5 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 1.2 hrs on record
Posted: 28 Nov, 2016 @ 3:57pm

I've played many a flash and steam game in this genre, so this review is from someone who has expectations of how such a game will function; this I will aknowledge.

I can't reccomend the game because it ultimately was frustrating to fight with the Controls and Camera. I'm usually pretty flexible but the auto-camera and more so the inability to have multiple robots moving at once completely ruined the game for me. If that's the point, then this game isn't so much about strategy as it is about precision clicking. Some people may enjoy that, but I did not. The camera always following your currently selected robot was actually nausiating after a while even. moreover, the game doesn't even do you the favor of auto-selecting the next robot available, despite that being literally your only option. You have to click on it yourself.

Music is also too repetitive, but that's pretty minor compaint. If you like fast precision clicking, get this game. If you're looking for a lightweight resource/zone control game, skip this.
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