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8 people found this review helpful
106.7 hrs on record (37.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Has to be one of if not the most coziest games I've ever played in such a terribly long time. Not only is the art style absolutely charming but the sound tract perfectly adds onto each zones ambiance. I can't believe such a gem has gone under the radar and genuinely look forward to each content drop up until full release. Thank you for such a blessing kind developers.
Posted 29 December, 2024.
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26.2 hrs on record
Clunky and the visuals are a bit dated but overall a fantastic experience with a absolutely gorgeous soundtrack to go with it. First game I genuinely sat down and played from start to finish in quite a long time.
Posted 18 November, 2024.
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36.2 hrs on record
I can't recommend this game in good faith after the stunt that was just pulled and a huge chunk of people who will no longer have access to a product they purchased because their country can't make a PSN account. Oh and as usual that's either met with being told to break the law or use a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ VPN service. Fun stuff. It was fun while it lasted but let this be a warning to those who see any game published by Sony on here. Sorry this happened to you Arrowhead, no one deserves to have such a labor of love completely destroyed by an absolutely moronic publishet
Posted 3 May, 2024.
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7 people found this review helpful
279.1 hrs on record
Can no longer recommend this game to any sane person after the absolutely moronic idea they just had and their stance on it however as I'm sure you are all aware they are releasing Smite too and normally you'd assume that'd mean all your progress and skins you've spent your hard earn cash on including the ones from those super predatory chests transfer over right? Well I'm sad to say they do not and what do you get? 'Legacy Gems' which only take 50% off the current skins within Smite 2, you don't even get to ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ buy them you still have to put in MORE money to get them at a 'discount' and who knows how they are going to price them in the new one. I imagine all those who spent an absorbent amount of money on that fancy Thanos skin aren't going to be happy either. Frankly I can say without a doubt this is a move worse than Overwatch 2 as at least you got to keep the ♥♥♥♥ you payed for when they did the 'big leap' where Hi-Rez basically tells you go ♥♥♥♥ yourself but hey give us more money but all the while flipping you off with a smile. Yea no I can't support this garbage and to those who say 'but Smite 1 is still going to be up and supported' boy howdy have you not learned from history? How many companies said the same damned thing and within a year they'd pull the plug on the older project to focus on the current? Surely after milking the hell out of it as much as they can and with Hi Rez's track record recently yea I'd STRONGLY advise staying away from this game. I used to love playing this with my pals but after seeing all this nonsense and their backwards stance on it all I'm no longer going to support them. Its a shame to see another company give into greed.
Posted 16 January, 2024.
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43.2 hrs on record (13.0 hrs at review time)
As I promised this idiot with an airplane strip for a forehead had not only taken down their review but upon successfully getting the game to run have changed it to a positive for the mighty loading screen boss had been for the most part circumvented! Anywho.

Warning: What I'm about to list bellow may not work for everyone as this game still suffers from a large number of bugs though the developers seem to be actively squishing them at quite an astounding rate so sure so many patches in a day may come off as annoying but there are SO many companies that will release a buggy product and simply leave it as is for months just to release a half assed patch that does not fix ANY of its issues. For that I can give them some credit and offer my most sincere gratitude for their hard work but moving on!

As of 10/19/2023 I can wholeheartedly confirm I found a way around the dreaded loading screen crash that is plaguing those with 4 core system yet despite many claims from many a troll and insightful individual I believed that it was ENTIRELY possible to run the game on a 4 core as confirmed by a friend and a myriad of others it did not encounter this dreadful crash though they are still dealing with their own issues presently. I can't promise this fix will work on a 4 core with lower than 8 threads however the first thing I noticed was that the crashing had to do with frame rate which I've extensively tested to see if I can when the game decides it wants to load that I can repeat the same crash type when in game and without a doubt it occurred not only in character creation but in combat, when slapping a crucifix off my face and when rolling into pots. The time it takes for the crash to occur is inconsistent however once I cap the game at 60 these crashes at least outside loading screens suddenly just.. dissipated? So this had me curious.. if this crash was tied to frames why was the same occurring in loading screens...? Well you see I decided to see how many frames the game was running at and discovered DESPITE setting the fps caps in options the LOADING SCREEN was UNCAPPED still. So I booted up my nvidia control panel, located BOTH launchers and manually set their FPS to 60.. well surprise surprise the crashes COMPLETELY stopped. Frankly this is more of a band aid as the issue still persists and those with more that 4 cores are now encountering it but I have yet to see a crash since but I will leave some aditional advice to help improve performance further, to get more bang for your buck.

First of there is a set of Ini edits on Nexus Mods called LOTF - Stuttering and Performance Fix. Don't worry this is just changing around more advanced settings you can't through the options menu. Frankly if you know how to mess around with Unreal Engine 5's ini settings you could easily make the game look like its ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ rune scape on the visual department.. ANYWAY. This for me and a few others has helped mitigate a horrendous number of stutter issues and catching while playing the game.

