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25 people found this review helpful
0.9 hrs on record
Still a buggy mess to this day.
Posted 15 March, 2023.
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45.9 hrs on record (23.0 hrs at review time)
the Devs of this game are ♥♥♥♥. i have a i7 and a GTX 970 4G and the game drops to 30fps or less whenever i blow something up (the whole point of the game). if you look at the forums you'll see that to fix the memory leak problem that the game STILL suffers from is to buy 16gbs of ram. this is an OFFICIAL DEV FIX! on the store page the min ram it says you need is 8gbs, they are basically lying.i have 16gbs so i don't get affected but that's really unfair to all the people who don't have that much and can't get that much. the game is fun when it works but it doesn't work often. and the Devs seem to be more focused on getting new DLC out than fixing these bugs that make their game unplayable. i've got nothing against DLC but when your game suffers from something as severe as a memory leak that should be your first priority. consider getting it on X1/PS4 or just skipping.
Posted 2 August, 2016.
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381.2 hrs on record (111.8 hrs at review time)
A great open world RPG. crafting system is a pretty weak though.
Posted 30 July, 2016.
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62.2 hrs on record (55.5 hrs at review time)
ffs overkill.
Posted 15 November, 2015.
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7 people found this review helpful
8.1 hrs on record (2.1 hrs at review time)
Blog Review: http://wildwoodgeek2.blogspot.com/2015/05/pc-game-review-survivalist.html

What Survivalist did Right

Nice building system
a cool feature in Survivalist is the building. you can build fences and razor wire to protect your chosen home base, protecting you from zombie hordes and raiders. you build houses for your followers and fellow survivors. you can build bunkers to give you an edge when fighting gun wielding hostiles. by the late game you'll have a nice little town.

Large open world to explore
something that Survivalist did right is its large open world for you to explore. you can also set up your base anywhere you want

Hostile Factions Attack events
the cities are the best places to find loot and food but going into them often will cause your base to be attacked by looters or zombie hordes. this adds some nice challenge to the game, it makes it dangerous to visit the cities a lot.

What Survivalist did Wrong

No real choices in dialogue
several times during the game you will be able to make dialogue “choices”. the only problem is that they really aren't choices. you will get three ways to be a jerk without the choice to be nice or understanding. or you will get three ways to be nice and understanding without a choice to be a jerk.

Zombies are way too fast
Zombies in Survivalist run as fast, if not faster than a speeding car. im not joking. when you see a zombie it will be on top of you in 1 to 2 seconds.

Worst shooting system in a game ever
shooting in Survivalist is horrible. really horrible. if shooting worked this way in real life armies would be still be using swords. when you aim at a zombie or hostile NPC you have to wait about 5 to 10 seconds to even have a chance of hitting them. and if you or they move your “aiming” resets completely. and with the zombies being so fast it makes it impossible to wait to aim. also hostile NPCs seem to have pin-point accuracy hitting you virtually every shot.

Way too fast Day/Night system
Survivalist has a Day/Night system. during night your view is even more limited and more zombies are racing about. the problem is that the day is about six minutes.

you and all your friends are weaklings
this makes sense for you. i mean you’re a hedge fund manager. but why is every friendly person a weak shell of a human being? by that i mean that they will run out of stamina after just a few seconds of running. or they can only hold a few things of food before running out of storage space.

Annoyingly unhelpful Tutorial
In Survivalist they have kind of “learn as you go” tutorial. you play in the game world while they teach you want to do. the problem is it doesn't work. as i was leaving my bunker for the first mission i got hurt and needed to heal. but because they had to tell me how to open my inventory i couldn't. they didn't give me the pop-up message on how to open inventory until i got to a certain place. the problem with that is that there are two very strong zombies in the way between me and that place, and with my person slowed even more by the wound i already had i could barely get past them.

Bad inventory system
another annoying thing in Survivalist is the fact that you can’t not drop things. you can only destroy them. also you can not select how much you want to destroy, you can only destroy the whole stack. this was really annoying to me as during my play through i had too much stuff and had already gotten ridden of all the junk out of my pack. i had a 50X stack of gold and if i dropped 10 i would be good. but i couldn't so i had to lose my 50 pieces of gold.

Bad graphics
I know I know, graphics aren't everything. but Survivalist looks worse than a PS2 game. everything is jagged and blurry.

Final Thoughts
Survivalist is by no means the best RPG zombie game out there, but it isn't the worst. if you really like RPGs and/or zombie games you should try Survivalist. and if you hate it you've only lost 5 bucks.
Posted 9 May, 2015.
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13.8 hrs on record (10.9 hrs at review time)
Blog Post: http://wildwoodgeek2.blogspot.com/2015/02/Endlessspace.html

What Endless Space did right

Smooth 4X gameplay
Endless Space plays great with smooth 4X gameplay. it plays a lot like a Civilization game, with the player having to manage your government, your tech, your military, and foreign relations.

Strategic Combat
In Endless Space instead of directly controlling battles you choose your battle strategies. like EMPs, Missile Barriers, and the such. choosing the right battle strategy can help you win against even a larger fleet.

