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Análises recentes de Gamesare2fun

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17.9 hrs em registo
a lovely little game in the vein of the original Fallout titles,
only frustrations being the insanely low hit chances for the first few hours of the games.
Had a 15 minute fight with a single rat where neither of us (me with a knife attacking 5 times per turn, it biting twice) hitting each other once until after - again - fifteen minutes where the rat suddenly bit me for 9 out of my 35 hit points, followed by me stabbing it once and killing it.

And if you just dump all of your skill points into weapon skills at the start to fix this issue,
you wont be able to resolve any quests peacefully, and the many men with AKs who you could've just spoken to nicely will still swiss-cheese you. So uh. The first maybe two or three hours are a bit rough, basically running around looking for any possible way to get xp without needing to fight anything (up to 70-plus weapon skills still averages to around a 55% chance to hit most enemies point blank with a pistol.) until you can manage to get enough skills to make combat any form of fun. Think im joking? In the tutorial, where youre on a military base basic-training environment, there's a shooting range with the closest targets maybe two meters from you. My rifle-specced character had a 30% chance to hit the closest target with a godd**** sniper rifle. Whats that you say? Its too close for a scoped weapon? Well, the pistol next to it has a 12% chance. and remember ammo is pretty rare for the first half of the game.

But, after that... Yea. Yea, its a really ambitious and enjoyable little game scratching the same itch that Wasteland 2 does. The characters may kind of look like bums no matter what you do, and i may have contracted an std after specifically choosing an option to use a condom (in a VERY weird and out of nowhere dialogue-based sex sequence), but.. It's got a real, weird charm, i always find it quite hard to put the game down once i start playing. Just, don't let the dull opening put you off.
Publicado a 28 de Dezembro de 2019.
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0.7 hrs em registo
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its a cute little half-serious rpg that reminds me of my childhood playing games like Dark Alliance and Bard's Tale and other older RPGs, and its honestly pretty fun despite how bare bones many mechanics are;

However, as a fervent history nutcase, one thing drives me crazy.
The weapons.
They give real historical names to all the weapons, and then have the models have..... nothing close to the weapon theyre using the name of. its deeply odd. A falchion is a single-handed knightly sword like youd normally picture, but with a single edged broader blade for cutting unarmored targets better, in this its some weird large curved sword.
A Kris is a breathtakingly beautiful wavy sword from the philipines that i constantly question why is left out from fantasy because it looks like the epitome of all things elven, and this game has a sword called the 'kris'. The kris in the game, however, if a flamberge *greatsword*..... scaled down to the size of a knife in your hand. Which looks.... a little bit hilarious.
Longsword just means 'two handed sword.' The longsword in this game definitely isnt that and its description is 'maybe a little bit too long' if that gives you any indication.
A b*stard sword is literally a shortened longsword designed to be usable in one or two hands depending on the situation - all non-greatswords in dark souls, for example, are actually bastard swords because of how theyre all designed to switch from one to two hands. The description of a b*stard is "Only the finest barbarians can wield this monstrous weapon"

Its just... odd. It confuses me on a deep, and spiritual level (im joking, if you cant tell.) Why go through the effort of finding so many real historical weapons and nomenclatures if you're then going to seemingly go out of your way to make them as wrong as possible?
Is this just a jab at history nuts like me to drive us insane?
Maybe, hell if it were i'd buy the devs a cookie cause thats clever as f*ck.

Anyways, sword rant over, its a cool little game for cheap, and i do recommend it.
Publicado a 28 de Junho de 2019.
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1.0 hrs em registo
I've never seen a game actively try so hard to castrate itself.

The game itself is incredibly addicting, but its got this tacked on generic 3-star challenge system

Which you need to do to unlock new weapons and upgrade equipment for progression, and the annoying one is the perfect shot
now its not required of course but it bottlenecks progression because the issue is, first off

it means you cant have fun with the automatic weaponry - which is half - because it has to be every shot is a perfect kill, which is a shame because the automatics feel realllly nice.
and then theres the fact enemies randomly roll which makes bullets pass through them which you cant do much about
and that the game has this really cool destruction mechanic about shooting down doors and obstacles to get to enemies behind them, which you now cant do.

