IQᴜᴏᴜs Mᴀxɪᴍᴜs
Unironic signature look of superiority.

I know you're trash but my comment section is no garbage disposal.
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Original Name: Entertainment Ailment (EA/Σ∧) going by > "IQᴜᴏᴜs Mᴀxɪᴍᴜs"
+alias "The Tear Shredder"; I have this innate, special talent to make people cry inwardly... however once their insides overflow, naturally, some tears are bound to come out of their eyes to drop right into the shredder that is me, serving as a source of fuel to keep this choo-choo going at TGV speeds.
+alias "The Virginity Retriever"; I help people who "aren't" virgins (because they "lost their virginity") not only find their virginity, but personally fist it back into them, when they haphazardly cross paths with me. Don't thank me, you're welcome! I'm just a good Samaritan serving his purpose.
+alias "The Effeminator": I have this ability to turn any internet warrior, proclaimed "chad", or self-entitled "alpha male" sod, into a helpless little 8 year old girl (yes nancy... go, you can call your friends, I'll take pleasure in tending to them too) - this is achieved quite easily by employment of superior language, granted in an obnoxious tone, which destabilizes any pea-brained, native or non-native English speaker, when I concisely explain to them why I see a betacµck in front of me and not an "alpha". We live in a world of snowflakes whose only social life revolves around the internet and depends on what strangers think of them... see, if you're that susceptible to randoms insulting you, maybe stop using the World Wide Web?

//Enough shjtting around and relax Kyle(Karen). My name's a joke - I'm not overly smart but make no mistake, there's a strong chance that I have a higher IQ than you do - plus, I'm logical as fµck.

>Logic is important for the world and to our lives, it shares a connection with Reason... ergo, I can be reasonable too, but quite impatient - the price to pay for my honesty; I give it to you straight with no compromises and, from my expert deductions, I often jump to conclusions which 80% of times are 100% accurate. Although, IF there is fallacy in my argument or conjecture, rest assured, I also have the decency to recognize so.

>I'm someone pragmatic and mostly cynical. Like any conscious soul, I don't give out respect for free - that is but earned by people who show signs of intelligence and awareness for others. I believe there's a sense of honor in the awareness of the world (/people) around you.

>Honor and fair play is what I believe in, so, when I see someone cheating or exploiting others for personal reasons, I'm overcome with this compulsive desire, to beat said person down to a pulp. You wouldn't want me standing behind your gaming chair seeing you "hack" your way through, believe me. I'm a pretty nice guy otherwise... and no, if you're thinking about it, there's no chance I'm uglier than you. Notice how I selected this word - "ugly" - to describe you more than myself.

>In terms of respect, women aren't any exception to the rule. The fact that you have nothing between your legs, except for maybe a clitoris that appears more like a very tiny penis, doesn't merit any special treatments from me (yes I can be quite vulgar, but you're worse aren't you?); considering that with mere words, I perform digital castrations to any chimpcel (that's "chimp + incel") who addresses me wrong - I'm not your average commovvhore friend (do not get things mixed up in that clucker brain of yours).

>Nah, don't bother with that idea; I have a completely sane mind which adapts to my interlocutors, thus sometimes, I'm forced to manipulate it to show its "mental-issued" side - as I just did - to remind you that anything, any thought can occur and be processed through this brain of which I am a master.

>As you must've noticed, I enjoy writing and proving my incontestable prowess by engaging in, or provoking arguments versus primates with big egos. Almost always I find that more amusing than playing the actual game while equally destroying them in the background (where the main action is happening). I do have a big ego myself, however, I'm one of those rare cases where the ego matches the Man.

>It's also important to note that, like any person in the world ("connected" to humanity, able to read or hear this message), I'm racist. Not only that but also xenophobic, in my own terms... despite the fact that I don't spare my country of origin neither. I guess what I truly despise is blind "patriots" bragging about their nation and that, is precisely what triggers my contempt and the employment of racism - a need to knock said people down a peg or two.

>No, actually... the more appropriate term for me would be "misanthrope". I'm a misanthrope for human stupidity, because when I look at someone, I don't see color, race, nations, nor do I see beautiful or hideous people - those aren't factors that influence my core judgement. I don't think "Black Lives Matter"; I don't think anyone's life matters unless they make something of it, something that contributes to Mankind - otherwise, I see you like an inconsequential waste of matter. I either see Humanity's Idiocies or seldom, traces of Mankind's Brilliance.

>I'm someone genuine, quite original who gives out a lot of advice, sometimes coming off as arrogant. It all depends upon how you take it - you either ignore the pain caused by offended feelings and improve, OR you keep being a bjtch then.

