Dani   Hampshire, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
My Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF_S4mib8Zexwj5q2vMITPQ
If you wanna contact me, you're best off using my discord: DaNiLY#5925

Hey, i'm Dani, or DaNiLY, if for some reason you've found me because of my channel, feel free to add me! But be warned, i'm not very talkative haha.
Currently Offline
Artwork Showcase
I Always Come Back
Get to know me.
A brief summary of who i am
This is just a quick summary of who i am, for those who don't want to read lots and lots, basically, i'm an 24 year old girl (transgender) named Dani, i was born with a medical condition called Cystic Fibrosis which in recent years, has drastically altered my health, but i'm getting better, slowly but surely. I also have had a habit of being a bit, short tempered, but i don't mean to be obviously.

Get to know me

Name: Dani / DaNiLY / Danielle

Age/birthday: 23 years old, born 25th of may, 1999

Gender: Female (transgender, nothing else to be said)

Sexuality: After a long think, about what "category" i fall in, although i don't care for labels for sexuality, I've come to the realisation that i am Demisexual.

Relationship: I am single, and it will stay that way.

- I try to always be honest, even though sometimes it might come off as rude, I've been taught to speak my mind.

-I also am not very out going, i don't often start up a conversation (unless you're a very good friend of mine)

- I've been known to have mood swings, I've been diagnosed with depression, so if i tell you i don't want to talk, that's probably why. I'd rather not speak when like that, or i may say something wrong.

- Even though i'm not very talkative, i do like to see people smile, and laugh, so i would like to try and make people laugh when and if i can.

Background info and questions you might have about me

- My condition: I have what is known as Cystic Fibrosis, it affects my lungs and pancreas, it hasn't really affected me that badly, other then when i was 3 years old and was first diagnosed with it. That is until more recently, in early 2018 i was deathly ill, and i'm not exaggerating, i was basically at deaths door, so much so that the doctor told me, and i quote "You know, there is a good chance you might not pull through this". But with will power, i said "i don't want to talk about that, i will get better" and i slowly am, but at the cost of my lungs be heavily damaged, i can't walk for much at all, but i'm working on getting better. (Sorry that this was long)

- My gender: Now i've had people ask why i chose to be trans, and for one, not to be rude, but it's not your f**kin business, and two, people don't "chose", i didn't one day think "yknow what, i'm gonna be a girl". Over years, from mid 2015 until i came out in mid 2018, i was thinking "why don't i feel happy as a boy? something feels off", and slowly over time i realised who i was, i didn't decide to be who i am, i was always a girl, i just didn't realise it, mainly probably because of the complete hatred i saw towards the topic at the time, gladly now it's much more supported, but there will always be some horrible people in this world, best to just ignore them.

- Why do i be honest about things that might be rude? Well, i think it's better the be told a bitter truth, than a sweet lie. Say for example, using a real world example of one of my friends who i wont name, They asked me if an animation they where working on was good, i said it was okay, but i didn't like parts about it, and they could do better. Now, some of you might think that's rude, but i'd rather give criticism, telling someone that something looks good when it doesn't isn't good for anyone, it isn't good to lie and it doesn't help them better them selves, and i would hope people would give me the same honesty.

- My name, DaNiLY, where did i get it? Well, long story so i'll try and shorten it. My deadname (being, the name when i was male) was Daniel, and my surname which i'd rather not mention, ends in Ley, so my friends at school came up with the nickname Danley. Which old watchers of my channel might remember my first name of DaNLeY GaMES, i later dropped the "e", don't know why, i just did, and shortly after i dropped the games, it didn't fit haha, and since coming out as trans, and changing my name to Dani, i thought it fit to put the "i" in it, so that's how it ended up DaNiLY. As for the random capitalisation of the letters, i couldn't tell you, i just wanted to stand out a little haha.

- How i got into fnaf: Like a lot of people, i saw the king of fnaf, Markiplier play it. I watched fnaf 1 and 2 on his channel before playing the games my self, my first game without being spoiled was fnaf 3, and i loved it, still do. I love all of the fnaf games, including SB and world (Not the AR, that isn't cannon, and don't even try to tell me otherwise)

- How i got into animation: You might think maybe i did it at school, or had some kind of artistic background, well you'd be wrong. The only "artistic background" i have is that both my mum and dad are very talented artists, but they draw. The way i got into animation was, i saw an old friend of mine make an MLP (My little pony) poster (YES i used to be a brony, get over it, people like what they like and i still respect that fandom) Anyway, i asked him what software it was, he told me SFM, so i looked it up in like, august of 2015, tried doing stuff, couldn't figure it out, put it down for a few months, and then realised there where fnaf models for sfm, and thus i made "he always comes back" a very sh*t animation on the old David near springtrap voice (plan to remake that soon btw) and i've learned more and more about sfm over time, either from fellow animators, or trial and error.

- favourite game series: Well, fnaf of course, but a close second is the Fallout series, followed by Half-life. I like other games too of course, such games like gta's, call of duty's, need for speed's, battlefield's (not 2042) and other shooters.

- Dream job: Well, it might sound silly, but i'd love to one day be like markiplier, he's my idol, I wanna be just like him, playing games and just having a good laugh, making others laugh and smile, and using my platform to do good for others, like charity's and such. It's a very far fetched job, as i'm noway near as charming and entertaining as Mark, hell i'm not at all, but that's why its a "dream"

Goals with animation, and YouTube as a whole

- Subscriber goal: Currently my goal for this year is 4,000 Subscribers, which is a tough goal, but i'd like to hit it.

- Long term sub goals: I mean, 10,000 would be amazing, but without trying to sound greedy, 100,000 is the dream, to be able to get a YouTube play button. It won't ever happen, but hell, a girl can dream can't she?

- Animation goals: I'd like to become really good at sfm or blender, and be as good as some of my idols in the fnaf community, such as Jonlanty, LunaticHugo, XboxgamerK, TFCraft, Just to name a few. I would also like to be apart of a collaboration, possibly hosted by one of the named above, such as one of Hugo's collabs. But i have to improve my skills if i want to compete with a chance of joining those.

- Full song animations: I have a song picked out, just need to start it.

- Making money: Now, this isn't something people talk about a lot, because people always get called "sellout's" and other things, but it would be nice if i could make money from commission work, my family isn't exactly, rich hah, so i'd like to earn some money to help my parents with things. I did make my first ever bit of money in 2022, wont say how much or who from, but it's a start. I'd like to make more money though, maybe one day take on a job for Five Nights Music, or other big YouTube channels.

THIS IS ALL I CAN CURRENTLY THINK OF ADDING HERE (Last updated 20th of January 2023)

Mangle 20 Sep @ 2:54am 
same... it's really not fair...
HalfLife2Guy 19 Sep @ 7:19pm 
Rest in peace. I still love you, friendo. :steamsad:
Mangle 9 Apr, 2023 @ 6:14am 
DaNiLY 25 Dec, 2022 @ 5:06am 
Merry Christmas to you two too!
🖤Tyran🖤 24 Dec, 2022 @ 4:49pm 
Mangle 24 Dec, 2022 @ 12:57pm 
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