Probably streaming on Twitch! If not... always welcome to give it a try

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Last Night's Gang: Proma The Bow Main. (Left) Chisato The Longsword Abuser (Middle) And Freak The Charged Bayblade! (Right)
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Updated: Inscryption now has replayability with the launch of Kaycee's Mod's wich unlocks after completing the game (unfortunatle you have to play the game another 1 more time or you need use cheats to acces it... a more detailed review on Kayce'e's Mod - free with inscryption - will be coming soon) and replayability is the only negative thing the game lacked

After playing this game for 15h - I've completed the game. to be honest I feel this game is amazing ESPECIALLY for people that want to try horror BUT don't want to get to freightend. I felt hooked into the game that on the first day of streaming this. I didn't want to wait for the next time I would stream this to know how it ends.

A quick overview of the game:

A card game that on the first glance looks like just a card game. just the average card game that wants you to play and replay because beating the end for the first time (the 1st END Boss) can be quite hard.
BUT actually there is a story involved. A 3-4 parted story. the game mechanics stay the same: Cards, Squirrels, Blood, Bones and some weird extra stuff and being able to walk into to room in some parts of the game (like the 1st part). A story that's a bit vague to understand if you didn't pay attention to it. The horros is in the unexpected things that you can use to change the bord. some things you just wouldn't expect.

Also the game is taking a risk. with a certain battle. in wich you might be freightened in what the game is about to do to you that might affect your real life as well (let me assure you. even though how frightning it looks, you have nothing to worry about)


+++ Slow but steady learning curve
+++ The game will feel challenging. I've had it once that the first card played dealt to much damage from turn 1 or 2. I've got punishedf for that... I've never been that challenged in a card game.
+++ The graphics and ambient music are amazing, though sometimes i feel like it's lacking in certain 'in-between-fights' or 'worlds'.
+++ No game or attempt ever feels the same: all your actions have concequenses. Merging cards, abilities, Dying, empowering, empowering more then you should, taking risks, the decision of going left or right, using an item at a certain timing or wrong timing. all comes with the risk of losing or wining the game. or the issue of failing your next attempt
++ Failing is actually a good thing. It will benefit your next tries.
++ The further you play the game, the more opportunities you have to solve puzzles in the rooms that you will get in that will benefit the game (and advance your story)
+ Multiple Chapters, multiple styles of world/Chapters giving certain vibes. some you enjoy more then others.
+ Replayability, after completing my first playthrough I might have missed some puzzles/achievements. although having most of them 22/30. Completing the game entirely might take 2/3 entire gameplays. I wonder if in my 2nd gameplay I would have some differences from the first.


- The acting of the main protagonist is rather poorly. something I think could have gone better but not a bad thing.
(- If you're looking for a story game, this might be an issue since the story is somewhat vague and difficult to spot from the start of the game. for some it might take to long to see the story in it -not an issue of mine)
- Great music, although sometimes i feel the game's enviremental music is a bit... dull.
(-Defeating the first end boss might take that long that you already felt like "giving up" the game -not an issue of mine)
-somewhat dissappointed in how much time you would spend in total in the different chapters... some of them you really enjoy. other of them you rather want to escape ASAP.


AUDIO: 3,5/5
SCORE: 16,5/20

I'll definetly play this for a Second time
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568 Jam dimainkan
I had hours of fun stories, tried countless achievements and you always improve your games

One of the more enjoyable games of Paradox Interactive if you asked me

Defenitly recommend it, I liked CK2 already for the same reasons I like CK3, You can change the course of history but in a Roleplaying kinda of way, It's not your regular Europa Universalis where you just control a map and wait for RNG to produce an heir, No, if you want your heir, you need to seduce them, Sway them to like you.

If you want to split someone else's realm you don't need to wait for RNG, but Challenge him to a Trial of Death or Murder him. Catch him in a war, imprison and kill him...

Tons of stuff I like about the series

Now the "bad"
I feel like CK3's AI might be a bit clunky
I feel like CK3 requires a lot of knowledge from youtubers and pro CK3 Streamers in order to be good at the game
RNG F's you as much as it helps you

But I feel those things generally do not influence much of the game experience, except getting killed by a bear in my last stream with 75% chance of surviving it and killing the bear.... Poor Sigurd "Snake in the Eyes"

Game keeps getting updated and achievements gets added expansion after expansion
I'm curious what the future of this game has in store for us...

