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13 people found this review helpful
13.0 hrs on record (9.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I'm sorry to say, but I simply can't recommend this game yet.

While the design and presentation is really charming and cute, which makes it just fun to look at, the game has too many bugs. I purchased it shortly after it's EA release and it had heavy AI flaws and problematic controls. I thought to myself, "Give it some time." Some time has passed, and I'm still encountering the same bugs as before.

Whenever I try to design an advanced building, using all the tools available, workers won't start build it. It seems some combinations of walls, items or whatever are just not possible, even if the tools allow it in the building menue. Sometimes they start digging the ground out, but then they just stop. Even loading the savefile or restarting the game doesn't solve the problem.

Sometimes the people at the workbenches just won't do their job. There is a log on the bench, there is work to be done, but they won't do anything. These bugs are stoping the game in its function, are very frustrating and happen pretty frequently.

Maybe it's just something with my system (I doubt it), but I guess it's simply not really ready to be played yet. You can buy it to support the developers and try it for yourself, but I honestly would suggest: Wait.

EDIT - 25.01.16

I gave it another shot and I'm still encountering the same problems. I can't get passed the first two houses for my seddlers, because they just won't start building them. What I don't understand is, when I look at some screenshots of other players, they have super nice villages and castles. How!?
Something is going very wrong here. Very unfortunate.
Posted 8 September, 2015. Last edited 25 January, 2016.
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16.0 hrs on record (14.9 hrs at review time)
Freedom Planet ist vermutlich eins der besten Beispiele dafür, wie ein Entwickler ein recht altes Konzept aus der Versenkung hervorholt, besonders viel Liebe und Arbeit hineinsteckt, um es dann für eine große Fanbase des Genres zu perfektionieren.

Es handelt sich um einen äusserst rasanten Action-Platformer, der sich dabei an einem bekannten Maskottchen orientiert. Sonic! Und das wird auch sofort klar wenn man Screenshots oder Gameplay Videos des Spiels ansieht, und eben darum geht es auch. Wenn man jedoch dann das Spiel selber spielt, wird einem etwas schnell bewusst - Galaxy Trail hat vermutlich das beste Sonic Spiel gemacht das es jemals gab, das Sonic Spiel das wir alle verdient haben.

Und eben daher zieht das Spiel natürlich auch seine größte Stärke, dem an Sonic orientiertem Gameplay. Mit drei (wirklich komplett) verschiedenen Charakteren rast ihr durch gigantische, genial designte Level und haut dabei Aliens und Robotern eins auf die Mütze. Die einzelnen Level sind in verschiedene Areale unterteilt, die mit anderer Musik und teilweise auch Mechaniken aufwarten. Und sie sind groß! Wenn ihr nicht einfach so durchrennt und ein bisschen auf sammelbare Items achtet, werdet ihr ungefähr 20 Minuten brauchen, inklusive Bosskampf. Während das Spiel am Anfang noch gemächlich mit euch umgeht, wird es von Level zu Level schwieriger, genau wie es eben sein soll. Mit den Bossen sieht es genauso aus. Am Anfang schafft ihr es noch locker mit ein bisschen spamen alles umzuhauen, wenn ihr euch später jedoch keine Muster merken könnt, werdet ihr schnell den Kürzeren ziehen. Der Endkampf ist eine hammerharte Herausforderung, jedoch absolut schaffbar. Timing ist alles.

Auch wenn die Story auf den ersten Blick relativ simpel und klischeereich aussieht, war es für mich doch die ganze Zeit so, das ich wissen wollte wie es weiter geht. Das liegt wohl in erster Linie daran das sie einfach toll durch gute Dialoge und cutscenes erzählt wird. Um es kurz zu machen - Ein heimtückischer Aliengeneral greift die Heimatwelt der Protagonisten an, um einen Stein als Energiequelle zu stehlen und muss aufgehalten werden.

Ein weiterer Anteil an der tollen Erzählung spielt dabei das voiceacting aller Charaktere. Selten habe ich so geniale Sprecher in einem Videospiel gehört! Es geht dabei garantiert unter meine Top 5. Man merkt, das sich die Entwickler besonders viel Zeit bei der Auswahl ihrer Sprecher genommen haben, jeder Charakter hat die absolut passende Stimme und die Sprecher leisten hervorragende Arbeit. Richtige Emotionen und Gefühle werden rübergebracht, es gibt keine merkwürdigen audio clippings, alles ist perfekt abgemischt, wenn Charaktere sich ins Wort fallen war das so mit Absicht und es macht einfach großen Spaß zuzuhören. Ich könnte stundenlang über das voiceacting schwärmen!

Grafisch orientiert sich das Spiel natürlich auch an seinem großen Vorbild. Levels, Figuren, Effekte und Animationen sind alle in der 16-bit Grafik gehalten, wobei hier und da eben auch ein moderner Hauch hinzugefügt wird. Es kommt jedenfalls ein tolles Genesis oder Saturn feeling auf. Auch die Charaktere haben den typischen Sonic-Artstyle, wobei sie meiner Meinung nach nun nicht aussehen wie der typische deviantArt OC. Ich mag sie jedenfalls.

