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99.1 hrs last two weeks / 7,661.4 hrs on record (4,000.5 hrs at review time)
Posted: 6 May, 2022 @ 8:40am

(First, peep le hours) ^
(played since beta) ||||
(+3K hours on Xbox) |||||
Game will always be fun to some degree just for it's gunplay, one shot head shots, and dynamic environment, but I really think (brace yourself; super controversial opinion incoming) they need to try and make the game more like it was during 2017-2020. Most importantly, for those like myself who really only play ranked and competitive play, they need to really focus on adding more maps to the pool. Seriously, the amount of maps that are available in the pool makes it seem like the only maps you end up playing are the 5-6 that the community deems "viable". Still worth picking up for $10 on a sale or something in hopes that it will bounce back. The game is also a great aim trainer if nothing else. If you take the time to find your sensitivity and you have decent eye-hand coordination I promise you this game will mold you into a unit.
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DoomerInDisguise 6 May, 2022 @ 9:55am 
Also, if you buy this game please have a headset. It is not only a benefit to yourself, but also your teammates in this game.