Second of I HIGHLY recommend Process Lasso as it lets you designate the number of cores your game will run at. It gives you more control over how much resource a game can use but it takes a bit of technical knowledge.

THIRD. Don't trust the recommended settings. Use common sense. Some will require FAR more demand than others for little to no change in visual fidelity when actively playing the game while drastically increasing performance. This is something you just have to accept with older CPU's though you can still make your game look good while netting a stable 60 fps or more as I have not tested what the cap is for fps on a 4 core 8 threads until the crash hell returns. If you are patient feel free to test the limits of that.

Fourth. If you are on a 2060 don't expect to get anything above medium in some settings. You can likely push the visuals to high but things like shadows and effects will be needed to be dropped to medium or low but hey at least your armor and weapons look fabulous!

Fifth. TURN. OFF. Nvidia Reflex Low Latency, that thing has been causing a metric ton of issues for me and a number of people and contributes a few noteable crashes. I'm not sure why but the demand of the game just jumps when its on.

Extra. If you are experiencing the dreaming loading screen crash AFTER the intro cinemation where the audio abruptly stops as well as the bar there is another fix you may want to consider. Usually it can be fixed with a verification of your game files but either deleting the shader's cache for the game OR deleting the USHADER in your local/lotf2/saved section and verifying your games files. Sometimes it'll lock up once or very rarely twice all the same as prior but'll generally start working fine after. I'm not sure why but that seems to be a hitch with generation your games shaders.. now only a review that'll be a gradual work in process as I actually play through the game!

First and foremost I will admit the dodging feels like you are gliding but honestly its not that hard to get used to however onto the complaint I hear allot which is being mob density.. well I'm not going to go out and just tell someone to 'get good' but a little advice I can give when it throws the hoard at you is to at least have ONE weapon that has wide sweeping attacks that can smack a number of enemies at once and to avoid line of sight with ANY ranged enemy as those ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ have bloody aim bot. The zerge of gangling arse holes who want to wear your skin like a fancy are all relatively frail and will die to three strikes maximum and are generally not a problem if you really observe where they are placed.

Second.. the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ MIMICS.. those things gave me a literal ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ anxiety attack and I ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ love them. The fact that they went with the thing most people instinctually rush to nab was downright SADISTIC but they do have a very obvious sign they are not what they seem to be so much like you whip the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ghost from enemies before promptly pummeling it into nonexistence you make that fluttery ♥♥♥♥ regret trying to ruin your day by ripping off its glowing dangler and promptly pocketing it. I kind of wish you could also just swing at the thing and just fight them like an enemy, sometimes I just want to slam my hammer down on its damned face.

Third.. the first Boss.. BOY was I not expecting that and honestly as much as I adore the sudden shift in difficulty its all merely a facade that is meant to overwhelming you with decently ranged flashy melee strikes but a plethora of golden hued tomfoolery that'd make Morgott ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ jealous but here's the part where you realize she's a pushover. You can legitmately perfect parry every one of her melee strike and each is so painfully slow that once you figure out how much time she takes to rev that ♥♥♥♥ up you can proceed to repeatedly fist her chest cavity until she realizes she just ♥♥♥♥♥♥ with the wrong Lamp Bearer. Her magical talents are EXTREMELY telegraphed as her laser of eating 8/10th of your health bar is super easy to avoid and both her fancy face seeking rain of shiny pointy things can be avoided by just.. rolling towards it, This goes the same for her backup dancers as many of their attacks can either be avoided by holding the w key or just.. rolling towards her and don't get me started on her fancy dash across the screen followed by a row of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bargain bin Morgott weeb ass sword rain. Its SUPER easy to avoid and even when she initiates her clones they make it very apparent in the positions they'd be zooming across with plenty of time to avoid them. Push comes to shove you can bring your bosom buddy the Iron Wayferer to take some heat from you as well as give her a mild concussion or two before his inability to ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ dodge gets him killed. Honestly despite how much I rib on her she's actually a really well done first boss that teaches you to pay attention and utilizes all the tricks it taught you.
Posted 16 October, 2023. Last edited 20 October, 2023.
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3 people found this review helpful
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13.4 hrs on record
As of now the game is a glorified paper weight that requires you to basically make it look worse than what it does which is odd because on max settings PC's looks works than PS5 which you'd think they'd be similar but to be honestly its not the fact even on a good machine if you don't want the game to have slow downs or fps drops you need to lower your settings it that the game for SOME unknown reason will start crashing and it will not stop. There at least from where I'm standing seems to be no reason for this as one moment the game is running as fine as this poor PC port of a thing can be and the next every other loading screen it just decides it wants to crash on you. Oh and lets not forget it deciding it wants to crash 5 to 6 times trying to boot it up and if you think I'm making this ♥♥♥♥ up just look up crash on the Red, the Steam forum and I'm sure Koei's official forums and you'll see hundreds if not thousands of complaints. Hell some people can't even PLAY the game as they are simply crashing on boot up just like the demo. But you know what really is just.. assinine? The response to it all. Basically being treated like they are stupid or their computer just isn't 'good' enough for a bloody game that runs on the gosh danged PS4.. hell go google the PS5's specs, its really not some god machine people make it out to be. There is a reason recommended is the 2060. Oh and I can't forget those who are all 'just update your drivers' um yea with how in your face Windows 10 and Nvidia is about driver updates you'd usually always have those damned things up to date. Not everyone is going to sit down and either uninstall Geforce Experience because its such a nuisance or find a way to disable Windows Updates. Its sad to see such a fantastic game suffering from issues that should of very well been fixed within a day or two after launch yet here we are a week later with Koei basically not even acknowledging they exist and even according to some shrugging it off as 'PC not good enough'. But hey at least they admit the mouse and keyboard controls will make you wonder what kind of acid trip the person choosing them for the PC port was on. I'll glad accept whatever clowning I'm probably going to get because lord apparently if they don't have problems it doesn't exist. I'll delete my review once these problems are rectified and maybe even give a better one once I'm able to.. ya know be able to play the game.

