'Eguiep your gweepons.' - Soup
'Windows writes history.' - Soup
'Whoops there's a swastika on my video.' - Sentine
'Go discriminate yourself.' - Cookie
'Is quick-setting cement a vehicle?' - Soup
'Blackdog I'm resisting the urge to call you my boyfriend.' - me
'May god rest upon your soul.' "Why?" 'You look comfy.' - Cookie and me
'We don't need to question Voldemort's sexuality.' - me
'The Left is rising out of my stomach' - Soup
'You got hacked by the Amish.' - Sentine
'I just experienced a LUA error in my body.' - Soup
'Rainforest trees have met my ass.' - Amanita
'Bulletproof yeast.' - Soup at 5AM
'I'm choking on my own air.' - Soup
'I shot Greta Thunberg!' "How dare you?" - Soup and Cookie
'What was my first suggestion? 9/11!' - Sentine
'If you put it in your pocket the pocket goes oof.' - Soup regarding ice cream
'So what you basically built is a surface-to-somewhere missile.' - Soup
'I'm gonna stick some issues up my nose.' - me
'If orange is called orange then why aren't lemons called yellow?' - Greek philosopher Sentine
'Oh no, I'm being outmanouvered by a lawnmower.' - Soup
'I didn't want to reproduce, I wanted to invade Poland.' - Soup
'I'm afraid your sprinkler system is taking off!' - Soup
'I'm a resilient piece of ♥♥♥♥. *coughs and dies*' - Azuki
'Who are you and why are you in my left ear?' - me
'You filthy peasant, you have been beaten by an egg.' - Blackdog
'What do you have against Jesus?' "Capslock." - me and Epic
'Now Hitler is on top of you and he's licking Guiep's face.' - Cookie
'CAN YOU TURN OFF THE LIGHTS- oh wait that's the sun.' - me
'I just got a cramp from laughing at unexploded ammunition.' - Soup
'I dare you to drink those pencils.' - Sentine
'I just checked the OwO frequency.' - Amanita
'Are you using a sonar to look over a fence?' - me
'How does having liquid simulations stop you from shooting people?' - Sentine
'Getting a sock thrown at you is not a fortune.' - Sentine the Misfortune Teller
'Autonomous Drone 35, I've eaten a beehive.' - Soup
('That's unfortunate son.' - Autonomous Drone 35)
'Snort your numbers kids.' - Sentine
'Stop sexually harrassing my axe!' - me
'Can you fart in D-Minor?' - Soup
'I'm gonna talk to a coffee filter for the rest of my life.' - Soup
'I am tracking a walrus with a chance of 33%!' - Soup
'Can you stop licking your table?' "But it's good stuff!" - me and Soup
'Can they stop having a peace conference when I'm eating yogurt?!' - Soup
'Toyota Hilux, the perfect alternative to morphine.' -Soup
'Have you ever seen a 5 year old? They're very dangerous.' - Soup
'I squished a bird to have infinite birds.' - FishHead
'Are you sure that the baby isn't a radio jammer?' - me
'Rollertoaster Tycoon.' - Soup
'Weed is the god's will.' - Mustard
'We have a landmine running around our base!' - Soup
'Can you do me a flavour?' - Xelantro
'Can we make Jehovah's Witness a SWAT unit?' - me
'If you live in a factory everything is home made.' - Greek philosopher Sentine
'OH NO! My beef ravioli is sealed!' - Blackdog
'This is not a pen, THIS IS NOT A PEN!' - Soup
'Prometheus can suck my ass.' - Soup
'Don't forget to whisper until you're legal.' - Cookie
'FBI OPEN UP!' "No." 'We have pizza.' "Ooooo?" - Sentine and me
'I don't tryhard, I just play the game.' - Azuki 2020
'The fastest fap in the west.' - missile fetishist Epic
'I'm gonna be a buttplug!' - Cookie
'The democratic system inconveniences baby Hitler.' - me
'I can't lock onto god!' - Blackdog
'And you have black hair...' "No I don't?" 'That wasn't a question.' - Cookie and me
'It's essentially just clapping with two hands.' - Soup
'It's not quantum physics, it's cannibalism.' - me
'I'm already mounting the goat.' - Soup
'But I want to get my early bird reward!' 'You will get an early bird ban!' - me and Xelantro
'I have Jesus in my friend's list, see?' - Mustard
Εκτός σύνδεσης
The one, the only, WALL OF QUOTES
'I'll be using napalm to defend my garlic bread.' - me
'Can you stop putting Soeder in my channel?' - Famfo
'Does Bill Nye classify as an IED?' - Blackdog
'Harambe was not a German philosopher.' - me
'I don't need your comments right now, I need an ambulance.' - Cookie
'If you don't shut your mouth I'm gonna make you a Spanish Opening!' - me
'Fishing is for people who can't afford a golf club.' - Soup
'We'll. Put. A. Dyson. Sphere. Around. The. Sun. So. Noone. Can. Have. A. Day. The. 'Understandable. Have. A. Day. Meme.' Will. Cease. To. Be. Funny.' - robot Sentine
'What's the point then? It's got no cat ♥♥♥♥ on it!'- me
'Someone came up to me and asked me 'Why are you shooting here?', I turn around and it's Obama.' - Sentine
'Could you say that the first crusade was Urban warfare?' - Mustard
'I see where my error is; I forgot to give him legs.' - Xenobis
'Reject humanity, become beef jerky.' - Sentine
'Annex drei noodles.' - me
'Where's the lamp sauce?' "IT'S CALLED OIL" - me and Mustard
'What's friendship worth?' "Tax benefits." - me and Mustard
'It's like he's a dictator but whenever he's on the toilet it's freedom time.' - Xenobis
'You weaponised dingus' - Mustard
'I didn't forget, I just need to remember.' - Greek philosopher Sentine
'Small package, big damage.' - Sentine
'Naturally I am a friend of Picasso's.' - me
'Just burns down a building whenever he wants to talk.' - Mustard
'It's never too late to cut off someone's balls.' - me
'It's just like Jehovah's Witness, except suicidal and and with bombs.' - me
'No one said the lips had to be on the man!' - Soup
'Would you rather have a horny dude or a horny calculator?' - Soup
'I am not an expert on buying ukuleles, however that is not a ukulele.' - Epic
'Oh Guiep the corn starch, I cannot hold myself back!' - Soup
'The rocks are communist, convince me otherwise.' - me
'I may have to leave this community, it is full of hippies who wear pants.' - me
'I don't even know where my bottom is.' - Soup
'I've got them locked between my fleet and my pampers.' - Soup
'Your primal desire for safety disgusts me.' - Amanita
'What's more interesting than my bar? ... Oh... radiation.' - dissapointed Sentine
'Famfo actually lays the biggest eggs.' - Blueberry
'You can't digest soundwaves.' - me
'According to observation, it is very likely we exist.' - Soup
'Sentine turns into an elephant when threatened.' - me
'Most important is, everyone had gun.' - Soup
'What do you know about meteors?' 'I'm a meteorologist.' - Soup and me
'Are you a fish...? you're money...' - Epic
'I'm not wasting 50 grams on being gay!' - Soup
'Are naked rodents making you uncomfortable?' - Dřej
'Interesting. Anyway; mushrooms with economy.' - Sentine
'STAY CALM EVERYBODY STAY CALM' *randomly shooting* - Sentine
'You are preventing me from cooking spaghetti!' "I'm glad me talking about IKEA is leading to your starvation" - Mustard and me
'Eat the rich. The nutrient rich I mean.' - Mustard
'Curiosity ends where tentacle hentai begins.' - Soup
'Hitler is not a colour!' - Mustard
'Running towards the enemy and reloading is like pulling your pants down as you're running to the toilet.' - me
'Sentine, why do you keep turning into different anime girls in front of those kids?' - me
'Shin impact? I've done that many times.' - Sentine
'He almost dies, he gets his head cut off.' - Sentine
'What are you laughing about, the gun?' " the heart attack..." - Sentine and me
'I have salad as my admiral. You should invest in salad too Guiep.' - Sentine
'I'd just like to know the intricacies of transporting a disgusting yellow couch from Brno to the middle of a frozen lake in Iceland.' - me
'Soup, open your borders to me. Have you seen how long I am?' - Toti
'Nuts are awesome. ... Don't quote me on that.' - Soup
