William   Colorado, United States
"You're about as useful as a poopy flavored lollipop."
"It's like watching a bunch of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ trying to ♥♥♥♥ a doorknob out there."
"Ouchtown, population: You, bro!"
"You can be fat, as long as you're happy on the inside."
"Wait, there's a guy on our team dressed like a pirate?"
"Thank you Chuck Norris."
- Dodgeball, 2004
Busy killing myself because internet strangers told me to.

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lmlester00 2019년 2월 28일 오전 6시 36분 
Logan was here
Rusty Seal 2016년 3월 8일 오후 6시 04분 
Like Kawk in his Chocolate Factory