You cant even shoot someone through a window because as soon as the bullet collides with the window, it stops,

And then it has this bad*ss bullet time feature too which again feels great

..and then the second star is not using it.

So, to play the game the way it deems the perfect 'right' way, you cant use half of the weapons, cant use the destruction, you cant use one of the core mechanics which is bullet time, and youre effectively at the mercy of chance as well since, again, enemies have an i-frame roll they can initiate whilst a bullet is mid-flight.

So again, the gameplay itself is super super solid,

the progression system is flawed and broken.

You may have a lot of fun with it, you may not.
Publicado a 8 de Fevereiro de 2019.
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19.5 hrs em registo (5.0 horas no momento da análise)
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So, a little background.
I first saw this game featured on Splattercatgaming just before I left to start basic training (US Army)
Little down the road now, i graduated this friday and had the weekend off. I bought this to tide me over for the weekend.

Knocked it out in one night. Couldnt put the thing down; the story and characters are clearly the focus here rather than the RPG elements, and theyre done exceedingly well. Not many pixel-games could make me feel invested enough to spend an hour running around town collecting stray cats for a side quest with no reward other than making the main character feel happier. And yet, thats exactly what I did.

The game puts a lot of questions in your face about values, morals, the decision and fine line between when it is or isnt right to take a life. The game is mostly light-hearted, but it touches a bit on dark dark topics - war crimes, how combat affects the mental state of a soldier, serious topics that many of us like to shy away from. Its also highly reminiscent of Final Fantasy 7/Crisis Core, as "The Core" organization appears to be an hommage the FF series 'SOLDIER' program, but set in a grittier, more down to earth universe with grenades and snipers rather than buster swords and katanas.

Cannot recommend the game highly enough if you want an amazing atmosphere, story, and character focused narrative with a lovely twist on the classic JRPG style combat system that allows you to target specific limbs like fallout VATS. However, there are no random encounter-style enemies, everything is set in place so i will concede that there is little to no replay value. no levelling up, no shops, you can do absolutely everything on your first run meaning theres not much reason to replay.
Publicado a 30 de Setembro de 2018.
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248.0 hrs em registo (116.0 horas no momento da análise)
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I love it. I just simply love it.

Best melee ive seen in a game, really - sure it looks a little clumsy sometimes, and occasionally your sword gets stuck behind your back, but there's a really damn good combat system here. When i started out, i died five times in a row, before realizing that i wasn't actually swinging my sword properly. I was smacking people with the f****ng flat of the blade. The combat is entirely physics based, you can pick up a random item like a railroad spike and ram it into someone's gut if they've got too many layers of cloth on to cut them with your knife, for example, or you can slam a chair leg over their head if it's armored since blunt trauma does what a blade often can't. momentum matters, so how much you commit to your swing, and whether you or them are stepping into or away from your swing drastically changes everything. And, it's lethal as ****, for example in my last fight in the arena i got cocky and went after someone two ranks above me. I had a little leather, a shield the size of my head, and a machete. He was the size of 12 of me, in metal, and holding a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ sword on a stick. I spent about an hour dancing around him until he ran my shoulder through and my healthbar in that one attack shrunk so small i actually thought that i was dead until my character started scrambling to his feet - and i then narrowly dodged the overhead finisher by less than an inch. I danced around him for another 20minutes expecting to die (and death means total gameover both in the campaign and the arena, if you die, you start over, this game has ZERO handholding and zero safety nets, so i had a 6 hour arena campaign at stake) when finally I'd had enough, caught his blade with my shield as i moved in, holding it out of the way, raked my blade randomly just wanting to at least go out saying i hurt him, and the *actual* world seemed to fall into slow motion as i realized the trajectory of my blade before it even hit him. My one blind 'f*** you too' attack swept his throat and he went down. I killed the f***ing hulk with one swing, and my purse was now full of gold. I'd already accepted death, and ended up feeling like a ba**ss. It was genuinely incredible and I had actual adrenaline going.