'I'm moving on, there's just one universe left.' "Three actually." 'Oh really?' - Soup and Toti
'Hold on I thought we were talking about Shrek, not communism.' - me
'If you didn't want to tell me about camel poop, why have you mentioned it?' - me
'If you've found a way to diddle a natural logarithm then I am impressed.' - me
'I'm not going to elaborate on the quantity of railroad infrastructure in my cereals.' - Soup
'I think I have to go with the elderly blowjobs.' - Famfo
'What do you have against ♥♥♥♥ erectus?' "Nothing, I love erect ♥♥♥♥♥!" - Mustard and Xelantro
'Kidnapping people is the best way to get new friends.' - Azuki
'On my way to the toilet I found a croissant on the floor.' - Mustard
'I'm googling hamster poop. Forgive me FBI agent.' - Xelantro
'I can masturbate to heterosexual things, so you can too!' - Xelantro
'♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Nazi talking about Asgard, you should guard you ass.' - Mustard
'I'm very squared.' - me, expressing fear
'You do the deal, I'm gonna look for dildos.' - me
'*sniff* room still smells like Path of Exile.' - Mustard
'You can either be gay or gay with tits.' - Xelantro
'This is much easier when you have infinite amounts of healing packed in a Windex sprayer.' - Mustard
'The grave was already dug I just jumped in it.' - Sentine
'They're not gonna let you into China if you have a Town Hall below level 10.' - Xelantro
'Drunk drivers are the most oppressed minority, rise up.' - Mustard
'We can't let the Moon blow up, it's bad for business.' - Saddam
'There's an ass in progress and I'm not invited?' - Mustard
'Google Spreadsheets may have given up but math never gives up!' - Kurka
'I won't be bigoted towards suicide bombers in the future I promise.' - me
'You ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ morons.' - Potato, prior to being shot
'The tapeworm community is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ livid right now.' - Saddam
'Imagine meeting god and he just vores you.' - Saddam
'Boss Baby was just about to crucify you.' - Sentine
'We were well refrigerated before you came along.' - Saddam
'Yea, tactical hopskotch in the bedroom! I think that should be a position...' - Bert
'♥♥♥♥ you tactical hrnek.' - Sentine
'I actually forgot that murder is a crime.' - Sentine
'I learned how to masturbate at the death of Slovak statesmen from Masaryk.' - me
'Someone'll die and I don't know if it's gonna be me.' - Sentine
'I got really into watching gay porn.' - Ty
'Oh this is porn. I thought this was bodycam footage.' - Ty
'You know I'm just laying here... roasting my ass off... thristy as ♥♥♥♥.' - me
'I can imagine Saddam as a raisin.' - Bert
'Copernicus kept sleeping with my wife. It was actually destroying Poland.' - Ty
'You're gonna stop climate change? Honestly? That's pretty gamer.' - Potato
'I'm going to leave you with the lukewarm presence of Marx.' "Oh no, I can feel him already!" - me and Ty
'Every time he bends over Sauron can see everything.' - Sentine
'I'm gonna send it under the uh... nudes of Margaret Thatcher.' - Ty
'I’m sorry I’ve cheated on you with a 16th century piece of fabric'. - Ty
'What if our ♥♥♥♥♥ kissed each other under the hotel succulent? 😳' - me
'I like my women like I like my lightbulbs.' "Constantly turned on." 'My electricity bills are through the roof.' - Ty and me
'Oh don't worry you'll have every right to talk about Arnold Schawrzeneger when I'm done.' - Ty
'It's a really nice model. Look at those big chonky fuel tanks!' - Bert
'We need to expose the Jewish ratattouille conspiracy.' - me
'You're asking me why a keyboard that costs less than a McDonalds order might be bad?' - Sentine
'They've jammed his lungs!' - me
'There are a lot of things I want up my ass but shrapnel is not one of them.' - Stathen
'He straight up looks like a 1984 book cover.' - Sentine
