
Recensioni recenti di Fausty

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5.4 ore in totale
The combat is the core of this games gameplay and it is not that great. Alot of smashing one button with a lack of combos options that diversify your movement or damage. Your basic attacks can send your character flying past foes unless you lock on, but the lock on will target foes behind the ones your aiming at or even in the back of a crowd. Enemies will hit 0 health and stand there motionless before collapsing or even get an extra attack off before they die, and they won't flinch when attacked much, if at all, so there's no real feedback as to you hitting them. The gameplay just feels bad and irresponsive.

The dialogue is a lot like other games in the series, but I'm not sure how much that adds up when the action portions of the game don't hold interest.
Pubblicata in data 12 aprile 2018.
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16.4 ore in totale (12.3 ore al momento della recensione)
Colorful and cheerful, though I felt it lacked incentive. Its pleasant and a nice place to lose yourself or a bit.
Pubblicata in data 23 novembre 2017.
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4 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
8.7 ore in totale
I want to like this game, but as a combat game it has issues because the combat doesn't feel good and your counter can force your character to roll wildly around the battlefield into being hit, and as a game of chance it can require you to play again, again, and again for no reward to get an unlock and when you finally reach it, it doesn't feel rewarding.

It also has less than convinient UI choices, like forcing you to go through several screens to even start a game and not having a restart option or a way to quickly see all of the items in your deck. You have a pretty big list of cards to pick from for a deck by the middle of the game and even with the ability to go to a certain type of card, you can still scroll for quiet some time before reaching what you actually want to put in your deck.
Pubblicata in data 28 febbraio 2017.
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166.1 ore in totale
Awesome story, nice mechanics, moddable. There's a reason I put a lot of hours in this game.
Pubblicata in data 23 novembre 2016.
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4 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
6.1 ore in totale (5.6 ore al momento della recensione)
The clunky UI, movement, lack of variety, and lack of automization make this game boring. Feeding your characters and telling them when to attack with each weapon and how to cast a spell makes combat aggrivating. There could've been something to take attention from that and put it towards the combat itself. Its difficult to tell how to level characters because there's little to explain what to do and your given so few skillpoints you don't get to spread them around much and experience, and even spells are so few in number and spread out across several skills that you don't really get to have fun with them. The dungeons and puzzles can be entertaining, and there's always a thrill in lootseeking and exploration, however the combat and the character building really take away from this game. What could be an adventure feels more like a slog.
Pubblicata in data 28 novembre 2015.
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4 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
6.3 ore in totale
I really don't want to give this game a negative review, the art looks nice and as far as I can tell the developer is active on the forums, and I like the idea of a flexible class system. However after seeing my graphics glitch as i walk through objects, getting stuck in walls, jumping over a gap that is identical to the landmass i was standing on, and the game's seeming love of a grind, I have a hard time saying its enjoyable. Most of the time i spent in the game was grinding. Didn't feel like I went very far, and for quiet a bit of it there wasn't a good feeling of direction or need to go in a certain direction.

The class system is maybe a little too splintered because to an extent some classes could easily have shared abilities, especially when you can only have 3 characters fighting at a time. You also can't view a class ahead of time to see what exactly it does. Starting out i had no idea which class gained healing abilities. Its possibly my own ineptitude, but I had trouble finding out what the stats do. Strength probably has something to do with damage, but persona and fortune weren't spelled out very well.

Currency in the game is also a bare looking. After all my hours of grinding, I had less than 5000. I couldn't afford the land someone was selling in the town, buying armor for all of my characters would bankrupt me or possibly even be out of reach because the starting armor was just that much more expensive than what I'd made.

Lastly the story didn't really draw me in. The setting looks interesting, but the direction the game sent me was vague and I felt like i was being kicked into a dungeon instead out on an adventure. There was also a bit with a character with a time traveling booth that wasn't all that entertaining to me. I got the reference, but it just wasn't entertaining to me.
Pubblicata in data 20 novembre 2015.
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3 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
2.4 ore in totale
Its like a rock and roll devil/angel anime with one of the most pleasant sound tracks I've ever listened to. The characters felt like they had their own way of talking, they had their quirks, the art is definitely eyecatching. Plot feels a little obtuse and messy, and there aren't as many original pictures or character emotes as I'd like personally, but I really did find it enjoyable.

Also, if it matters, the characters are almost all female. I think in total there are 2 males, one of which is mute, and the other of which is only in a flashback. Wouldn't mind seeing more males in this artstyle myself. The cast is pretty big, a lot of diverse and interesting characters, just lacking in males for whatever reason.
Pubblicata in data 10 novembre 2015.
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35.6 ore in totale
Its not a bad game, you can most definitely build a prison, but it feels like there isn't much to do with a prison. You can only do so much with a prison and the game has expectations of what you will do with it and you operate within its rules even if some feel arbitrary. Its a game your going to have to give yourself goals in, rather than one that challenges you itself, I think. With 30 dollars(release price), you could do a lot of things. I think you could find more for your dollar. I'd consider this a game you would get on sale someday maybe, but as is it just feels bare.

In addition to feeling bare, the game itself has its own kinks. Objects aren't always aligned right, my cooks were cleaning dishes inside of walls somehow, and while trying escape mode i was prompted to hit escape to leave a screen and escape just wasn't working so I exitted the game.
Pubblicata in data 6 novembre 2015.
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9 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
1.0 ore in totale
It was a nice read, but its just too short. It could be finished in a half hour if it didn't reset back to the start with every loss. Resetting so far is a real loss, its hard to be engrossed when you spend a minute or two clicking through pages you had already read, some of which move at their own dramatic pace. Its something you would probably find interesting and appreciate when its free on a site, but if you plan to buy it I would wait until its a price your willing to pay for an hour or less of your time.
Pubblicata in data 31 ottobre 2015.
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25 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
2.6 ore in totale
There's alot about this game I didn't like. The game's premise included stealing powers and invading thoughts, but in practice that felt lackluster. There were very few powers to absorb and they didn't feel like I'd gained anything when I did it. In fact it led to 'memorywalking' which led me on a story within a story, rather than the one I bought. A story within a story I had a hard time caring for because it was told as a dream rather than your action. In a dream I wasn't a person crafting or even participating in a story. I felt like someone viewing someone else's story. In fact even the story outside of the dream felt that way, being tugged along by other characters. Your character didn't feel like he gained anything from his power to absorb, he starts with the power to shoot lazers of all things. He is an alien, and that made it harder for me to like him, especially when him and everyone else because his writing involved so many new words and lingo and ideals that I didn't really connect with. The choices in the game didn't feel like they mattered; even my characters body and gender and even my name felt ignored. I believe my character was called Princy more often than the name I gave him and by my characters in game pet as that. The pet is something I didn't get to choose anything about, and in the middle of the game i was prompted to pay a dollar for DLC so it could give me hints. The game ends what feels abruptly, in the middle of its story, and with a premise similar to the 2nd book in the author's other trilogy, which I feel a hard time being interested in, especially if there are several months of waiting between playing each book and whatever book comes after.
Pubblicata in data 22 agosto 2015. Ultima modifica in data 22 agosto 2015.
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