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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 89.8 hrs on record (28.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: 16 Aug, 2021 @ 6:36am

Early Access Review
So, I'll admit, I'm that guy who only leaves negative reviews.

But I had to do something about the reviews on Hammerting. After playing through it, I can say that the reviews are either wrong, or ignoring normal EA expectations. These kind of management sim games are my bread and butter; 200 hours on Craft the World, 500 hours on Oxygen Not Included, etc. and this has the potential to make my top 2 of all time when it's finished.

Complaints I'll address:
*The pathfinding/AI sucks*
Uhhh, yeah, so does ONI, CtW, and every other vertical celular simulation game's AIs frankly. At least here your dwarves only rarely get themselves stuck if you give a large mining order, unlike ONI where the dupes ALWAYS get stuck. This one has a bit of issues in how dwarves select tasks, but the solution is simple; assign fewer tasks. People complain about only having 3 priorities, but some games like Ad Astra only have TWO priorities. Once I realized that, and only prioritized -critical- tasks, my life in Hammerting was MUCH better. Once I realized HOW you're supposed to use the priority system, I've had no issues with 5 dwarves or 40 running my mines. I'm sure they will improve with updates and time too; remember ONI and CtW are over 5 years old.

*The overworld is incomplete/dumb*
Yep, it's also a brand new feature they launched a couple of months ago. If you want finished features, don't buy EA? Mechanics are there, but balance/polish isn't. That applies to everything in this game past earlygame. And is expected of an EA title.

*Endgame content is dumb/unintuitive/lacking*
Yep again, but what comes LAST in a game? Endgame! xD Seriously, the reviewers have some of the highest expectations of an EA title that I've ever seen.

*Waaahhhhh the devs aren't fixing things!*
If you check reddit, -everything- that they complain about content and feature wise the devs have said they mean to fix; unintuitive weapon making, endgame content, world map content, ultimate goals lacking, late game challenge lacking, job assignment issues, -ALL- of it. Team 17 is backing them, so it's not abandonware; the publisher wants their money back! So just give them time; most EA negative reviews are like "no fixes to things I want in 4/6/12 months - devs abandoned game!" ....you do realize Minecraft had a 5 year EA, ONI had a 2.5 year EA, KSP had a 4 year EA, and Dwarf Fortress has had a 15 years-and-counting EA....? Yet everyone loved them. I just don't get the hate here.

So don't believe the reviews; this game is great for an EA title. Don't buy if you don't like EA. Do buy if it looks fun and you're willing to wait or like EA. Simple as that.
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