Epic Thematic Battles
once you've chosen your battle strategy the only thing to left to do is sit back and watch the fireworks. getting to see your epic fleet destroy (or be destroyed) is just great.

Lots of factions
Endless Space features 12 factions with their own lore, game art, and space ship design. to add to that you can also create your own faction with their own traits.

Custom fleets
in Endless Space you can choose what weapons and systems your ships have, this means you can make ship designs for certain purposes like planet invasion or fleet carrier.

a slight RPG element to Endless Space are heroes. heroes can be assigned to systems and fleets giving bonus. they also get XP as time goes on and get better traits.

What Endless Space did wrong

UI is a little confusing
the Endless Space UI can be a little confusing and they don’t really do good job of explaining everything to you.

AI is not too smart
The AI in Endless Space is not that smart. they will attack you even if you greatly outnumber them. also if you get a too high tech score they attack you “out of fear of your advancement” so basically they get afraid when you have enough power to beat them, so they attack you. on their own. i wish the AI would join together to take you down if they think you've gotten too powerful.
Posted 24 February, 2015.
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42 people found this review helpful
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7.1 hrs on record (2.7 hrs at review time)
For formatting and pics go to: http://wildwoodgeek2.blogspot.com/2014/12/democracy-3.html

What Democracy 3 did Right
-A real look in the brutality of politics
No-one is your friend in this game, and everybody is a whining ♥♥♥♥♥ yelling in your ear what you should do to make your nation perfect changing anything leads to more whining.

-Makes you think
you can't just do what you want, everything bill, every law, everything, will make someone, somewhere mad or alarmed. You have to make the smallest people mad while making the biggest groups/people happy.

-Mod Support
Mod support is always a good thing, and Democracy 3 uses the Steam Workshop.

What Democracy 3 did Wrong

-Everyone solves their problems by killing you
Made blacks made? Feminist feel ignored? Cut a guy off on your way to work? Well, they're going to kill you. Everyone for every reason will kill you unless you have more privacy killing security laws, but guess what? Killing people's privacy makes them want to kill you! It almost feels inescapable.

-Heavily biased
Racial profiling, Drones in the Sky 24/7, Capital punishment for even the smallest crimes, tank driving, machine gun wielding police officers, and nukes around every corner. These are the things that Ultra-Conservatives and Libertarians want in this game. That's wrong because the libertarian i know pretty much want anarchy.... anyways, in this game every bad thing is wanted by the Right and everything Good is wanted by the Left. You seeing their bias yet?

Who Democracy 3 is for
-People who can distance themselves from their political belief system

-People who enjoy simulator games




Final Thoughts
if you can go into this game and not get mad everytime you see your political side reacting in a way that they wouldn't, then you should be fine. As a Interracial Conservative, I was annoyed a little by the way they are shown in this game. But honestly i understand why they are like that in the game, because this is a political game and the creator is always going to put their own beliefs into this type of game, even if they don't mean too. Gameplay wise D3 is a tough strategy game and a fun one too.
Posted 18 December, 2014.
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333 people found this review helpful
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13.6 hrs on record (10.5 hrs at review time)
For formatting and pics go to: http://wildwoodgeek2.blogspot.com/2014/12/space-base-df-9.html

What Space Base DF-9 did right

-Great visual Appeal

One of the things i love about SBDF-9 is the look and style, they just seem right. And it reminds me of the Sims 4 or Sim City(2013)

-Great idea for a game
lots of people have done building games, city games,etc, but Space Bases are few. The idea for this game is Perfect, now if only the game was...

What Space Base DF-9 did wrong

-Did not deliver
on the Double Fine Games website they had a roadmap (now long gone) of things they said they were going to try to add. It was a big one. And yes i know that even they said it wasn't "set in stone" but it was used to get people to buy the game, and now only about 20 to 40% of those features are in the game, and it kinda feels like they tricked us.

-Left the Game unfinished
Double Fine Games the dev and publisher has left SBDF-9 to make another game and thereby make more money. They basically blame the community citing that "not enough people bought the game to fund it". Perhaps because the game is in an Alpha state at the most

-retarded AI
I don't know about you but when i'm in a space base on the far reaches of the milky way, i get pretty damn pissed when i don't have Five Star meals, or Gyms, or bars, or TV. So mad i start trashing my own Oxygen tanks thereby killing myself. What? You wouldn't do that? Well the AI in this game does that. Yep, if they aren't living in luxury they decide life just ain't worth living.

-Not Worth the price
If Double Fine Games was going to keep working on this, i would say this is worth the price, however they aren't so really there is no point in spending cash on it. Its not going to get better, its not going to get fixed, and its not a good game.

-bugs and glitches that will never be fixed
Not being able to build, Oxygen not being produced despite the fact i have Oxygen tanks and more, these are bugs and glitches that will never be fixed.

-Made us pay for their failure
This is more of a issue of Double Fine Games itself. They the whole reason they said the game is being shut down is because one: Not enough people bought it, and two: they ran out of Kickstarter money. If they did run out of kickstarter money then STOP working on another game and spend that money on the game you sold us.