Your character build ACTUALLY MATTERS - look, we all play games and usually the character is purely cosmetic; a hulking brute is the same as an anorexic, etc. Not in Exanima. You can make yourself taller - making it easy to play golf with peoples heads when you wield a sledgehammer, BUT since its physics based, this also raises your center of gravity making you easier to topple, you can add and remove both muscle and fat to adjust your speed, strength, weight (anti-topple), toughness etc. If you play the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hulk, cool, youll be a beast, but if someone gets a good damn high hit with a maul, you're going down, and they're gonna cave your skull in before you can stand up. If you play a fat but tiny dwarf, good, you cant be knocked over, but you also have nubbs for arms and you'll never reach anyone, they'll just poke you to death from out of reach. You actually have to experiment with different builds to find which suits your playstyle.

Deep deep lore - i've never been one to read the notes in fallout or skyrim, and in games with ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ of text i tend to only skim, ill confess - but i read *and actively hunted* every single note in this game because the way they were all written by different people, yet not signed, so you had to start to learn who was who based on what others said about them until beginning to pick up on the various writing styles each character had (how they punctuate, their vocabulary, morals, views on issues they're writing about, etc) to the point where you could give each character (which you never once met, only saw unsigned scrolls of them all raving bout how much they hate or should have listened to each other) to slowly piece together the story of the world of Exanima - and a fascinating world it is.

As I said before - NO HANDHOLDING.
Questlog? No, you have a journal, you can take your own notes.
Minimap? No, learn to navigate based on landmarks like an intelligent human being, or draw your own map (proooobably about 1/3 of my time spent in this game was spent wandering in circles because I failed to navigate effectively, and that was my own fault.)
When the game starts, you are the equal to your enemies physically (at least you would be if you'd chosen identical physique) and a one on one is difficult. Again, on my first playthrough, I expected to be hot ♥♥♥♥ - put a torch in one hand and a plank with nails in the other, took three steps, saw a man with a handaxe and figured 'oh look, the first kill!' and..... the man proceeded to bury is axe in my skull, and i died. in seconds.
fast forward twenty hours and I can reliably juggle three armored opponents at once through crowd control and bring them down one at a time, without sustaining any injuries. The skillcurve is incredible, and you will feel amazing as you begin to learn and improve.

..oh, and also, throughout the entire campaign.... there are three healing potions. Three.
Use them wisely. It's a long campaign.

Speaking of;

health - my favorite thing about this game is really how it handles health - it understands like almost no other games do that there is a very real difference between a punch and a cut, and the damage is different. Someone can punch you all day, but it's very unlikely they'll actually kill you. they will however knock you out cold. Similarly a lighter blunt weapon strike to anywhere but the head, will also do this nonlethal 'yellow' damage (and a hit to the head will do a ton of yellow - possibly knocking you out in one hit - but also some 'red')
meanwhile a strike from a hammer breaking bones, or a cut of a blade, or the thrust of a spike? These deal 'red' lethal damage. You can be knocked out as many times as you like, thats fine, you wake up presumably hours later without your weapon and you have to scrounge a new one (though in the early levels the game is kind enough to leave your lost weaponry near your feet) but if you die, you're dead. d. e. a. d. dead.

It also represents historical weaponry and armor better than any other game i've ever found. It understands, you would wear multiple layers of armor, and while it may encumber you a little, anyone trained in armor (you get more used to it as you wear it) is more than capable of moving completely unhindered in full plate armor (fun fact a modern soldier's kit weighs more than medieval steal plate armor - knight gear was not heavy. at all. strike this from your mind immediately.) The game features three layers of clothing, typically at high level this would be;

Gambeson (padded/quilted fabric armor - it may sound sh** but in reality gambeson stopped arrows and cuts incredibly reliably, it functions similarly to medieval kevlar in that the many layers slow all impacts making it actually one of the most incredible inventions in history, it's only real weakness being blunt damage, or the thrust of a sword)

Chainmail shirt (resistant even more to cutting, and adds some much needed thrust protection)

and finally Plate (pretty much impossible to die once you have a full set of plate unless they conk your head with a sledgehammer.)

these layers make it really feel like you are indeed prepping for war or adventure - not to mention it helps you constantly feel like youre progressing because there's so many different pieces of gear so swap out when you constantly find one piece a little better than the last, or else you find certain tradeoffs and have to consider which armor bits to wear to get the most rounded out protection. we're talking three layers of torso, three of legs, plus elbow, shoulder/upper arm, wrist, and hand slows, plus three layers of pants, etc etc.