>Do understand the definition of a word before using it... example: "Cringe" - something which provokes in you a mixed sense of pity and disgust for something that is seen or felt. If you feel like I cause such a feeling in you (instead of filling you with awe and making you question your petty existence), then there's no way around it, you've got mental problems - as in, you're not wired correctly son, and your life is (presumably so) going to amount to nothing but another life-long process of biological disintegration of matter, by the infinite agent that is Time.

Yes hi,
I copy-paste other people's bios because I have an atrophied brain and lack imagination to come up with an insult, that is also why I have little to no information given on my profile, so when I lose an argument I have to furiously Ctrl+C & Ctrl+V because I can't Ctrl my peanut brain, consider the facts, and make my feminine self accept that I'm simply in denial.

Deeply, and yours truly,
IQᴜᴏᴜs Mᴀxɪᴍᴜs.
Favorite Guide
22 ratings
I made this to VALVE, specifically to the CS:GO developer team: a "guide" containing my ideas and a few suggestions on how to effectively rid the community of its toxic / unfriendly behavior and eradicate the plague that are cheaters.
Screenshot Showcase
Never mind the mesmerizing dusk, I'm just wondering where Chompski is.
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3,465 hrs on record
last played on 7 Feb
2,014 hrs on record
last played on 6 Feb
501 hrs on record
last played on 6 Feb
IQᴜᴏᴜs Mᴀxɪᴍᴜs 20 Dec, 2020 @ 1:30pm 
My collection of reworked sayings posted on Steam since the 1st January 2019 up until the 1st December 2020 (one at the beginning of each month) as a way of showing they're my intellectual property (as registered by the date and time beside my name). I support you in doing the same! Oh wait, you don't have enough brain power.
IQᴜᴏᴜs Mᴀxɪᴍᴜs 20 Dec, 2020 @ 1:00pm 

"The difference between being greedy and being honest is rather palpable, however those who are the former, never seem to look beyond... to the implications of things. Deep down you know with which intentions you treat a situation, so don't lie to yourself - it doesn't matter who notices. A greedy act can only sate you for so long and doesn't take you far as a human being, while an honest act is one that considers the bigger picture and portrays you in vibrant colors." - Σ∧
IQᴜᴏᴜs Mᴀxɪᴍᴜs 20 Dec, 2020 @ 12:45pm 

"At some point in your life you'll hear, think or say the following: 'It rained all the way through... it only stopped when I got there!'. A negative thought that might not mean much to the average mind, but to the philosopher that I am, it is a saying that reflects on the endeavors of Life itself. Rain is localized, there is no cloud chasing you around looking to pjss on your head but sometimes, it just might feel that way. In this situation, being in rain - as unpleasant as it is - is analogous to a period, or a series of difficult moments in our lives. Moments that we are urged to overcome, moments that once surmounted, give us a(n indefinite) sense that the rain has stopped." - Σ∧
IQᴜᴏᴜs Mᴀxɪᴍᴜs 20 Dec, 2020 @ 12:30pm 

"I don't operate on Emotion - I'm beyond that. In fact, that's more beta-male style which, needless to say, I am not. With that said, I invite and indulge you to say whatever you please about me, whatever gives you a (false) sense of satisfaction - it won't have an effect. Truth be told, while I do indeed possess the memory of an above average intelligent person, you'll be lucky if I even remember you tomorrow because when I'm through with you, I'll sleep over it like a baby while you'll be wetting your bed sheets with the sweat of angst. No clod, what drives me is Reason and the reason for my insolence towards you, is contempt." - Σ∧
IQᴜᴏᴜs Mᴀxɪᴍᴜs 20 Dec, 2020 @ 12:15pm 

"There are two kinds of racism - passive or aggressive. Now flower, don't go saying you're not racist because: THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS A NON-RACIST PERSON! It's just crucial you know where you fµcking stand. So listen up... passive racism, unlike its counterpart, is seen as somewhat comprehensible - its prejudice derives from the personal stereotypes that an individual forms against a nation of people, based on recurrent bad experiences with them and is only activated when said people begin to misbehave in the eyes of a passive racist. Now, aggressive racism (always active) is more for naive, repulsive people who, like sheep, blindly follow the unfounded hateful ideology of their peers or idols." - Σ∧
IQᴜᴏᴜs Mᴀxɪᴍᴜs 20 Dec, 2020 @ 12:00pm 

"It's not about how many times you did something per day, it's about doing it everyday and doing it right, with consistency." - Σ∧