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561.9 h registradas (39.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
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At the start of my game, I picked up a wanderer named Big. The man was a huge slab of muscle, and looked like the man who could get stuff done. Except... he couldn't. The poor guy was too clumsy for his own good, except when it came to his hands and his eyes. All he could do was be a warden, handle animals, hunt, and make art.

When I first saw him I was horrified at how useless he seemed. I built a small shack into the mountain with a small carving bench for him to spend the rest of his days just to be rid of him. However, Jude saw something I didn't. She saw a man with a heart of gold, even if he wasn't the best or the brightest bulb of the bunch. They started hanging out, and eventually Big, or Jude (not entirely sure which) popped the question. Jude was my main gal, I had given her the best of the best, and she earned it. She did everything in the long hours of the night while everyone else slept, and only took her rest as everyone else woke up. But she seemed to do all their work by herself.

Tragedy struck, raids happened, and soon enough there were just 4 people out of 8, in the dead of winter, forced to cannibalize those who fell in raids. However, even after being infected with Sensory Mechanites, forced to endure excruciating pain, and watch her friends die, Jude didn't break. She appreciated those nights with Big and the art he had made. The others did too, seeing hope in the art carved into grains of wood.

Winter ended, things were looking good, until a raid blindsided them while Big was on a hunt (even though he wasn't able to lift the kill, his aim was great enough that he was the safest hunter). Big went down, but he was a fighter and held on. He watched as his friends, NO, his family held off the raiders with the help of turrets Jude had made. 1, 2 went down. The third decided to cut their losses and ran home, but not without grabbing Big first. The others fought to save him, but none could quite match his skill with a gun.

The raiders called for a trade, silver for him. Sadly, they had just used the last of their silver to finish sterilizing the hospital floor. With heavy hearts, they were forced to decline the trade. Not even a day later, they got the news. Big died of infection from his injuries, not quite able to hold on as they scraped together every scrap of silver they could to try and save him.

This was the tale of the witling watcher. (He usually carved in the prisoner room, and watched the prisoners while doing so.

And thats the tale of how I save scummed for the first time ever for a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ pawn.

EDIT: Tacking this on since this kinda exploded. I never played pre-steam release, and went in blind. My best advice for new players is to do Casandra Rough with Permadeath. Your people WILL die, but this way you can figure out how to start instead of trying to fight an uphill battle. For those who are confused by the UI and how to use it, just experiment, try just double clicking stuff or just randomly hitting buttons, its much better to laugh at your own failure than to follow an online guide.
Publicada el 19 de julio de 2016. Última edición: 20 de julio de 2016.
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262.7 h registradas (32.2 h cuando escribió la reseña)
After logging 28 hours within the span of a day and a half, I feel I should give this game a review.

+ Using a gun is more like other first person shooters, in that you shoot where you aim, allowing me to rely a whole lot less on VATS.
+ One of the first quests is a "Heres a taste of what you can become. (Going to leave it at that to avoid spoilers)
+ Power Armor feels powerful, the animation of just climbing into it screams "Here comes the big guns."
+ Ammo is no longer craftable. This was something that kinda bugged me about NV that just didn't make sense to me.
+ PC voice work is top-notch. It may not be me listening to morgan freeman, but I have yet to get tired of my character's voice.
+ Settlements make you feel like you're doing a greater good for the commonwealth and allows you to create a home base of sorts.
+ Conversations happen real-time, making it feel more natural.
+ Companions react to the world, and cause different reactions from other npcs.
+ Lack of a large ammount of release bugs
+ Graphics are great, and have a rich color pallete.

- The four point choice is fine at times, but can cause you to quickly piss people off if you aren't careful.
- While settlement creation isn't bad, the inability to place walls right next to things can quickly drive a player insane.
- The main story, while not boring, isn't something that makes you want to rush to the next quest.
- Lack of use of your backstory. Its established you were part of the army before the great war, but besides some pieces of conversation during BoS quests, I have yet to see it really mentioned.
- No holstered weapons, making it difficult to tell what weapon you have ready to draw.

+/- NPC reactions, while pretty varied so far, are a bit weird. While the BoS doesn't bat an eye at me walking around in power armor before I join (weird considering its considered pre-war tech, and highly dangerous) other npcs have remarked on the power armor when I wear it elsewhere. Slightly nitpicky, but it still leaves a weird taste in my mouth.
+/- Lack of durability on armor and weapons. Not sure how to feel on this, so I'll put it here.
+/- The melee gun bash and grenade key is the same, take that as you will.

