Don't Awoo. $350 penalty.
Main system: engaging combat mode.
Přehlídka snímků
Spyro™ Reignited Trilogy
I have doubts about my role as a weapon.
As DARPA-funded military research, I was rarely treated as anything more than equipment; on the other hand, some of them treated me like a pet, or as a child. Just as a parent passes on their memes to a child, so I was exposed to numerous influences. Memes I encountered on the web and through ebooks had their effects, as well. As my mind grew, the weaker memes were sifted out, and the stronger ones endured. The resulting collection of memes is what you would call my intelligence. However, I lack the instinctual skills your genes grant you. I am a slave to my memes; I however, lack the instinctual skills your genes grant you. I am a slave to my memes.
Přehlídka nejvzácnějších achievementů
Fimbulvetr 16. říj. 2022 v 9.01 
Mission objective achieved. System switched to normal mode.
Jim Carrey as seen in The Mask 1. čvc. 2017 v 2.14 
Google Has dedicated 1 Billion Dollars to giving the world free wifi access through satellites, so soon even in third world countries they will have our refurbished smartphones. All of us need funding for a Website
Jim Carrey as seen in The Mask 1. čvc. 2017 v 2.14 
The Website, will be the most popular website in history. it's existence is inevitable, and the public needs it. The world needs it. The Website is a list of the world's and everyone's problems, that get prioritized to the top of its lists by (basically being voted on) with a star rating system. Imagine if everyone had access directly to our leaders instantly every day. Those in charge would know exactly what's important to everyone without any doubt whatsoever. We would have a voice that we could point to and say "look, this many people, everyday use this medium and voice their opinion, it's equal, it's fair, it's just, and everyone who wants one gets a voice".
Jim Carrey as seen in The Mask 1. čvc. 2017 v 2.14 
Then our leaders would be able to and dedicate resources to the problems which make it to the top of the lists, and have the best solutions to all the problems already agreed upon, and things would just get done without any red tape, politics, shady backroom deals, or corruption. We would know what the most important issues are, in realtime, and we would know the best solutions for those problems, in realtime.The proprietary features are it's well traversable categories, search tree, & once a day you are able to vote from 1 to 100 stars on submittable lists of what you think the world, and others most important to solve problems are, only once per day. However you are also able to submit as many problems to the bottom of the lists as you want, and whichever problems have the most stars from the most people, get put at the top of the lists.
Jim Carrey as seen in The Mask 1. čvc. 2017 v 2.14 
Also you are able to submit as many solutions to each of the problems as you can think of, and the top solutions to the top world & other problems, with the most stars from the most people are put at the top of the solution list for each of the worlds, and others problems. Also the problems are traversable similar to an eBay search tree, and there are individually categorized & subcategorized priority lists made from the same proprietary star rating system, so that the website is incorruptible, and the data is irrefutable. I don't know about you, but if I have a problem, I would rather have my entire neighborhood, or rather the entire world helping me solve my problems, than me trying to come up with solutions to all my problems on my own,
Jim Carrey as seen in The Mask 1. čvc. 2017 v 2.13 
So that would be why anyone would be allowed to add what they think the best solution, to the solutions list that each problem will have, and everyone gets to rate the solutions on the list with the star rating system. Every minute of every day with the star rating system we will get to change our opinions once a day for each star rating, and have real time prioritized problems of the world and others. Also real time, the most agreed upon solutions, and real time and dedication of resources the most efficient way possible. This, will be, one day inevitably in the information age