-This is not the first time Double Fine Game has let people down
Another game by DFG, Broken Age was also misleading. The game is sold as a full game but it is like TellTale games in that there are "Episodes". Right now, a year after the funding for the game ended there is only ONE episode, with a "promise" that the second one will be coming on "sometime in early 2015"

Who Space Base DF-9 is for
-People who like wasting money

-People who don't care about playing an unfinished game

-People who buy games on sale


Final Thoughts
The idea behind this game is amazing, and if worked on properly it could be a masterpiece. But it won't and thats a shame. Normally i keep supporting even bad EA games because i figure "eh, they will fix it later" i mean at the point i've already given them money, the best thing to do is hold on to the hope (however pointless) that the game will get better. There is no hope with SBDF-9, not anymore. And yes, modders could make it better, and they could make it a great game, but my belief is that if modders have to fix your game, and i mean Make it playable, then you've already failed.
Posted 18 December, 2014.
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16 people found this review helpful
44.0 hrs on record (42.1 hrs at review time)
(To See this review with pictures, and such go to: http://wildwoodgeek2.blogspot.com/2014/09/world-in-conflict-soviet-assault.html)

World in Conflict is a WW3 RTS game developed by Swiss game company Massive Entertainment and British company SwordFish, and Published by Ubisoft.

WIC SA follows the story of the dreaded WW3 coming to bear. the USSR has launched a surprise attack on West Berlin and are quickly spreading into Europe. throughout the campaign you play as both the USSR and the USA. the campaign happens all around the world, during the game you will fight in Italy,France,Germany,The United States,Norway,and Russia.

World In Conflicts campaign is surprisingly good. we get a cast of characters on both sides, but the people who really matter is Lieutenant Parker (The US you),Captain Bannon (The whinny guy who ends up sacrificing himself and thereby redeeming himself), and Colonel Sawyer the dude who gives all the orders. On the Russian side we have Lieutenant Romanov (Russian you), Nikolai Malashenko (crazy and insane Russian dude who wants to kill everyone), and Colonel Vladimir Orlovsky,the guy who gives all the Russians their orders

The whole deal is that the mighty USSR is falling apart. their only hope at keeping their nation together is seizing much needed resources. Resources owned by the west. with no other choice they attack the US and her allies. this is the part of WIC SA i really love. the Russians are not "evil" or even crazy (well, other than Nikolai) at the same time they do a great job of showing the ridicules amount of propaganda that people living in the USSR were exposed to. In fact WIC SA does a great job of not showing ether side as the "Hero" or the "Villain" both sides have their faults and both don't really want to be fighting.

Gameplay wise WIC SA is fun, and easy. it is not a extreme strategy game and is instead more focused on quick combat. one things thats a little annoying is the fact that Nukes and other WMDs are well.... pointless. they really don't do much damage and the "craters" they leave behind are pretty pitiful. Players chose a role before the battle, Armor,Support,Infantry, or Air. while you still can put other roles units on the battlefield they will cost more and some of the elites of that role are unavailable. WIC SA doesn't look the greatest, but seeing as it came out in 2009 its understandable.

In the end if you like quick action RTS (without base-building) then WIC SA is the game for you.
Posted 8 September, 2014.
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11 people found this review helpful
4.1 hrs on record
Note: to see this review with pictures,etc go to: {LINK REMOVED}

The Darkness 2, is a Canadian developed first-person shooter psychological horror game by Digital Extremes and published by 2K Games

In the Darkness 2 Jackie Estacado - the players character, has taken over one of New Yorks biggest Gang/Mob. still suffering from regret over his girlfriends death, Jackie is trying to live a normal life. having learned how to control and repress The Darkness. but he is forced to unleash The Darkness after a strange cult attacks him and his friends.

To be honest,The Darkness 2 is petty cliche, Guy loves girl, girl gets killed, guy has flash backs of said dead gril, on and on, you get the point. the levels aren't breathtaking, or special. no, in fact most of it is a hallway shooter and it really never breaks that form. despite all this the game is still fun. and the reason is of The Darkness. you get to use this special power and its pretty fun to take out enemy with it.

but you will soon tire of seeing the same kill moves over and over and over. sure, the first time or so its pretty cool to watch, but by the 30th or 40th time of seen the same kill moves you'll get bored. still, later on in the Darkness 2, the story does get better, and it will sometimes have you wondering what is real and what is not.

alas, the world of The Darkness 2 is boring and dry. almost all of the gameplay takes place in dark alleys/buildings that are extremely generic. and just to be more cliche The Darkness 2 features a abandoned fair/circus.

in the end The Darkness 2 is nothing special, but it is fun the first few times you play it. even the gameplay suffers though. as on normal the game is only four hours. The Darkness 2 has a multiplayer mode, however its boring and dull. the Darkness is worth 15$ max and you will have some fun with it. but once you get done with the story you will probably never play it again.
Posted 17 July, 2014.
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