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95.4 hrs on record (42.3 hrs at review time)
I'm having a wonderful time in the zone. A few mini bugs and some balance issues still exist. The graphics are phenomenal, sound effects aren't bad. English dubs are best avoided and replaced with the Ukraine voice overs. Runs 97 percent of the time smoothly.

The main issues I have:
- Controls need remapping (my fault lol)
- Enemies spawning to close to me out of no where (waiting for A Life to be patched)
- Repairing armour and weapons is so expensive
- Degrading of armour and weapons is so harsh
- More in-depth descriptions for kit would be nice for use number cruncher's
- a relations page for individuals and factions visible on the PDA

What I love:
+ / - Monsters and there sfx make me jump and due to them only being a hazard rethinking whether to engage or not.
+ / - Weapons selection so far isn't bad so far
+ addictive gameplay for me
+ Multiple choice dialogue
+ Feeling like a mean S.T.A.L.K.E.R whilst not being invincible is a rush
Posted 30 November, 2024.
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0.8 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Great Graphics but extremely janky, put with pings of 200 plus and attacked with zombies that have arms longer than a stretched limo. Very Early Access, Extremely Disappointed. 8 plus hits with pipe wrench to take a zed down. Very few bullets to fight with. Unnecessarily difficult and not enjoyable.
Posted 22 October, 2024.
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536.7 hrs on record (449.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Not bad game. Awful treatment to the fans due to delaying updates purely for streamers. I am just so bored of this kind of treatment especially since having played this title from the very beginning.
Posted 20 June, 2024.
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70.2 hrs on record (20.1 hrs at review time)
27-02-2024 Huge improvement on stability, bit of a rough start. When it works its fantastic co op Starship Troopers parody. Still sometimes crashes on occasion after extraction.

18-02-2024 Unplayable due to lack of connectivity refinement. Servers at capacity is not Okay, I like many others have paid 49.99 GBP for a lovely looking error servers at capacity with no way to play the game. 50 quid and no offline play or ability to play for a game we have paid for. I shall update when this is sorted
Posted 18 February, 2024. Last edited 27 February, 2024.
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33.0 hrs on record (14.7 hrs at review time)
update 09/04/2024:

+ has improved with playability
+ Starting to feel more like the previous CoH
+ Lots of bug fixes
- / + Improved voice lines but still cringe
- still too zoomed in, why on earth is it so zoomed
- not as many game modes as first two CoH
- Not as good as CoH 1 and 2
- dumb premium currency

On release:
Hard to put as a down vote but my reasoning:

- Glitchy Map spawns
- Map super zoomed in with no ability to zoom out making you feel like your monitor is back in the days of 800 x 600
- Units not so easy to distinguish from sides through colour and markings or details
- Infantry cant be run over by anything
-/+ German single player campaign
- / + Italian campaign just seems rather dull after around 2 hour mark
+ Moddable from release
+ Elevation advantage
- Lacks alot of cool game modes from COH1 and COH2
Posted 10 March, 2023. Last edited 9 April, 2024.
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83.8 hrs on record (51.7 hrs at review time)
18/04/24 update to review since the "big update" - there is no differnce since the reformation of classes. My lord the play base is toxic. The greed for ammo and lack of team work.

23/06/23 update to review - I still really want this game to be good but its lacking in content. Lack of maps, guns, unshockable content and any drive what so ever to play past maybe 24hours. One major thing that gets me is the veteran guns are all either iron site or a red dot for a sharpshooter type class. Ogrnz take up alot of screen for tight passageways. Just chaos type enemies, surely put in some orks or necron or something.

10/03/23 update to review- okay so you can buy some low grade of any weapons which at least is slight improvement. Still feels hugely lacking in content like maps, mission type, weapon variety, weapon mods and just plain uninspiring at its current state.

-Previous review-

Totally underwhelming. Its like being in a toxic relationship with games lately. Promised the 40k Universe, given a tiny amount of what was and is promised. This could of been amazing if it was released as a full complete product.

Missing a lot of features. Very limited content. Confusing choice to use RNG for a big station armoury.
Posted 1 December, 2022. Last edited 18 April, 2024.
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45.7 hrs on record (4.1 hrs at review time)
Updated 1/11/2022: Can't complete main objective on mission 7: Secret Weapon due to bug that stops progression. How on earth is this still here and why hasn't this been fixed. Things like this stop me getting deep into games.

Updated from Negative 03/06/2022: No more bugs other than minor issues like when auto looting poi's keys said looted but actually not. Rest of the game so far seems really good. Snipers play ground. The AI soldiers are a tad too good at finding where you are but hay...

Release Day: Not able to extract from mission one even though I have done every objective possible... This is hugely disapointing... Another AAA title released with lots of bugs...I miss the times games were released as a finished product...

Updated: 01/06/22: Had to restart mission from scratch and ignore the bonus objectives to be able to move onto the next mission... Not quite a bug fix
Posted 27 May, 2022. Last edited 1 November, 2022.
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153.4 hrs on record (31.9 hrs at review time)
UPDATE 24/02/24: Post firearms/Reloaded edition. So far very good with the extra weapons, extra missions to introduce them etc. DL points are a thorn in this games side. The free rupgrade to reloaded edition feels a bit like an up yours to those who brought the ultimate edition, due to now everyone has what the ultimate edition was paid for.note to self dont buy anything but standard in future.

UPDATE: Now we have dying light 2 points coming... Premium currency, real money and so it begins...

I had to really force myself to play this game. Game play is good but it can't hide the uninspiring and lacklustre story. Graphics are hugely awesome. Weapons are boring and almost force you to play melee hack and slash, I get there are no guns or ammo so why not come up with phnumatic ranged weapons? The Bow and Arrow are awesome but is that really the best they could come up with looking at there settlements?

Honestly it feels like this game the developers had to no real love for the title and pushed it out like an unwanted bowel movement, yet like everyone else I'm gonna still play this game. Not because I love it but because the lack of choice.
Posted 10 May, 2022. Last edited 24 February, 2024.
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28.2 hrs on record (16.2 hrs at review time)
For someone who isn't lucky enough to have 3 friends standing by wanting to play co op this game isnt really worth the price. note it's not a full thumbs down its a in the middle. Usually this genre of game is my muse, this I spent alot on and have no desire to play it other than for wasting my money.

Not a huge fan of the community of the "players" I've tried to "team up" with on match make. The characters are not that interesting, in fact they are hugely plain. Ai bots are not that great. Weapons are mediocre, the stats don't exactly keep you hooked. Graphics are great. Gun sounds are not at all meaty. Weapon sets are uninteresting. Weapon customisation isn't brilliant, mods are on removed by new mods on pick up.

Posted 24 December, 2021.
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8.1 hrs on record (5.7 hrs at review time)
How on earth did I hit 5.7 hours in one bash with playing this... Well good question it's therapeutic and keeps you comfortably overwhelmed with plenty of game play options for a harder life if you so wish. Graphics are okay, lots of mini-games for tasks such as playing shop keep, preforming small repair jobs, clearing sand, throwing rubbish in bins from distances and much more. A dash of humour to liven up the place and plenty of spanners in the works to keep you clicking your mouse and multitasking.
Posted 16 September, 2021.
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