Fran - 지쳤어? 피곤해
Subarashi, wa~ta~shi~   Buenos Aires, Argentina
En un mundo perfecto,

hombres como yo, no existirían.

Pero este no es un mundo perfecto.

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The Stuttering Protocol, the prequel to The Refund Protocol


The game still stutters a lot, but whatever, I played it anyways, and it is one of the most boring, basic and bland horror game I ever played so far.
Combat is BUSTED. For some reason they forced melee combat as a main tool to deal with enemies, and let me tell you, once you beat the very first enemy, you already experienced ALL the melee combat the game has to offer. Sure, you can upgrade your weapon, but so far, the damage upgrades didn't make a difference, the only two upgrades that actually feel like they do something, are the heavy attack and the arm breaker, but that's it.
Now, why it is busted? The game has an automatic dodge button, you have to keep pressing A or D, and once an enemy attacks you, you dodge it. You don't have to aim, you don't have to time your strikes, it is even more braindead than an arcade beat'em up, but once you have to deal with more than one enemy at the same time, the game becomes an annoying drag where you have to shoot enemies with a peashooter (even if you upgrade it or change to a shotgun) to avoid getting overwhelmed. Worst part, if you want to go melee against two enemies, the game auto locks your character to one enemy and your camera screws you over obscuring enemies behind your back.
BUT, you can bust the combat EVEN MORE once you add the GRP gauntlet because you can throw enemies into spikes or environmental hazards and that's a one shot kill. You might have limited charges, but you can easily take down three to four enemies in a row.

Horror is non-existent. Survival aspects are non-existent. Difficulty is determined by how many spikey walls you have at your reach.
It is a boring game, a 70 dollars boring game. I would highly recommend going back to Dead Space 1, 2 and even 3. And if you truly, TRULY want to play this thing, wait for a sale because you're going to find yourself playing a dull, boring and expensive game when there are better alternatives to horror games.
Stand Name 21 Feb @ 2:35pm 
Una deidad entre deidades
Chancla 20 Feb @ 12:26pm 

deberian morir
Es solo una opinion..................