Michael Urban   San Clemente, California, United States
Hey, I'm Mike, but in the digital realm, I prefer to be called Breadcrab for reasons my therapist still doesn't understand. I live in San Clemente, California, USA for the time being, but just wait until my underwater base is completed.

I also write for a site about single-player gaming called (link below) that you should probably check out. Right now. Or I'll do something drastic. Like crying.

Things I like: Video games (obviously), pasta, writing, reading (once in a blue moon), wasting brain cells on youtube, and just having fun.
Things I dislike: Onions, tanks, hackers, honey mustard, Steven Crowder, and anyone who is currently reading these words. (kidding about the last one!)

I accept most friend requests, so don't be shy. Just be afraid, because I'm a little crazy.

Playstation network profile: Breadcrab
Currently Offline
=(e)=™Shadowblaze72 25 Dec, 2013 @ 7:50pm 
Merry Christmas my old friend, hope you've had an awesome day!
Breadcrab 19 Nov, 2012 @ 8:24pm 
Well, I just edited my profile after leaving it untouched for a year or so. I feel strangely accomplished despite doing very little. Then again, that's my life story.
Sion202 16 Dec, 2010 @ 12:27pm 
Can't wait for the birthday party :D it's going to be sick