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Análises recentes de eco🔰chocolatcchi

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21 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
10.1 horas registradas (6.9 horas no momento da análise)
A real FPS for real men. This game doesn't ♥♥♥♥ around. Want regen health? ♥♥♥♥ You. Want More then 1-2 health packs per level? ♥♥♥♥ You. Want to carry reserve health packs? ♥♥♥♥ You.

I hope you see my point now. This game is the very definition of scripted hard. Sure S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is difficult with its enemies' various methods of attacks and variables, but Far Cry is just abusive at times. 5 game modes, with even easy being a challenge for anyone hooked to the post-360 generation of combat.

Graphics still stay pretty for fauna and still lookes great on the eyes, if I played this back in 2004, this would probably set my world (and motherboard) on fire. Once enemies with nearly 100% accuracy start to become beatable, the game throughs giant monsters at you. My only complaint besides it being abusive is the lack of quick saving or user defined saving. Its all checkpoints and crap.

Publicada em 8 de julho de 2013. Última edição em 2 de janeiro de 2015.
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1 pessoa achou esta análise útil
12.9 horas registradas (11.0 horas no momento da análise)
A extremely well utilized combat system re-defines meelee combat in first person games. Excellent maps and game modes just adds to the fun. So glad they used the Unreal 3 engine to its fullest instead of the paraplegic Source engline. Patches have either vastely improved or ruined the best aspects of gameplay. Serriously missing any form or reason to go back, due to a dissatifying upgrade tree and limited upgrades. Server browser is clunky and needs to get fixed.

Publicada em 8 de julho de 2013.
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3 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
153.3 horas registradas (142.9 horas no momento da análise)
Really the very best of the often emulatic "city-roaming' genre. Hong Kong is put into pixels flawlessly as the detail and road design lead to a much more immersive experience of being in a city. Profound combat system leads to intresting unscripted crime sprees. Campaign goes from like 6/10 to 10/10 to 4/10 at random times, so I wouldn't recommend this for the story. This is the only game I ever pre-ordered, and it was amazing seeing this game turn from a buggy piece of ♥♥♥♥ to one of the smoothest games I own.

Publicada em 8 de julho de 2013.
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2 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
751.1 horas registradas (732.1 horas no momento da análise)
Please, please remaster this for DX11/12!

Planetside 2 is one of the toughest games to review. Its sci-fi theme draws inspiration from a lot of 90s media and is aesthetically superior to most futuristic FPS games, held down only by f2p items and inconsistent faction variation. The gameplay is reminiscent of older Battlefield games, just on a much superior scale. Outside of that franchise, there's so little competition that Planetisde stands out even with many glaring flaws.

Providing a slow burn with teamwork and co-ordination valued above any silly K/D stat, perpetual war means little downtime, and hours can be soaked up. I wouldn't really call it immersive but as platoons are large enough to consist of combined arms "fronts" one can take position in all aspects of the war experience.

The four main continents upon each addition started dividing up the player base , so they eventually (finally) added continent capping to keep it to only two continents, one with actual battles and the other with ghost capping squads. Additional server mergers helped mitigate a loss in playerbase and server biases towards certain factions. This is the only f2p game to my memory I directly spent money on so for all I can say, the cosmetics are overpriced. Back in 2013-2014, they ran a month long sale in December where their chosen cosmetic or weapon was dirt cheap. I would say without any doubt the game was not p2w, but so much has been added since I stopped playing actively in 2015. The new implant system is both limited and potentially too rewarding for those that luck out in RNG, but less annoying than the old limiting system.

Additional disappointments include an overall graphical downgrade (old high is new ultra), questionable content upgrades, and a dev team that's missing the real spark the OG team had. I enjoy the larger facilities but fights seem increasingly focused around fun points instead of them, with a huge lack of major facilities, cities or fortresses.

Indar stands out as the best map, with iconic points, three unique biomes and objectively the best vehicle and infantry fights. Gunplay is wishy-washy, some weapons providing a satisfying dink, others feel floaty. Medic and Engineer provide MMO grinds for XP if the forces killing you in battles seem too external.

Sadly, this game is dying and I don't believe market trends or Daybreak Games can save it. Issues preventing this from running on toasters already hurts much of the potential f2p market. All in all, few games have the true wow factor or give me a desire to learn everything as does this game. Remember to live free in the NC, and bring many friends or find them quickly, as only a few grunts won't provide a major difference against a trained platoon.

There's no way in hell this game is P2W for any combat purchases. If you're whining about having a terrible K/D there's no reason why the CARV, SAW or ORION can't carry you. Get good or shut up. My K/D shot up after making sure I was using raw input on my mouse, turning off smoothing/vsync and lowering my sensitivity to a fraction of default.

*****ENDNOTE****** (2021 edit)

Damn, there's been more changes in the last year than there were in the period 2015-2017 when i really wanted this game's launch momentum to continue, i can't keep up but all i know is that the game has never looked worse while producing less frames.
Publicada em 8 de julho de 2013. Última edição em 25 de novembro de 2021.
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49.4 horas registradas
[SHUT DOWN 29/06/2018]

What was once a very hype and free alternative to CS and its compeititon now lays dead. Ijji let this potential slip, Aeria did what they could to kill it more, only redeeming it with waifus, and En Masse is doing all they can to keep this zombie alive. Sure time has passed since this game's glory days to now, from the time UE3 was cutting edge to where its a joke. When CSS and MW2 were king, this game offered a little more character. A little Korean quirk, without all the temp gun ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ of Combat Arms I can't say that now because all i see is temp guns now.

When i mean Korean quirk, i'm refering to the overall character of the game. The menu music was so grand and even cheesy, it got you in the mood to fight on any of the diverse game modes (the old co-op modes were fantastic). As of 12/2017, that menu music is no more. Replaced with something entirely forgettable.

Ijji at least warned me when transfering my account to Aeria. Aeria just outright banned it sometime in 2016 due to inactivity. Credit due to EnMasse for making a new account not a pain, though i won't commend them for still trying to profit off of this corpse.

Doesn't make it any better that 90% of reviews are exclusively about the Black Rose. A ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ cosmetic item.
Publicada em 15 de setembro de 2012. Última edição em 1 de julho de 2018.
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1 pessoa achou esta análise útil
67.8 horas registradas (66.3 horas no momento da análise)
Very little time to freeroam.. but that doesn't matter when the story is this great. Cutscenes are engaging and worth not skipping. Atmospheric and beautiful, I thought it was a bit short~ 20 hours, and it leaves you wanting more, but It never overused any mechanic or location. Soundtrack is intense and dramatic, and the 50s music adds emotional effect while driving in missions. Not for people who dislike driving portions in freeroamers, every mission usually had 10 minutes of driving in it mininum.

DLC is 10/10. I'd absulutely recommend buying it. Allows you to freeroam and experience the countless hours of level design spent on the game. The Jimmy's missions are rushed and Joe's Adventure kills the development of his character...but holy ♥♥♥♥ the lightmaps. Driving in the Roller 300 at night in the rain with the street lamps glow reflecting off your windows is one of gaming's most erudite experiences.
Publicada em 15 de setembro de 2012. Última edição em 27 de setembro de 2015.
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