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3 people found this review helpful
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2.6 hrs on record
I didn't entirely vibe with this game, and I was gonna let it go off into the wind like a puff of dust out of a venerable porn star's aged vagina, but upon hearing that capcom isn't giving this game the special edition on PC, as well as a slew of features that are remaining console exclusive (another postgame difficulty, a turbo mode that speed up the game, and technical improvements that at the time of writing are only doable on PC) my distain for the the game grew like a pus-filled vesicle on someone who miss-understood the meaning of what an "oil diver" does. Give us the features that you're giving the consoles, the ones that the GPU manufactures are giving to PC first and doled out for you the same way you dole out reboots of the same games every console generation.
Posted 6 October, 2020. Last edited 6 October, 2020.
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17.6 hrs on record (17.1 hrs at review time)
First off, this game is about 8.9/10. It's amazing in a lot of aspects and unique as well. This is different from the first Ori though. In the blind forest, you never feel powerful. It's something that keeps you very invested throughout the game, you don't feel strong relative to enemies or your environment, but you can control that with insane movement. That's what blind forest strength was, the ability to just chain movement into elegant flows that went all over rooms. Will of the Wisps feels very different. For the record I played both on hard from the start. Platforming is really really good, and there's so much variety and technique it's amazing you can go from one to another as fast as you do. Like the first one you can glide across rooms without touching the ground, but it's way easier to get to that point in this one, especially since you get a solid half of your movement abilities in the first 1/3rd of the game. To note, I got triple jump super early and it made it a bit more fun, something I recommend as it changes the game completely and lets you do some super fun skips for collectables. You can't really do sequence skips with your basic kit but I'm sure there are a lot.

Something I want to note is that this stole a bunch of stuff from hollow knight. Not a bad thing, hollow knight is one of my favourite platformers/games of all time, just something you'll notice if you played both. The map system is very similar, the dialog of other characters (something they added in this was other characters talking apart from your spirit guide) is basically hk noises, and the visual style of the final sequence is almost
eerily similar.

To the biggest change in this to the first one, combat. Overall combat was amazing, mob fights are fast paced, intense and fair. General one on ones are flexible and entertaining. However this leads to this games biggest flaw, the boss fights. The bosses are, to be blunt, terrible. I like boss fights a lot, especially hard ones, and I'm good at them. I can no damage most bosses in hollow knight in their radiant forms, I have beaten data org and secret bosses on crit in KH2 & 3, and in general a hard boss is something I love in a game. The bosses in will of the wisps are some of the most annoying, disappointing and boring bosses I've ever faced. The first boss is straight up one of the worst I've ever faced. Their patterns are bad, they have bad hitbox for such a floaty combat system, and just don't feel fun to fight. They're pretty, and most have a platforming section that's really good, but overall they're not satisfying to fight. I played most of the game with the bounty and reckless skills (increases enemy health/damage/drops by 70% for bounty, increase damage taken/dealt by 35 for reckless) but I straight up turned them off on bosses, and went to a cheesy arrow spam strat after a few normal attempts, just because of how frustrating the bosses were to fight how I wanted too. The bosses are legitimately the only thing I think is bad in this game, they handled the combat well even though they had the pitfalls I thought they'd have (spirit bash is ridiculously OP and you can get it at the start of the game, does massive damage and stuns enemies) but it's overall really enjoyable when you make it really hard, and the ability to switch weapons and skills on the fly make for some really cool and varied combat. Again, mobs are fun, bosses are garbage.

The story is overall good, it was emotional, the start was investing and gripping, the midpoint start of act 2 was good but I wish they committed more with what they did (not spoiling) and the villain is good with solid motivations and actions. Shames she's introduced so late into the game. The moki were cute at first but grew to be annoying, which is a shame because they were interesting at the start but turn into dumbass's quite quickly. They did little more than some expository dialog before they're just thrown to the side for characters with better designs and more brain cells.

Overall fun game, good secrets, metroidvania style map and level design, good side quests (something else they added in this), on average good combat, and beautiful visual. Worth a playthough.

TL;DR adult owls are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.
Posted 27 April, 2020. Last edited 27 April, 2020.
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15.7 hrs on record
Ok apparently this is a metroidvania which means this was the first metroidvania I played. It's really good, has a forgiving, flexible combat system that can be spammed or methodically used. Decent story, good world/characters and engaging gameplay. Also looks really good, turns out hand drawn is the way to go to be a good metroidvania. Ok imma stop saying metroidvania. Either way a good game that I recommend if you want a more casual <redacted>, it's got all the hooks and gameplay that you'd want from a game like this.

Posted 6 January, 2020. Last edited 8 January, 2020.
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147.0 hrs on record (40.2 hrs at review time)
A pretty good idle game, I've got like 300 hours on my phone and just play when I'm bored or watching youtube. I've also got a bunch of hours in other btd games and this one is the best. There's a lot of flexibility in your strats, and you can make your strat match your playstyle. There's also a few subtle interactions between towers and eachother, or even the map.
If you get it now you're getting it after it's been balanced a lot but there's still the occasional balance patch. There's a lot of towers too, some situational, some god tier for most of the game. Most of the balance is centered around making the hardest maps barely possible on the hardest game mode (which is hardest difficulty + restrictions) and most towers are easy to find a use for in a variety of situations. The tier 5's are really cool with a lot of variety and power, some of which destroy certain things while failing at others, so it's rarely just one tower just dominating your game. It's also a decent looking game, the 3d towers with 2d bloons works quite well, and the towers' attacks and animations look nice and feel powerful when they should. Some ultra high round games (170+ games) do lag out your system, but it's pretty hard to go above the mid 100's without certain strats so it rarely comes up unless you're specifically going for it.
There's also co-op now too, although I don't do that much. All in all it was worth my money on two platforms, and is still getting content updates. There's micro transactions but I've never been even prompted to buy them, and you earn a bunch of monkey money, insta-towers and powers from just playing to the point I could spam them as a meme without feeling like I'm wasting them, and it never feels like you're meant to use them. I recommend it due to the low price for the amount of gameplay it contains.
Posted 19 December, 2019. Last edited 19 December, 2019.
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18.3 hrs on record (17.2 hrs at review time)
I'm usually not that into 2D platformers, I'm more of a 3D kind of player, but this one is really good. It starts kind of slow but picks up and then you're just flying across the map. I appreciate the level design a lot, since there are a lot of collectables that you're meant to get after getting a certain skills, but are attainable way before without it. I got about 31 of the 33 ability point cells before I got the final skill that was meant to be used to get about 10 of them. Some of them require creative platforming and use of the environment but working out skips for them was incredibly fun. Using the skill that redirects projectiles for a jump is my favourite skill to abuse to get these.
I do swear at Ori a lot, probably the most out of any video game character, however the rest of the game and gameplay makes up for it. And that's without mentioning the story, which is pretty good, imo not as amazing as everyone says it is but still enough to bring a tear to my eye. Worth it at full price and is fun to be a completionist in.
Posted 30 October, 2019.
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25.4 hrs on record (10.9 hrs at review time)
Adorable as heck with some of the best platforming I've ever played. The movement is super smooth, flexible and fun, the levels are huge, full of life/character, and are so well designed for both a casual approach and a more complex one. It's got many traits reminiscent of other popular platformers but adapts them well and makes the mechanics its own. Highly recommend if you like games with good movement, and like platformers with great level design. This game is pretty much a pure platformer but it's not a huge collectathon. Kinda like Spyro with a more robust arsenal of movement.
Posted 29 June, 2019. Last edited 29 June, 2019.
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110.0 hrs on record (57.2 hrs at review time)
I honestly don't care for this game that much, the core gameplay isn't engaging, the movement is mostly boring and the community sucks unless they're the funny kind of toxic. Fine with friends, which is the only reason I have more than 5 hours, but even that's just a bad way to mask the boring nature of this game. The renown system is so grindy and not rewarding and in general it's not a satisfying game on average, it just has moments of intensity that I can appreciate, but that's not enough to make me like this game.
Posted 29 June, 2019. Last edited 29 June, 2019.
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1,041.9 hrs on record (200.0 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
Pistol round, last one alive, got 4 kills , defused and got kicked by team.
10/10 would do again.
Posted 24 March, 2015.
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1 person found this review helpful
87.4 hrs on record (55.8 hrs at review time)
Game of the year: 20(insert 2 digit number here).
Posted 8 November, 2014.
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