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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 8.7 hrs on record
Posted: 2 Nov, 2024 @ 1:49pm
Updated: 2 Nov, 2024 @ 1:50pm

Dragon Age: Veilguard – A Disappointing Step Backwards

I had high hopes for Dragon Age: Veilguard, especially as a dedicated fan who has replayed the original trilogy multiple times. Unfortunately, this latest installment falls short in almost every area, delivering a lackluster experience that feels both shallow and patronizing.

Character Design and Development: The characters are bland, nearly indistinguishable from each other, and lack any real individuality. Instead of the rich personalities and complex relationships we've come to love in Dragon Age games, the companions in Veilguard come off as part of a homogeneous clique where everyone just gets along with no real conflict or friction. The absence of a renegade path is particularly frustrating—there’s no room to shape your character’s morality, making the game feel like it’s forcing you down a single narrative path. This erodes the sense of player agency that was so strong in previous games.

Gameplay and Combat: Gameplay feels like a step back to the corridor-running days of Dragon Age: Origins, with an uninspired, linear level design. The combat system is oversimplified, offering only three skills per character, making every battle a monotonous button-mashing affair. The lack of strategic options and meaningful skills turns combat into a chore, devoid of the tactical depth that Inquisition introduced with its flexible skill sets and party commands.

Story and Lore: The story is weak, disjointed, and lacks the epic, branching narratives fans expect. Choices made in previous games seem pointless, and any attempts at world-building feel half-hearted. The lore feels retconned to the point of absurdity, with changes that make it feel more like a piece of fanfiction than a true addition to the Dragon Age universe. As a long-time fan, it’s disheartening to see the rich, cohesive history of the series treated so carelessly.

Character Creation and Visuals: While character creation has marginally improved, the aesthetics are still disappointing. No matter how hard I tried, my elf protagonist looked unnatural, with awkward facial features and disproportionate body shapes that felt cartoonish rather than realistic. This is especially frustrating given the advancements in character design in other recent RPGs.

Inclusion and Progressive Themes: The original games balanced real-world themes with nuanced storytelling. However, Veilguard feels overbearing and heavy-handed in its attempts at "progressiveness," often to the detriment of the story and immersion. As someone who values inclusive representation, it was disappointing to find that the execution here felt more like a checklist than an authentic, integrated part of the world.

Final Thoughts: Ultimately, Dragon Age: Veilguard is a lackluster, regressive addition to the franchise. It lacks the compelling story, character depth, and intricate gameplay that made previous installments memorable. As a die-hard fan, I wanted to love this game, but it misses the mark on nearly every front.
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Adventurer 23 Nov, 2024 @ 3:06pm 
Lamers come to spread Fate. I salute the Critics, pwn these losers. o7
Mission Control 4 Nov, 2024 @ 9:35pm 
thefraglord This reminds me of Bethesda fanboys defending Starfield like
>Bro, you only played for 100 hours. This game REALLY starts to shine around 1000 hours. How can you leave negative review when you only scratched the surface???
But at the same time:
>Bro, you played 1000 hours and leave a negative review??? You clearly liked it.

thefraglord 4 Nov, 2024 @ 6:13pm 
Dungeonmaster I don't need to sit through an entire gangbang if I notice I don't like being banged in the a$$. Oh you will like it later, sure.

This is a mobilegame. Everything is dumbed and/or watered down. Graphics, dumbed down kiddy style. Story, dumbed down. Story impact, dumbed down. Story impact from previous games, deleted. Tactical style party play, dumbed down and deleted. Darkspawn, dumbed down. Lore, dumbed down.

What about all the mysteries from other games? Red Lyrium? Before the name change they showed us a picture of a red lyrium statue, why... Was the name Andraste mentioned even once? Talking darkspawn?

This is supposed to be the last, final and biggest blight ever and we know this. Because the inquisitor, not HOF. Comes in and tells us. Not even a cinematic or a picture about the burning of kirkwall or the fight in Ferelden. Nope...

This is just not a Dragon Age game... It has the name, that's about it.
Kenji Elis 3 Nov, 2024 @ 7:14pm 
@michow, you're the one who seems to be coping considering how many comment threads I've seen you in spreading hate :steamsalty:
Blarf 3 Nov, 2024 @ 1:43pm 
@dungeonmaster666 that's such an insane cope. Demanding someone to need to put in over 9 hours of playtime into a game to know whether they're enjoying the game or not? Stupid. Some games don't even have 9 hours of content, are you not allowed to express an opinion on those?
A few hours is plenty to know if something is not for you. A few times of sitting down to play for a while, and you're not having fun and the story and characters don't have you engaged, toss it in the trash.
Taint Dragger 3 Nov, 2024 @ 11:26am 
Dungeonmaster666 you are entitled to your opinion and I'm glad that you think this is a good game.

I do not.

My playtime on steam should mean nothing. Maybe I bought it on console as well? Maybe I played it with my wife on her pc? Hmm? Crazy that this game just doesn't exist on one platform huh

My negative review is based on all of the categories I mentioned above and has nothing to do with one single issue. As I said, I love inclusion and diversity in games when it is done right! I do not feel that it is done right here.

Instead of telling others that they are not qualified to review a game, how about you go enjoy your life and leave others to their opinions?

I love dragon age. This is not a good dragon age game in my opinion.

I was hooked right from the start of each dragon age game and all this one has done has made me cringe and wish I could refund it
dungeonmaster666 3 Nov, 2024 @ 11:13am 
9 hours wasnt even enought to finish chapter 1 in DA:I and you want to judge this game story after that? You dont even have all companions after that time, how can you judge their personalities or relantionships?
Character creation is pretty robust here, actually most robust I saw in any recent big RPGs, you can really do anything here, so I kinda thing you straight up lieing here,
Mainly if you feel need to rate "progresivness" of the game, thats pretty much says everything. Why not admit that this is the main reason you dont like the game, and stop hiding behind rest of you "review".
Because honestly reviewing 40+ hour game after barely 1/5 of content is not a review. Prime example why player reviews are useless.
Palkinator89 3 Nov, 2024 @ 5:50am 
@Kenji Dragon Age fans are upset that a fake BioWare is using the IP as a skinsuit for something radically different. You acknowledge that BioWare has changed and that this shouldn't be viewed as a DA game.

...so why are you attacking people that share that same sentiment?
Seekrt 3 Nov, 2024 @ 5:11am 
This' as saying that when you go into the game thinking it's not really a DA game, it becomes enjoyable.
Rizilliant 2 Nov, 2024 @ 6:48pm 
Kenji, Its crap... We can all see its crap.. No teammates, no rpg mechanics, action combat, grade school tier amateur writing

This aint Dragon Age, no matter how much white knighting