'They can defenestrate me all they want, they still got an erection from a man.' - Ty
'...and then at the end Jan Hus comes back from heaven like Goku, playing a saxophone!' - Ty
'You can make a testicles masubi.' - Ty
'What if you come home and you find me wrapped in a blanket like a burrito?' "I'd probably just put you in the microwave." - me and Ty
'I'm going to go where no catgirl has gone before.' "In a can." - me and Ty
'The classic game of 'Is it a nude or is it aquarium mold?'.' - Ty
'Let me mansplain and tell you what it's like to be trans.' - Ty
'Actually a guy can still get ♥♥♥♥♥♥ by a girl with a strap-on and be straight.' "Yea it's called international women's day." - me and Ty
'There's nothing gay about the Link videos.' "Cope?" 'YES.' - Ty and me
'Are you denying femboys their identity as men?' "YES." - me and Ty
'I forgot that the letter 9 existed.' - Ty
'I will become Cyberpunk twink.' - Sentine
'I refuse to recognize Visegrád as a nationality.' "It's still better than Hungarian." - me and Hungamer
'The bravery; commendable, the intelligence; not much.' - Sentine
'If you're so much against bisexuals, why don't you put up a straight pride flag?' "Isn't that just a swastika?" - me and Ty
'Rules are meant to be broken.' "Does that mean you're gonna suck ♥♥♥♥ or build a nuclear bomb?" - Hungamer and me
'I could've been a homeless man in Turkey.' - Potato
'Yea I'm 5'5.6".' "Absolutely NATO standard girlfriend." - me and Ty
'From real life? No, Mallo is Polish.' - Sentine
'What if I wanna cry, who's gonna stop me?' "Hammer." - me and Sentine
'Honestly running over a small child is a victimless crime.' - Basil
'My reverence for life only goes so far.' - me
'Other primates have power drills.' - Potato
'W e a r e b e i n g s o f p u r e l i g h t. F u c k y o u b i t c h WOOOOO.' - Potato
'I have three favorite facts about Himmler and here are two of them.' - me
'Now that Lucka isn't here we're listening to the UCK march.' - Sentine
'Buy a top.' "You can buy those?" - me and Sentine
'Day to day, being gay.' - Potato
'At least I almost died with my favorite girlfriend.' - Ty
'Hot. Steaming. Piss.' - Soup
'Would you have sad nipples?' - Ty
'Pain is a myth made up by poor people who don't want to work.' - XRA
'Stop it. Get some help.' "Where? Alcoholics Anonymous?" 'No, Alcoholics Notorious.' - Ty and me
'It's kinda funny to pick on specific minorities.' - Basil
'You're too horny to study the blade.' - Basil
'Have you ever tried straight sex?' - Hun
'I want to commit horrific acts of violence on that ass.' - Ty
'Anybody who hates classic rock has a bad relationship with their dad.' - philosopher Ty
'I'm not gonna finger my fridge.' - Brandon
'Oh ♥♥♥♥ I have tits, I forgot.' - me
'I wanna be silly and gay, not communist.' - me
'That was Donald Trump? I thought it was Duke Nukem.' - Ty
'You either Ř or you don't.' - Sentine
'I think you in a padded cell would bring me at ease.' - Ty
'Not intrusive thoughts, intrusive action.' - Sentine
'Putin wishes he was me.' - Ty
'Get trained puppy ♥♥♥♥♥!' - Brandon
'Skinning femboys... it's like shooting a unicorn.' - Drachen
'Why should I be the better person just because I'm gay?' - me
'Sweat, blood, tears and ♥♥♥.' - Amanita
'Don't look at the sky, it may impact the stability of your country significantly.' - Hoba
'Can you name a band you do not know? No you can't.' - Greek philosopher Sentine
'♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ this is Hadramut, it's already explored.' - Sentine
'Be a man, go to sleep.' - Ty
'Fasc and Furious.' - Soup
'♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Ben Shapiro, that twink piece of ♥♥♥♥.' - Ty
'I'm just a heterosexual man, leave me alone.' - Drachen
'Grugpilled motorists are my number one enemies.' - me
'Yaposhka is the peak of humanist thought.' - Brandon
'The most disappointing Moon landing on Earth.' - Brandon
