Hugh Janus   New Zealand
Even after Enlightenment, you still have to do the dishes.
:smug: dev1ce requesting the bussy :smug:
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Warhammer 40,000: Darktide
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5 999
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Échanges effectués
23 927
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TrackMania Info
Ubisoft - teb_.
Trackmania.io Stats [trackmania.io]
- 25th New Zealand
- 125th Oceania
- Top 5000 Worldwide

Achievement Info
Achievement Stats [astats.astats.nl]
SteamHunters [steamhunters.com]
Completionist [completionist.me]
- 15th New Zealand
- 77th Oceania
- Top 3000 Worldwide

Other Info
Xbox - Ethiixxx
Origin - Ethiixx
Battle.net - Ethiixx

SoundCloud [soundcloud.com]
Twitch [www.twitch.tv]

Steam Rep [steamrep.com]
Steam Ladder [steamladder.com]
Profile Level 69 Collector Admin
Groupe favori
Chocolate Banana Gaming - Groupe public
Gaming Full of Deliciousness
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Vitrine du Workshop
"PREPARE TO FIGHT" Inspired by Quake 1,2 & 3, this map will test to see who is really the master of the arena, and will encourage you to switch up your play style to keep the lead. Best played as a 1v1 or 2v2 with the settings below: mp_round_restart_delay
52 évaluations
Créé par - teb
tebby boi
Just what are you? And where do you fit into this world? You may be a grain of piss, dried on the floor of the queens toilet. You may be the most important brick in the least important wall. But really, you're just a bit of something on a bit of something else. It's important to remember this before expecting anything better...

PC Specs

Operating System: Windows 11 64-bit
CPU: Intel Core i5-10400F CPU @ 4GHz
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060ti 8GB
RAM: 2 x 16GB DDR4
Motherboard: Gigabyte H510M S2H V2
Storage: 500GB SSD, 1TB SSD
Case: Deepcool Macube 110 White


Mouse: Razer Deathadder 2.0
Keyboard: Corsair K60
Headset: Sennheiser HD 569
Mousepad: One Thicc Playmax Desk Pad Boi (Black)
Monitor: Kogan 30" 200hz - 2640 x 1080
Samsung 24" LED 60hz - 1920 x 1080

:smug: :rl::rg::quad::qlexcellent::perforated::midair::lg::humiliation::combokill::Q2_Turtle::Q2_Torch::Q2_Health::Q2_Flachette:
Jeu favori
Guide favori
Créé par - Dylancyclone
104 évaluations
Have you watched a Youtube video or Twitch stream of Trackmania and wondered how they have all the cool HUD elements, statistics, and extra features? They've probably installed some plugins!
Vitrine des créations
CounterStrike Wallpaper: Italy | 1920 x 1080
79 11 4
Jeu favori
Heures de jeu
Vitrine des créations à la une
Funny Little Guy
112 6 1
Vitrine des évaluations
Luv me Emprah.
Luv me Primark.
Luv me Chaptah.

'Ate heretics.
'Ate orks, ain't xenophobic just don' like em.
'Ate chaos.
Simple as.
Vitrine des captures d'écran
"Time for me rations"
13 1
Vitrine des créations à la une
CS:GO Wallpaper : Inferno | 1920 x 1080
45 10 1
Vitrine des évaluations
64 heures de jeu
Fantastic Gunplay & Movement
Fantastic Soundtrack
Fantastic Netcode for Co-op (High ping wont screw you over)
Fantastic item exploration and unlocks that want you to progress

This game has changed so many times over the past nearly 3 years of Early Access and now that its at full release its brought everything to perfection that was iffy in the past.
Download the Demo and give it a try, your progress saves to the game when you buy it.
You will not regret <3
Vitrine des vidéos
CS:GO Lads 3
Vitrine du Workshop
A complete gameplay and visual overhaul of Halo Combat Evolved with the soul purpose of creating a fresh campaign experience for CE veterans, along with enhanced visuals that bridge the gap between classic and anniversary, and challenging gameplay achieved
1 662 évaluations
Créé par - S3anyBoy et Connor Dawn
Vitrine des succès les plus rares
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Groupe favori
momentum-mod - Groupe public
What is Momentum Mod?
2 026
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Vitrine des créations
CobbleStone Sunset
55 5 1
Items à échanger
5 999
Items possédés
Échanges effectués
23 927
Transactions sur le marché
Come trade if youre feeling schnazzy about it<3

:smug: :rl::rg::quad::qlexcellent::perforated::midair::lg::humiliation::combokill::Q2_Turtle::Q2_Torch::Q2_Health::Q2_Flachette:
Statistiques du Salien
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Points d'expérience gagnés
Vitrine des vidéos
Guide favori
Créé par - Shmeaty McBeaty
561 évaluations
Are you spending the hard earned cash your mom makes on skins for csgo? Follow these steps so you can afford to go to college.
Activité récente
D4 Il y a 2 heures 
"Islands of Insight" is free to keep for a limited time. https://steamproxy.net/steamstore/app/2071500/Islands_of_Insight/ :ok_hand:
teb 11 juin à 15h34 
me first :smug:
D Jenz 11 juin à 14h07 
Can we get me to 5K comments?
Akinojora 10 juin à 6h33 
Let's get our game on!
teb 4 juin à 0h41 
sorry bro, i dont speak mentally ill.
gigglebop 4 juin à 0h40 
looking forward to you exposing most of the pro teams for cheating cause you the private cheat industry expert 🤓🤡