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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 2,305.3 hrs on record (1,977.0 hrs at review time)
Posted: 17 Sep, 2015 @ 8:41am
Updated: 25 Aug, 2016 @ 9:40pm


After a lot more years of playing I must say the matchmaking has been broken and will probably never get fixed, the minor complaints that persisted earlier have become major issues and are not tolerable in 2016. Issues such as but not limited to:

1. Delays in casting abilities, INFURIATING.

2. Weird time outs even in lobby where the game decides to boot you.

3. You can't have a 1000 players befirended and blocked, combined.

4. There's no role / position selector in lobby, it'll be very easy to add they just won't do it.

5. Player reports are useless.

6. They don't even own their own servers, the connectivity and latency issues are a JOKE.

7. Voice communication rarely works.

8. Most of the decent community has moved on to games like Paragon.

9. Matchmaking is literally broken, or works in a way that either pairs you up with players MUCH lower than your rank (VERIFIED) which gives you no TP for ranked play or MUCH HIGHER than your rank ensuring you almost never win. Playing with players much lower isn't fun, also team mates don't know how to play most of the times, the higher matchup is obviously rigged, you can't play up to their level and are lost.

10. The "RELICS" have a hireachy and are conflicting in nature.

11. The reason why I PRAISED this game, the BALANCING, is no longer in existence, its pretty much certain gods always win certain gods always lose. There's little to no strategy involved anymore. There are matches we've won with OP gods with NO WARDS and not much co-ordination just because we had the gods, and matches we've lost despite doing everything by the book and playing our best.

12. Its taken way more $60 over time, wasn't worth it. I use to buy things to support the developers, it was kinda a waste.

I'd leave more points but I don't want to waste my time on this game anymore.


Short Review:

Long Review:

Smite got recently added to the Steam Store. I have been playing smite since it was in early beta. I am very happy to see it on this store.

It is a 3rd person MOBA. With several different game modes.

MOBA aspects:
1v1 3v3 4v4 and traditional 5v5 with different maps for each game mode. Plus you can create custom matches to play with 2 to 10 players on any map.

3Rd Person:
Since it is in 3rd person, it gives you a higher level of immersion than the top down MOBAs.

the game is very well balanced. Sure there are always going to be some charcters or items that seem OP, but they're not. If a newly launched character does seem OP the DEVs are quick to make adjestments and make it balance.

All things that can be purchased with money are PURELY COSMETIC. The only difference is that you can buy all the characters right off the bat or unlock them over a period of time. I DID NOT BUY THE CHARCTER PACK and I was able to unlock all of them. Plus there's a RENTAL option for you to unlock them for a while for a small in game currency.

No strict character roles:
Also any character can be built to almost any role. It has great flexibility.

Awesome Community:
The community overall is mature and civil. Like normal human beings are. Unlike the ravage 12 year olds raised by wolves outside of human civilizations on most other MOBAs.

If you get disconnected, you can reconnect back into the same match, provided the match isn't over.

Rating: 10 / 10.
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Metal 8 Jan, 2016 @ 4:49pm 
Btw i have 1.1k hours 300 triples every hunter to diamond name: mastermindofall
Metal 8 Jan, 2016 @ 4:48pm 
How high were you when saying it was balanced.
Narwhal 12 Oct, 2015 @ 11:58pm 
Other than the mispelling of strict, great review :D