Every team is endless crybabies
taco   Florida, United States
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Lol another weird crybaby it's actually wild how baby brained the world has become
3am 21 Mar @ 2:39pm 
youll never win a matchhhh cryying 24.7 abbout your problems leearn to wallll lil brooooo go to schooollll
3am 21 Mar @ 2:38pm 
oh no pooor littlee baby wwants hiis binky wehh wehhh oh nooo hess ggetting harrassed whatever shall he do wehhh wehhh i liike sucking that binkkkyyyy wehh wehhhhhhhhhhh
Half of the crybabies that comment here are literally just mad I bought a gun they didn't like. Wild baby brain world.
alex 16 Mar @ 10:16am 
buys auto and cries
Dive236 14 Feb @ 11:28pm 
crazy people still cheat like this dudes obvious as ♥♥♥♥ walls and aim