Sasha, Königin der Gänse
Sasha Young   Indiana, United States
Some important things to know about me~ :GooseRose:

1) I'm trans, male to female, so I prefer she/her pronouns :rosebud:
2) I play games to have fun, not to be competitively good at them. :stella_happy:
3) I'm a friendly person & always would adore more peeps to play games with~! :stella_hearts:

Now, if you're here to comment salty things or rage at me, some stuff to keep in mind~ :GooseRose:

Keep in mind, just cause my comment section is open, doesn't mean your words hold ANY merit. In all honesty, if you're not one of my friends, your words are empty! Your words mean even less when you use "he" as a way to try & get to me, it just shows you're petty/arrogant/bigoted.

Now, something I wanna make dead clear for those here to complain about my play style... You raging on my profile isn't going to upset me, you're going to make me laugh, cause you took time out of your day to post :steamsalty: on my profile. Don't try to be coy & say you came here coincidentally or save face by saying you were trying to be goofy. If you come to my profile to :DSTpoop: on me, I know exactly how petty you are, and it's amusing that I got a rise out of you~ :GooseRose:
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Smooth Larry~ 16 Oct, 2024 @ 5:27pm 
Hell yeah Theo, thanks for keeping things positive. You rock!
Theo' 16 Oct, 2024 @ 4:00pm 
No worries, people take the games to seriously sometimes. GG to you too!
One Bleppy Dergon 2 Feb, 2024 @ 4:38pm 
One Bleppy Dergon 2 Feb, 2024 @ 4:36pm 
Mema 1 Feb, 2024 @ 7:15pm 
Sasha, Königin der Gänse 30 Dec, 2023 @ 11:21pm 
I'm so sorry, Mr. Lupan demanded I save you, you guys were legends & didn't deserve it! D: