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Análises recentes de Frank The Duck

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202.8 horas registradas (89.6 horas no momento da análise)
Edit: Sony has rolled back their terrible plan but be watchful of them. Again Arrowhead is fine and lovely

A wonderful game, a great sequel to the original BUT

Sony wants it to link to PSN which cripples its player base especially after so long letting it go without it.

The developers (Arrowhead) are fine and honestly some of the nicest and most reasonable devs when it comes to their fans but since Sony publishes it, Sony will ignore any form of sense.
Publicada em 5 de maio. Última edição em 6 de maio.
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55.7 horas registradas (4.9 horas no momento da análise)
Fun game but the boss for the end of chapter 1 almost made me delete the game entirely because it was the single worst gaming experience I've ever had and created a very visceral amount of anger. It is a boss designed to be just the utter worst things of any fromsoft boss fight combined. The designer of that boss fight I very much despise.

Again very fun game, lovely mechanics, solid gameplay and other bosses, are fun and very much a challenge...not that one though.
Publicada em 4 de setembro de 2023.
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31.1 horas registradas (19.1 horas no momento da análise)
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Fun mix of They Are Billions and Age of Empires in my opinion and the story (that's there) is definitely entertaining. Sadly rather short in terms of story but they are actively adding to it
Publicada em 22 de novembro de 2022.
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18.9 horas registradas (7.3 horas no momento da análise)
Fun game and generally great game with good combat, awesome music, lovely little details that help suck you in but it's let down by some of it's bosses. Character wise, they are great, on paper they are a cool fight but in practice little bits of jank with controls central to the fight make some bosses a nightmare including times where hard to dodge normally attacks get launched the second the cutscene after you respawn plays so there they actually unavoidable.

Again great game but two bosses in particular have made me angrier than the entirely of dark souls 1 purely for the jank that ruins them.
Publicada em 29 de junho de 2022.
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28.7 horas registradas
Overall, Great game. Like factorio meats a wave defence with some hack N slash thrown in to make an unexpectedly good combination.

Enemy swarms actually move and feel live swarms. Even when you think you've got to a point where you are untouchable, the game can throw curve balls at you.

It has a few bits in need of polish but the team are actively working on it and improving it.

Definitely worth playing.
Publicada em 24 de novembro de 2021.
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35.5 horas registradas
Not really worth it for full price. The core mechanics of the comeback are less skill based and more slot machines disguised as math. The game spikes randomly in difficulty and can screw you over entirely because what you brought with you is countered by the random enemies the mission generated.
Publicada em 12 de fevereiro de 2021.
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657.7 horas registradas (532.7 horas no momento da análise)
Don't buy it if you plan to use the multiplayer. It's a cash sink that could be and is at times fun with friends to mess around with in but the money takes so much grinding and the parts that should be fun are constantly ruined by the bugs that make 99% of newer content unplayable. Being unable to finish preps or missions or just losing money because of the terribly stacked systems and bizarre peer to peer connections. Every time it builds on a new update it leaves in the cracks in the foundations of old updates which slowly make more and more issues with every update.
Publicada em 2 de fevereiro de 2021.
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286.6 horas registradas (93.2 horas no momento da análise)
Brilliant game to sink hours into and a great challenge.

If you liked risk of rain 1, you'll love this game even more.

Edit: Having played another hundred hours since...still a fun and challenging game and the DLC is worth the extra bit if you find yourself wanting yet more challenge
Publicada em 25 de novembro de 2020. Última edição em 27 de abril de 2022.
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241.5 horas registradas
The game has plenty of pros and cons, so lets go through them.

-It'll run on just about any machine if you have the settings set up right
-It has lots of options to modify how well it performs
-It has an excessive amount of content

-It will not run well on any machine, it can run but it will never run well
-Figuring out the right options setup to make it run at in a usable fashion is basically complete luck combined with very confusing trial and error
-It is not optimized nor stable, they focused on content over optimizing and it shows.
-Its bloated from all the content, it is massive in file size and continues to grow
-A majority of the new content which adds to its file size is paid DLC, that isn't unreasonable but it still adds to the bloatedness even if you can't access it.
Publicada em 9 de abril de 2020.
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9.5 horas registradas
Was a terrible decision. I couldn't play a match properly because Keyboard controls are worthless and can't bind anything to mouse. Controllers had input delay that meant I would almost always lose a pin and if I got the advantage the opponent would hit me first as my character waited just too long from the input delay to attack.

Do NOT get this unless you have a high end controller that you know shouldn't give input delay in this game. (I was using xbox 360 controllers)
Publicada em 8 de agosto de 2016.
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