Der einzig kleine Dämpfer den ich zu vermerken habe ist, das es mit aktiviertem Steam-Overlay es zu sprite glitches kommen kann. Dann sieht man einfach mal garnichts oder alles wird falsch dargestellt, jedoch ist dieser Fehler mit der Deaktivierung behoben und ist patch-technisch wohl auch nur eine Frage der Zeit.


Sonic in gut.

Ich frage mich, ob Sega sich schämt...

Kindom Stone / 10
Posted 1 August, 2015. Last edited 1 August, 2015.
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3 people found this review helpful
26.5 hrs on record (21.8 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
The game is utter nonesense. Yet we love it somehow.

You can buy the game every 2-3 weeks for 5$, encouraging some foul players to create new accounts and try out the latest hax. A lot of people actually does that apperantly.

Get into matchmaking, just to get thrown into a closing game. Thus, loading the maps twice. The game can't really comprehend that sometimes, so that your UI get bugged. Also, audio clipping. Audio clipping everywhere.

Armsrace: Get stuck on the worst Shotguns in the history of FPS. Deathmatch: Get frustrated over the worst spawns in the history of FPS. Casual: Make a little mistake and waste another two minutes, waiting. Ranked: Receive a headshot from the other end of the map in the first 20 seconds.

Waste 5$ on "Operarion Bloodhound", if you want some tedious and really stupid missions, which give you what? More exp. Wow. Also, the new maps are really awesome.
So awesome, that you get stuck on bugged spawnpoints sometimes and can't move.

Yet, probably one of the more enjoyable FPS experiences out there right now.
Posted 14 June, 2015. Last edited 9 September, 2015.
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2 people found this review helpful
6.8 hrs on record
The lava!
Posted 24 August, 2014. Last edited 24 August, 2014.
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2 people found this review helpful
1 person found this review funny
2.8 hrs on record
So unterhaltsam wie ein Goldfischglas.
Posted 20 July, 2014.
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72 people found this review helpful
41.9 hrs on record (41.8 hrs at review time)
ATTENTION! Detailed Review and Beginner Tips up ahead!

(At first, don't believe the negative reviews with 2-3 hrs playtime. I'm sorry to say but they simply don't know how the game works and it seems these players don't have enough patience to try some things out before ranting about a game. It is NOT p2w.)

This game is awesome!
"Ascend: Hand of Kul" is an Action RPG which takes place in a brutal fantasy world, in which the humans are the tiniest creatures. You play as a so called 'Caos', summoned giant warriors, who are the champions of the new three gods, Darkness, Void and Light. Capable of using magic and any weapon, they're deadly beserkers, ready to conquer the land for the god they represent. The ultimate goal is to kill Kul theTitan, who reigns the land with terror.

The time you play is basicly singleplayer, but it got a twist which is comparable to the multiplayer in Dark Souls. While you play, you will see the shadows of other players in your area, who are fighting on their own. With special spells, you can curse or bless them and effect their game with additional enemies or buffs.

After reaching a certain level, your Caos will be able to 'ascend'. That means that he sacrifices the most of his equipment and 5 levels to gain a permanent buff, depending on which god you chose. The status, spells and equipment of the Caos in the moment he ascends is saved and will then invade worlds of other players as a NPC to try to conquer their territories. After ascending you can design your Caos anew and choose a different god, which is recomendable to buy other spells.
Everything in the game is payed with souls. You gain souls mainly by killing enemies with a high combo meter, but also by holding more and more territories. You're able to buy new equipment, spells, buffs and runes but also can upgrade and repair your stuff.

So, a common complain about this game is, that the equipment of your Caos breaks quite quickly. Which is true. The durability of your armor weakens every time you get hit, while your weapon weakens with every slash you do. You can then spend a lot of souls to repair it. Due to this, many people tempt to say this game is pay2win, because you can spend real money for more souls.
That statement is stupid.

The developers added the forge, with which you can repair your equipment quite quickly and for free. All you have to do, is to use it behind your spawnpoint in your sanctuary. You can even find some in the open areas. The repairs will take some minutes, but you can go AFK in that time and make a little pause or something. (Just make sure that you won't tap out the game, it will then pause and won't repair your stuff.) Even total broken stuff will be fixed 100% in less than 5 minutes. So haters about that can go home.

I'm playing this game for 20 hours now and still having a lot of fun.
The gameplay might be a little repetative due to the small amount of different enemy types but beeing a F2P game, it's freaking cool! For the end, some beginner tips I figured out:

Use the forge to do it!

(On the low levels at least...) You will find enough stuff in chests.

Every enemy type got attack patterns, which can be blocked or evaded.
A high combo is the key to more souls.

They are the most usefull thing in combat. You can have 5 equiped and unleash them quickly. Some of them can even interrupt bosses and do alot of damage without beeing in their range.

#5 - Have MORE THAN ONE WEAPON when entering a catacomb!
Catacombs are like dungeons, long and dangerous. It is quite certain that one of
your weapons will break in it, so have backup.