Publicado a 22 de Novembro de 2017. Última alteração: 23 de Novembro de 2017.
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2,737.9 hrs em registo (1,363.6 horas no momento da análise)
To my own opinion; this is hands down the best game on steam, because it is everything. The base game is effectively a framework for modders to do whatever they want, and they have done *everything.* Plain and simple. They've fully remade the campaigns of countless other shooters, they've made every kind of roleplay possible, and PUBG is a gutted featureless version of ArmA 3's Battle Royale (and i love PUBG, but it's still less content rich than arma, though PUBG is still being developed so this may change). ArmA 3 is effectively Garry's mod, but on a newer engine. I would say that it's like Gmod for adults, but honestly there are some modes in ArmA 3 that are still suitible to children at the same time.

I can not think of a singular game with a better ratio of price:content on the entirety of steam - if anyone can think of one, i actually beg you to reply to this comment with it as i'd love to buy it.

It's only real flaw is janky animations.
Publicado a 29 de Maio de 2017.
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299.6 hrs em registo (177.1 horas no momento da análise)
One of the first games i got on steam, and hands down the best survival game ive gotten - rivaled only by The Long Dark. If you want a real hardcore survival game with no second chances, this is the one, especilly with the extended mod. Ill only give you one yip for free: The "Trapping" skill, also inclouded the ability to cook food, skin animals, and start fire, meaning you will either freeze or starve without it every single time. Bring it. With that tip, yuore ready to survi- well, survive for a few days at least. This is a game where you can take a bullet to the leg, survive the fight, limp for the next week before succumbing to infection. You will die. Over and over. And you will love it.

As good as the game is on its own, its elevated in every single way by by the Neoscavenger Extended mod, which the game dev has endorsed. Now that BlueBottle has moved on to developing Ostranauts, NSE is basically just unofficial continued development. Everything still feels in theme and the same quality (or higher) than vanilla, there are sometimes multiple updates a month, bug fixes, new gear, new encounters, etc. It is simply and plainly the definitive way to play the game. (Downloadable from the NSE discord, which is linked on the Bluebottle Games official discord.) If you're new to NeoScavenger, just begin the game with NSE. The bugfixes and quality of life improvements are nearly essential, once you play with the mod you cannot play without it. If youre an old veteran player returning to the game.... go get NSE.
Publicado a 13 de Janeiro de 2017. Última alteração: 27 de Janeiro.
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0.0 hrs em registo
This is to arma 3 what Operation Arrowhead was to arma 2, plain and simple. It's essential, it makes it into a whole new game. If you're at all into arma, then if you should buy this isnt the question, its WHEN you should buy it.
Publicado a 26 de Dezembro de 2016.
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8.7 hrs em registo (8.0 horas no momento da análise)
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Is it done? no. Does it develope quickly? no. Apparently there's only one guy still actively developing it. But that doesnt matter. Look, right now its on sale for FIVE DOLLARS. Otherwise, it's only TEN. The game, finished or not, has more than enough gameplay in it already to justify the cost in the state that it is in now. Unfinished means nothing, it's just people whining in the review section. Value means something, not some superficial status. And this game has more than five dollars of value. Anything added is a bonus in my eyes. The game is incredibly atmospheric, terrifying at times when its you and one or two of your friends in a dimly lit spaceshit or station as you hear the loud metallic footsteps of unseen enemies, creep around the corners slowly and carefully, just to catch a bullet to the side of the face and jump out of your skin. this is a game for people who like atmosphere, plain and simple. if you want some epic action packed space marine game, dont bother, its not for you. its not intended for you. you wont enjoy.
Publicado a 26 de Dezembro de 2016.
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735.8 hrs em registo (523.0 horas no momento da análise)
This game is why i don't like fallout 4. I've been spoiled, and now FO4, a truely amazing game, seems like a steaming pile of dogpoop in comparison and i just can't bring myself to enjoy it..
Publicado a 30 de Junho de 2016.
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