
ZerekRed の最近のレビュー

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25件中 1-10 を表示
This game is so bugged that sending bug reports would take up as much time as playing the game
投稿日 2024年11月9日.
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総プレイ時間:7.6時間 (レビュー投稿時点:5.2時間)
This game is great, gameplay is captivating and the visuals are great and a treat to look at. The gunplay is superb, even though it is nothing groundbreaking, the abilities and miracles add much needed depth and make sure that there is much more, fun ways to differentiate every match. The dlcs, to my knowledge are purely cosmetic, so there is an easy way to support these great developers, that made a fun, and unlike a lot of modern games its not a buggy mess!
投稿日 2024年7月29日.
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総プレイ時間:93.3時間 (レビュー投稿時点:80.6時間)
The game still has glitches but its way more fun and a lot of them got fixed
投稿日 2024年5月13日. 最終更新日 2024年12月21日
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♥♥♥♥♥♥ skill trees, uninspiring gameplay, basically you are better of playing anything else
投稿日 2023年12月2日.
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4 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
総プレイ時間:35.0時間 (レビュー投稿時点:8.5時間)
This game is good but its not worth the money right now, cant host your own games and sometimes you dont get any rewards, this game should honestly be marked as an early access or a beta

Edit: Almir Listo can suck my greasy balls, the game still sucks and he has to ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ beg people to play it??? Like, maybe you shouldnt suck that much ♥♥♥♥ and start doing some major strides at a reasonable rate, because at this point the game will not be playable in 5 years, but in 12
投稿日 2023年9月22日. 最終更新日 2024年7月12日
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総プレイ時間:33.0時間 (レビュー投稿時点:22.6時間)
Secret gamemode is literally danganronpa
投稿日 2023年7月30日.
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30 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
総プレイ時間:1.4時間 (レビュー投稿時点:0.5時間)
I love keiji (this game is basically just better danganronpa)
投稿日 2023年2月20日. 最終更新日 2023年2月20日
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The greatest schizo game
投稿日 2022年11月23日.
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The game is just some puzzles, walking, waiting for the operator to tell you something, and repeat, the game is NOT A HORROR, the game is boring and I dont even know how to solve the cubes puzzle without using a hint, im either dumb or this was a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ puzzle, half the game is stupid exposition about your past, its the least scary horror I ever played, literally shrek is scarier than this game. 2/11
投稿日 2022年7月13日.
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総プレイ時間:588.8時間 (レビュー投稿時点:381.4時間)
The game when paired with the dlcs is a wonderful, original, really interesting and 1 of the best games in the world, at least 1 of the best in its genre.

The story of the game is pretty good but it doesn't negatively affect the game when you dont know it, the games ost is great, there is a plenty of characters and a great amount of mods to mold your experience, you can add mods that work well and look like in game content... or a car.
9/10 (10/10 on good days)
投稿日 2022年6月1日.
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25件中 1-10 を表示