Super Changuito Carnoso
Fran Ὀβίλα   Argentina
:PotOfGreed: :MDWARRIOR: :AOEShield: :AOEKnight: :wololo: Tomboy Hunter :wololo: :AOEKnight: :AOEShield: :MDWARRIOR: :PotOfGreed:
La masturbacion produce perdida de la memoria...y otras cosas que no me acuerdo. Σ my balls
I have extremely strange beliefs and am a silly member of very unhinged online communities
I am not perfect therefore i shall become a hermit shortly
Kagh! Bin mog g'thazag cha!
Confussion will be my epitah
"If my fists break, it means they weren't up to the task to begin with"

"You are in a realm by yourself, the laughing stock of your village, you are a comedic vessel that has no port or harbor, a joke of a wanderer with no destination"

"No seas trolo man"

Man ♥♥♥♥ this ♥♥♥♥! Im jerking off...

"If you have an important point to make, don't try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver.
Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time — a tremendous whack."


Petrarch, Letter to Posterity (tr. James Harvey Robinson):

Incubui unice, inter multa, ad notitiam vetustatis, quoniam michi semper etas ista displicuit; ut, nisi me amor carorum in diversum traheret, qualibet etate natus optaverim, et hanc oblivisci, nisus animo me aliis semper inserere.

Among the many subjects which have interested me, I have dwelt especially upon antiquity, for our own age has always repelled me, so that, had it not been for the love of those dear to me, I should have preferred to have been born in any other period than our own. In order to forget my own time I have constantly striven to place myself in spirit in other ages.

Vivo, sed indignans quod nos in tristia fatum
secula dilatos peioribus intulit annis.
Aut prius aut multo decuit post tempore nasci;
nam fuit, et fortassis erit, felicius evum.
In medium sordes in nostrum turpia tempus
confluxisse vides.

Estoy vivo, pero me indigno porque el hado nos
reservo para siglos oscuros y nos ubico en los
peores años. Hubiera sido mejor naces antes o
mucho después, pues hubo- y quizás también
la habrá de nuevo - una época feliz. En nuestro
tiempo medio confluye todo lo torpe y

The dog is man's best friend.
He has a tail on one end.
Up in front he has teeth.
And four legs underneath

:sans: :papyruswacky: 🕋
Bamos Vien
Habito en una vivienda de bajos recursos
Que va por el nombre gubernamental de
Yo y un grupo de aliados
Controlamos ciertas áreas de esta SECCIÓN
De manera que
Podamos administrar nuestro
Negocio ilegitimo
Armas sin licencias
Vehículos robados
inhibidores que alteran la mente
Y solo usamos efectivo
Para compras financieras
Si a alguien le gustaría
Resolver altercaciones inconclusas
Estaré mas que feliz de
Comunicar mi dirección
Me gustaría advertirles
Soy una persona muy [REDACTADO]
Y regularmente
Desobedezco las leyes

Impregnate tomboys.
Launch tomboys into the bed.
Hold a tomboys’s hand.
Make love to tomboys.
Take tomboys out to dinner.
Hold the door for tomboys.
Smile and wave at tomboys.
Ask tomboys out on dates.
Raise a family with tomboys.
Nurse tomboys when they are sick.
Snuggle with tomboys at night.
Take tomboys to the amusement park.
Massage tomboys shoulders.
Tell tomboys they are beautiful.
Hit on tomboys at the gym.
Take tomboys to the beach.
Go fishing with tomboys.
Workout with tomboys.
Go for a jog with a tomboy.
Wrap your arms around tomboy’s backs.
Grab tomboy’s asses.
Shower with tomboys.
Take tomboys on vacation.

I ♥♥♥♥♥♥ My Way Into This Mess, And I'll ♥♥♥♥ My Way Out

I came
I saw
I kicked your ass

Real paradise lies eternally in the person who dreams it

Why do i even care, I've never won anything in my life.

"Bran thought about it. 'Can a man still be brave if he's afraid?' That is the only time a man can be brave,' his father told him."

Dear Father, I have run off with the daughter of Lord Stark. Apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused. In my defense, them hips was tight but the ass was fat. Oh so fat. Love, Rhaegar.

Ive actually been dead for 24 years and everything I do/say are just coincidental post death muscle spasms

Life isn’t divided into genres. It’s a horrifying, romantic, tragic, comical, science-fiction cowboy detective novel … with a bit of pornography if you're lucky.

La boludez humana no tiene edad

Puto el que lee

Open your eyes
Take a deep breath and return to life
Wake up and fight
Fight for the love and the burning light

The worst is yet to come.
So hold on to your ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, fa:p2orange::p2blue:ot.

And how can a man die better, than facing fearful odds, for the ashes of his fathers, and the temples of his gods

You smell like turtle food. You flying looking roach

Oh, you're sad because a girl at your high-school doesn't like you back? Don't tell me you have
it hard because you're a pathetic kissless virgin. You can act sad when you have to leave behind
the lady-boy you fell in love with and made passionate steamy love to in a collapsing bamboo shack, just like I did. When I was your age, I left school to bullseye go0ks from a helicopter in the middle of some god forsaken jungle. I fried so many slopes, they named a brand of rice after me. You think I felt good about firebombing his chinq village and watching our ♥♥♥♥-hut burn to the ground? We were going to build our lives together there, Peter! You know what? ♥♥♥♥ you. Get the ♥♥♥♥ out of my car.

You are out of my league
All the things I believe
You were just the right kind
Yeah, you are more than just a dream
You are out of my league
Got my heartbeat racing
If I die don't wake me
'Cause you are more than just a dream
From time to time I pinch myself
Because I think my girl mistakes me for somebody else
And every time she takes my hand
All the wonders that remain become a simple fact

Ore no pride, soshte ore no tamashi. Ore no mirai wa ore wa kimeru, hideo BLUE EYES WHITE DRAGOON
Kyōjin! Muteki! Saikyō!

Know that much may happen here, but above all, do not forget this - you may trust in me. We cradle each other's lives, and what threatens one of us, threatens us both. And if you find you cannot trust me, trust in your training. Trust in yourself. Never doubt what you have done. All your decisions have brought you to this point.
4 1
496 12 3
總時數 5.4 小時
最後執行於 10 月 12 日
成就進度   0 / 373
總時數 330 小時
最後執行於 10 月 12 日
總時數 604 小時
最後執行於 10 月 10 日
𝖕𝖗𝖕𝖑𝖊 ☀ 2023 年 3 月 24 日 下午 11:42 
Mejor jugador de dota, talento riojano.. lo que se pierde EG
Little Tiger!! Drop 10U$ 2023 年 1 月 24 日 下午 12:41 
aidetico chupa pinga do carajo, vtnc primal sup5, buena mongolico buena
Tofu 2023 年 1 月 17 日 下午 6:54 
Tofu 2022 年 4 月 27 日 下午 6:04 
Tofu 2021 年 9 月 2 日 下午 12:45 
‪Hey so my sister has been uncomfortable with the size of her breasts recently, and Ik this is really weird(I told her that too lmao) but she was wondering if you could send her a picture of them maybe just cuz she thinks you have nice breasts and wants to compare. Again I know this is weird but she knew I had you added on snap. You can take them whenever I’m just gonna give her the phone now and she will give it back to me after you send them to her. She really appreciates it and says thanks in advance.‬
El Gasto 2021 年 5 月 24 日 下午 8:00 
▌▀▄─▐──▀▄─▐▄─▐▄▐▄─▐▄─▐▄ TUCUMAN