'I'm gonna explain how it is with rats and gender.' - Basil
'Unpoop me at once wench.' - Amanita
'The Amish love the Walmart.' - Ty
'He's not just inbred, he's the entire bakery.' - Ty
'Instead of slacking you should be slapping.' - Hungamer
'That sour taste in your soup? It's fascism.' - Drachen
'Stay away from my feet.' - Ty
'You must have amnesia because you forgot.' - Ty
'I need a therapist but EU4 will do.' - me
'Lucka I will turn you into a squirt gun.' - Ty
'Listen, it's Schroedinger's prostate.' - me
'The genie's already out of the bottle and he's twerking, ok?' - Amanita
'Did you just assume it's gender?' "They're all voiced by guys anyway..." 'I mean, you were also voiced by a guy...' - Hun and me
'This discord is a revolving door of homosexuals and deviants.' - Ty
'...once the pecking order's been established.' "Pegging order?" "'Pegging order?'" ""Pegging order?"" 'Pegging order?' - Drachen, me, Hun and Basil
'Morty is like the modern day Asuka.' - Ty
'We need to get you spayed.' - Ty
'Ty do you wanna live in a hole?' "Ugh, yours..." - me and Ty
'That's between them and god.' "Communists have a god?" 'Yea, Stalin.' - Ty and me
'Who needs telenovelas when you have the 11th century?' - me
'I've never heard a bird.' - Ty
'If boys are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ are girls dad♥♥♥♥ers?' "What are you, Freud?" - Hun and me
'We must exterminate the communists - but in a more humane way.' - Dr. Sakyan Asmara
'This isn't how a Discord Kitty relationship is supposed to work!' "Yea but Daddy's broke!" - me and Ty
'There is no form, speech nor visual, in which I would be able to express the sheer hatred that I currently feel.' - Basil
'I didn't need to see this but damn that six pack.' - Drachen
'I'm just dying a little on the inside.' "Then die a little on the inside quieter." - me and Kuba
'Ty I need you to touch my boobs.' "I can't, they're 15 000 kilometers away." - me and Ty
'Allah willing you will transition.' - Ty
'Kim Jong-Il was like DJ Khaled of Soviet music.' - Ty
'Don't initiate the mating call in the Dungeons and Dragons VC.' - Amanita
'Ty what if I implant basketballs in my asscheeks?' "I'm not a shallow person but I would break up with you." - me and Ty
'UwU!' "At this point I'm gonna have to call animal control." - me and Brandon
'Let me explain how it's like to be non-binary: it's basically just Nah. No thanks.' - Ty
'Item 1: Frozen bottle of lubricant.' - Ty
'An average gamer can't run 25 miles per hour.' - Brandon
'That moment when I'm balls deep in bussy but then I get a gun pointed at me telling me to praise Xi Jinping.' - Hun
'I will survive by eating the flesh of the young and the Bosnian.' - Brandon
'Lukewarm is the centrism of heat.' - Basil
'If Sigmar had tits I would like Warhammer.' - me
'What's wrong with Mr. Clean? Besides the fact that he's a chaser.' - me
'I'm precise, I'm femi- ah ♥♥♥♥.' - me
'He doesn't have a gender.' - Ty
'The Wachowskis just showed up, made the Matrix and then became women.' - Ty
'I'm an equal opportunity bisexual ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.' - Amanita
'Guess it's time to vote with your money and buy a pipe bomb.' - Hun
'The brain is smaller than the balls.' - Basil
'Checkmate liberal I can ♥♥♥♥ out my front door.' - Bert
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If you have (probably even less than) 10 minutes to spare, do play this. The total playtime of 5 minutes is very accurate, however the mental scarring will last years.
Πρόσφατη δραστηριότητα
40 ώρες συνολικά
τελευταίο παιχνίδι 5 Μαϊ
0,2 ώρες συνολικά
τελευταίο παιχνίδι 14 Απρ
0,2 ώρες συνολικά
τελευταίο παιχνίδι 14 Απρ
Virtual.mp3 21 Απρ, 3:19 
GogoZehPotato 20 Απρ, 23:42 
Sentine can't play 24 Ιαν, 5:34 
Virtual.mp3 24 Ιαν, 5:02 
Hungamer181 10 Νοε 2023, 12:23 
GogoZehPotato 10 Σεπ 2023, 15:28 