Latest Expansion Released when written this review: Friends and Foes Event Pack

I would recommend all the packs to add the full experience in the game
I only slightly dislike the Fate Of Iberia Pack but... that's a personal opinion

Definitly recomend it, I'd rate it 8.9/10
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624 Jam dimainkan
needed to re-review the game.

1st review ever made: Bad - time of review 2 years ago
2nd review ever made: Bad - time of review somewhere May 2022
3th review: TERRIBLE - Time of review 24/11/2022
4th review Stopped playing for months, come back still going to leave it for months
opinion mostly remain unchanged- same review remains almost unchanged


1. Survivor based game: Each time a new killer gets released with it's survivor the killer perks are as good as useless or already nerfed to much from the PTB
2. DbD Community: The most unfun and Toxic community ever seen and I'd even dare to say that Moba communities are less bad then this one. As a killer main you get nothing but SWF's (Survive With Friends) who make the game unfair and will use everything against you to bully you gameplay wish even though DbD states that It's "Gameplay abuse"
example given: Using exploits, Body Blocking (read report for Gameplay abuse)
3. Community of META Slaves: Honest to god how much I HATE Meta slaves, The use of Meta perks is to freaking annoying all the time. Killers don't really have "META PERKS' meaning that the Meta slaves only play this game
4. No fun for Solo Que: As a result to that, Solo que survivors get slaughtered because they face killers who face nothing but 4 man toxic SWF's

Personal reasons for hating DbD:
1. Boon totems broke the game
2. Dead Hard "Nerf" broke the game because it resulted into a DbD Buff
3. As a killer main you get nothing but SWF's You need to leave and reque over 20 times to see the same high level survivors in the lobby, to see the same lobbies who already have 3-4 players in them. To get the same experience of facing a toxic SWF EVERY SINGLE TIME
4. It's just NOT FUN as survivor sided game: Killer complains never get heared, Unless it's another Killer nerf that OTZDarva asks. wich BTW is NOT the general DbD Killer player! OTZ's Influence on buffing survivors and making the game survivor sided. Ruined the game
5. SWF's is still allowed: As long as SWF's are allowed not a SINGLE killer is going to have fun against sweaty freaking survivors doing nothing but Queing to ruin someone's evening! It's disgusting!
6: every time there is a new killer, if you're a killer main you get bullied with the most toxic SWF's when playing it, play as survivor and you get the most skilled player that no lifed the PTB on the new killer... The game is unfixable

Been playing thso game for almost 600H AND STILL i feel like DbD was never worth the time! Because you only have fun the very first 15h that you play a certain side and a soon as you get those try hard, that's it. Fun over and you're already addicted cuz it USED to be fun!

DbD needs to start listening to the killer community! And start Nerfing Survivor to the ground
Killer main after Killer main leave the game and More will leave if Survivors get buffed ALL THE FREAKING TIME and speaking about when playing survivor, SWF's need to dissappear so MMR can be fixed. You need to be a 4man swf to have a decent game

And every time you return to the game after breaks of 10 days or even more It's the same process all over and over again.

End Result: 0/10 Although if I were really allowed to put negative score, it's a -10/10
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GreenBunnyFeng 1 Jul 2022 @ 8:07am 
FREAK_115 - TTV 4 Jan 2022 @ 7:19am 
Hope you survivors from DbD read this as well when you wanna comment something:

'Hi, Yes i'm a camper whenever I feel like it benefits my gameplay because of flashlightsaves or to good survivor players, Yes, I'm a tunneler and I don't care about it. No, It's not a killer sided game... No it's not a balanced game until RPD map, Preham School and Haddonfield are reworked and yes, I indeed do not care about running NOED, Mori's irri head's or whatever OP add-ons/perks when all survivors can be 1. in a SWF and 2. do the same with WAY more broken perks and build'

So enjoy your stay.... rage down below... hate all you want.... I just hope I made some1's day worse by camping or such :)