Update: Nothing was fixed since making this review and the devs seemed to have stomped their feet going the route of blaming the consumer. To be honest I REALLY don't want to believe this is the people who worked on Nioh because they where on the ball when it came to fixing the issues PC had. I REALLY want to refund this trash fire of a game because I legitamtely feel like I was SCAMMED out of my money but do to steam still thinking the game was RUNNING when every background process was freaking shut off I'm over the time. They REALLY need to change their refund policy to make exception of games that are doing this poorly because this ♥♥♥♥ is inexcusable and the best way to get greedy idiots to listen is to hurt them where they seem to only give a ♥♥♥♥. Their wallet. On the plus side I won't be buying another game from them ever again after they thoroughly destroyed any good will they had.
Posted 7 March, 2023. Last edited 18 July, 2023.
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40.8 hrs on record
Honestly I REALLY wanted to like this game as it has ALLOT of charm and the magic is quite fun once you start unlocking spells but sadly I'm still within the group of people who literally cannot play the game without issues where I've seen with honest to god worse specs than mine run it just fine all I've found was the game practically made my machine have a stroke while I can run games like Elden Ring on high settings without much issue and allot going on. I've practically tried all the fixes listed, even turned the graphics into what's comparable to mud just to see if I can play for more than twenty minutes at a time to no avail. It doesn't help the patches have only made performance worse.. don't let the 40 hours lie, I spent most of that trying to get it to run and it liked to say I was running the game even though I'm sure as hell the Exe wasn't even in my task manager. I doubt I'll get a refund on this game do to that and honestly it really feels like all I did was waste money. For those who are interested maybe give it some time before you buy it least you wanna be one of few who got screwed over like mysself and oh you'll probably get told to 'get a better computer' even if you possess a 2080 and are having issues.
Posted 23 February, 2023.
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2 people found this review helpful
20.5 hrs on record (16.8 hrs at review time)
I really REALLY want to like this game but the bare bones matchmaking system that punishes you for playing with only one friend by forcing a bot which is practically useless onto you and the random crashes that can occur after being thirty or so minutes into a level resulting in that time and effort being wasted ruin it for me. The sad thing is you won't see these glaring issues until you beat the campaign as despite how stupid the bots AI is you can beat the entirety of story no problem but once you start trying to ramp up the difficulty or trying hoard mode well it speaks for itself.
Posted 29 August, 2021.
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170.0 hrs on record (141.1 hrs at review time)
Now that the game is in full release and after giving it some time to metaphorically cook I can honestly say without a doubt that the online model and way they are going with this game that it's likely not going to last very long. There hasn't really been any new content since launch and the group they are catering too has heavily tapered off if not moved onto other games so all I honestly see is a very obvious attempt at milking those who still remain before finally pulling the plug. What makes matters worse is if you remember this game is strictly Online so there is a HIGH possibility you will not be able to play it at all once that happens. This game honestly has so much charm that's wasted on the always Online model and the devs focus on milking the metaphorical cow for what its worth. If you want people to stick around you need actual content, something new to keep those who play it as a Monster Collector happy and to give those who partake in PVP new things to play with but instead all you get is a battle pas without anything new or interesting to keep people around. I honestly do not recommend this game, especially at the price it currently is and with how they are doing things. Honestly this game will end up as one of those things that looks neat and than you realize its a 44 dollar paper weight once they pull the plug.
Posted 27 July, 2020. Last edited 14 February, 2023.
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5 people found this review helpful
28.1 hrs on record (10.7 hrs at review time)
There are so many things I wish to say about this game but honestly I doubt will properly express how I feel, just don't make the same mistake I did and buy this travisty of a game. I waited in the faint hope things would improve yet here I am now feeling empty and betrayed. Don't make the same mistake I did in purchasing this product and please check the top reviews to get an idea of how badly their lied to us all. Best of Wishes
Posted 27 July, 2020.
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