Unable to review:
? Performance. Currently I'm on a $800 rig, and running ultra-high with no obvious stutter. I consider 8 gigs of ram to be a bit high for a minimum requirement, but can see how less might cause some issues.
? PC Port. I've seen many people complain about the pc port being clunky, rough, and other words that paint it in a poor light, but I've yet to have something annoy me about the UI. (Granted, I've had to deal with Dark Souls 2, so maybe I've just got a low bar)

Overall I consider the game to easily be worth the $60, even this early in launch and consider it a game that will easily survive a decade.
Publicada el 11 de noviembre de 2015. Última edición: 11 de noviembre de 2015.
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7.7 h registradas (4.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Exactly what I was wanting and more.
Publicada el 14 de octubre de 2015.
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15.9 h registradas (9.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Am I annoyed at TITANS being a separate release? Marginally, was it worth the 13.60 dollars for me to upgrade? Absolutely.

Titans reminded me why I loved this game. Big, huge, explosions. The terrain differences are amazing, adding a whole knew style of combat to vehicular and bot warfare. Hover vehicles are great, and the titans are fun as well. The changes so that smashing with a planet is a 1 shot kill is fitting for the sheer scale, and the Armageddon is so much fun to sneakily build.

Honestly, for those who are complaining about how this should be dlc, they're right and wrong. We still keep regular PA. you just pay $13 to upgrade (or in other words, by the dlc) while any new players pay for the full package. Since regular PA is no longer on the store, they're basically buying the entire game of PA for no extra cost.

Another thing. I paid 30 bucks for PA, and 13.60 for the titans expansion, so to me, paying just 40 bucks is 100% worth it.
Publicada el 23 de agosto de 2015.
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162.8 h registradas (64.6 h cuando escribió la reseña)
A great strategy game. I have played this game constantly since I bought it, and have loved it. The DLC expansions add a whole new life to the game, and even without it is fun.

Be prepared for long games though if doing multiplayer, they can last for 3 hours+.
Publicada el 20 de marzo de 2014.
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25.7 h registradas (19.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
I bought this game mainly for the TF2 items, and stayed for the game. The other players are fun to listen to, with the game itself being basic Texas Hold 'Em. With different style options that can change their voice lines, its a great game for only 5 bucks.
Publicada el 20 de marzo de 2014.
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23.6 h registradas (21.4 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Half life 2 is a game that plants you in a post apocalyptic world where you are controlled by an alien species called the "Combine", while playing the original game is not needed, it does slightly help explain things. If you haven't played it don't worry, the story progresses at a pace where you can learn each thing easily.

The second you start you are in nothing but a moving train to help you get the hang of the controls, as you progress you can find a variety of weapons that become steadily more complex as the game progresses. While old, this game is a definite recommend for those that can afford it.
Publicada el 20 de marzo de 2014.
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108.3 h registradas (93.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Portal 2 lives up to the high expectations placed upon it after the award winning portal, and surpasses them.

For those who don't know, here's how the game works, you start off learning the very basics of the game in the way valve does best, with humor and semi-realistic reasons for it being explained. After you get the hang of moving and controlling your camera, you get the device called a portal gun, this lets you shoot 2 portals that are connected, from there you are released upon the rest of the game. Using gravity and portals, you fling yourself around the game to complete different objectives, with new things being added as the game goes on, but at a pace that the player has completely learned the use of something previous before the new items.

Valve lives up to its name once again with this game that uses humor, story telling, and puzzles in ways never before used. I definite must buy if you can afford it.
Publicada el 20 de marzo de 2014.
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241.2 h registradas (226.8 h cuando escribió la reseña)
A great F2P game, the game itself is great, with the storyline being where you can choose to pay attention to it, or just do the missions. The game itself is still in development with multiple updates having changed it from its original self, and I can only say that it's a good thing.

There are 3 ways to fight, bomb, gun, and sword. Each one of these has its own perks. Guns can pack devastating status effects, fire several shots at once, and take enemies out at a distance (though with the way rooms are designed, pure gunning can be hard, but satisfying).

Swords are just that, swords, they are the melee weapon of the game, some are your basic BFS (big fat sword), others are speed slicers, and others are status weapons for specific areas. The only downside to using a sword is that you have to usually be in the thick of the enemies to do the damage needed, and can put you at a disadvantage at times when needing to flip a switch, though the game itself provides jars to throw at the switches usually in case you pure-sword.

Bombs are my personal favorite, while pure bombers are rare, they can be devastating when they are fully upgraded. Bombs come in a few different types, combat controlling, status inflicting, damage dealing, and shard. Combat controlling usually are the gravity bombs, which pull all enemies into the same spot for a bit before exploding, great for rooms with large amounts of monsters. Status inflicting bombs don't do a lot of damage, but the effect they do can greatly ease a fight, especially the frost bomb that freezes ALL enemies in their tracks. Damage bombs are just that, they focus on pure damage, they usually have quite a bit of knockback and are great for packed rooms. Shard bombs are multiple explosion bombs that come in a few different types that I won't go super in depth for. The downside of the bomb is that while other weapons have a basic attack and a charge, bombs only charge, so bombs can take an incredibly long time to charge without any perks, and you are vulnerable while charging.

A great game overall, and its randomized floor system means you hardly ever do the same run twice.
Publicada el 20 de marzo de 2014.
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