It might be tempting to ally with the sexy evil goddess first, but she got the worst starter spells.
For Void beeing the god of magic, he got the most and more powerfull spells. You might want to ally with him in the beginning to get the first two spells for free, you can change the god later anyway.

So yeah, I guess those are the most usefull tips.

I hope you liked my detailed opinion on the game!
Try it out, it's for free!
Posted 15 June, 2014. Last edited 1 January, 2015.
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2 people found this review helpful
36.6 hrs on record (29.9 hrs at review time)
Guns of Icarus ist endlich mal ein innovatives Spiel, denn einen Zeppelinsimulator gab es in den letzten Jahren definitiv nicht.

Dabei ist das Prinzip recht simpel. Mit drei anderen Spielern bemannt ihr einen Zeppelin und fechtet in Luftschlachten gegen andere Mannschaften aus, wer die beste Crew abgibt.
Dabei gibt es drei verschiedene Klassen, den Piloten, den Kannonier und den Ingenieur. Diese haben dementprechende Aufgaben auf dem Schiff, wobei jede Klasse auch ein Stück weit jede Rolle erfüllen kann. Je länger ihr mit einer Klasse spielt, desto mehr "Progress" macht ihr mit ihr und schaltet so neue Stufen und sogar Items für die Charakterindividualisierung frei. Mit einer guten Crew kann man selbst gegen die dicksten Zeppeline im Luftkampf bestehen.

Die Mechaniken des Spiel mögen auf den ersten Blick ein wenig merkwürdig erscheinen, jedoch gibt es ein ausführliches Tutorial das euch klasse in diese einführt.
Ausserdem ist in das Spiel ein gut funktionierender Voicechat eingebaut, mit dem ihr euch ohne Probleme mit euer Crew auf dem Schiff verständigen könnt. Sollte man diesen nicht nutzen wollen oder können, gibt es per Tastendruck Schnellbefehle die euer Charakter dann ruft. Und einen Chat für Crew, Team und Match natürlich auch...

Grafik und Sound des Spiels sind solide. Durch verschiedene Wettereffekte auf den Karten kommt zB. eine tolle Stimmung auf, während man auf seinem Zeppelin hin und herflitzt während einem die Kugeln um die Ohren jagen und man verzweifelt mit seinem Hammer auf die Geräte eindrischt, das sie endlich wieder funktionieren!

Bisher habe ich einen Mordsgaudi mit Guns of Icarus! Jede Klasse macht Spaß und Zeppeline und Karten fühlen sich insgesamt sehr balanciert an. Selbst mit der Community habe ich bisher 95% gute Erfahrungen gemacht.

Von daher, eine herzenswarme Empfehlung von mir!
Posted 21 May, 2014. Last edited 1 June, 2014.
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2 people found this review helpful
1.8 hrs on record
This game is nothing but a joke. I spend like 3 bucks for this and still regret it, because it is like 2hrs long!

It want's to be replayed because it's a platformer and there are more collectables, but holy cow. It isn't even fun. Every ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 25 years old MegaMan is more fun than this.

Considering the normal price of 10 bucks for a 2hrs long game - it's pure madness.

Don't waste your money!
Posted 3 March, 2014. Last edited 9 September, 2015.
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2 people found this review helpful
105.6 hrs on record (104.7 hrs at review time)
Loadout is pure fun!

There are many things I love about this game.
First, its F2P and in no case P2W. You earn "Blutes" while playing with which you can buy and upgrade weapon parts. The purchasable gold coins won't make you a better player.

The graphics are great. You'll get a cartoony, still polished look with amazing effects and funny characters. The weapons and gadgets are decently balanced. There are some strong set up's, sure. But even the very first Assault Rifle and Launcher can be pretty effective weapons.

But if you can't master the movement in the game, strong weapons won't help you either.

The gamemodes are fun, each got a little twist. For example, it's not "Capture the flag" but "Capture the hammer"and the hammer-carrier can attack with it 5 times. This makes it much more interessting.

I have only one real complain about the game.

If you like funny action and TPS, you have to try this out!
Posted 24 February, 2014. Last edited 9 September, 2015.
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5 people found this review helpful
3.8 hrs on record (3.8 hrs at review time)
Probably, nobody will agree with me, but I frikin HATE THIS GAME!

Yes, the visuals are very nice. But this is the only point I liked about this game. The gameplay is way too slow, you are forced to dogderoll all the time to get moving. Which is risky, cause you'll probably fall off the edge and lose more time. While fighting you are always limited to those small panels and ways, which pop up to slow sometimes.

There is no real difference in all the weapons you can unlock, same with encountered enemies, except bosses. It's either flailing or charge shooting, whatever. I got nightmares from the music, it's so dang repetitive.

For me as a german, with subtitles for the narrator, he becomes annoying as well. His english is advanced and a bit mumbled, you are forced to read the subtitles to know what's going on. But when you do, you are gettin whacked by monsters.

It was interessting in the beginning, but got very annoying very quick.

I can understand why many people like this game, but Geezus, I frikin hate it.
Posted 27 November, 2013. Last edited 9 September, 2015.
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