally gone the extra mile in incessantly sleuthing about my profile, poising himself for yet another baleful riposte, feigning drowsiness when I inevitably respond to his gesture that is bereft of any substance and intrigue. Murb, you are a sanctimonious hypocrite, wreathed in duplicity, who is inexplicably unable to acknowledge your cravenly demeanor. A wretched, wiry beast who spurns fair and candid discourse, without resorting to sly tricks and Saesneg induced deceit.
Murb 2 Oct, 2024 @ 10:55am 
Murb 16 Sep, 2024 @ 11:58am 
Hereward The Wake 16 Sep, 2024 @ 2:38am 
Prithee elaborate my deranged and wholly nonsensical peon of delusion, as to why you have sauntered onto my domain, blustering and spluttering phlegm, as your breath wanes and your ruddy countenance turns an even deeper, unfathomable hue of crimson, without first introducing yourself. I have inquired as to who you are, yet instead of acknowledging my query, you divert onto a topic of no doubt immense, albeit dubious importance to you, which unfortunately is completely, utterly and unequivocally ambiguous to I.

Now let us acquaint yourselves, what brings you to my demesne?