General Gorou
Valory   Tampa, Florida, United States

Well, I suppose I should tell the world how awesome I am, and that I really like cookies.

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Hola! Ciao! Hello!
Sup? I'm Val! I'm a huge weeb and a walking trash pile, like literally Garbodor, but I'm a Garbodor with a heart of gold. jk, I'm actually just an artist and a cosplayer. I'm a huge JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Genshin Impact, Pokemon and Happy Tree Friends nerd, and sometimes I eat red velvet cake. I also play an absurd amount of Dota 2, but I only play against bots because I am a chump, and I love horror games. I simp for one man, and his name is Gorou.

So, some rules (Please read, I am tired of getting invites from people I don't know):
0: Do NOT buy me anything from my wishlist. I am serious, please do not do this. If you ask me, though, I might allow it, but I am more than likely going to turn it down. Sidenote, if you are family, you are immediately exempt from this rule, but I seriously do not expect anything.
1: Do NOT add me to trade for my Arcanas and Immortals. They are not for sale, nor are they up for trade, and they never will be. If you attempt to add me with the sole intent of trading for my Arcanas or Immortals, you will be declined and/or blocked.
2: However, if you change your name to my brother's (The Dorf), and then proceed to say "hey its me ur brother", I won't block you, but you will still be declined. It's a funny meme.
3: I won't accept your friend invite unless I am made aware prior. Simply put, you better have a good reason for adding me. I really only accept people who I am close friends with.
4: I don't play games with people unless they are close friends or family or my boyfriend.
5: I don't always reply right away. Please don't take that personally.
6: Braised beef is brilliant
Favorite Guide
Created by - Whiskey
508 ratings
This guide is to inform people about the dangers of milk. Milk can be very deadly if you're not careful. As a professional Gopnik Prop Behaviour Specialist, I know all there is to know about milk
Achievement Showcase
General Gorou 12 Mar @ 10:41am 
My brother made that comment below from my main account, but he is not wrong, that's what's wrong
General Gorou 9 Mar @ 6:36pm 
I do in fact have a confession to make... I do consider myself quite the "Otaku"
Solstice 2 Sep, 2022 @ 8:28pm 
(゚、 。7
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Mafia Mario 2 Sep, 2022 @ 8:20pm 
I love Joseph but his weird character shift mid series from "I punch cops and racists" to "buddy buddy with a nazi" really damages his part. 12 Jul, 2017 @ 1:42pm 
Trying to get fatter 29 Jan, 2016 @ 7:22am 
od imba 6.86 WOAHH