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Ulasan terkini oleh CraigieG

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Tercatat 14.7 jam
You wanna roll? You will like this game.

Also that funky music is soo good to listen too!
Diposting pada 4 Agustus.
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Tercatat 5.9 jam
Maybe I'm unskilled or just not suited for this kind of game.

Potionomics is a rather fun little card game based around crafting and selling potions, mixed with becoming friends with random NPCs and gaining new cards or getting access to new materials to craft with. I've enjoyed the game up to the difficulty curve that the game gives you which is the first contest. Even with me doing my best to collect good materials and even having to restart over to mid-max and get the best cards through friendship. I'm unable to pass this point.

Besides that I enjoyed the game's story so far, love the animations of the characters and designs but being roadblocked and forced to restart over just to mid-max isn't fun at all. (And this happened twice. Failed the first attempt without knowing and then having to restart at day 1 and repeat it only to fail the 2nd time).

Well good luck to anyone who gets this game and tries it. Hope you all enjoy it and pass where I got stuck.
Diposting pada 24 Mei.
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Tercatat 93.1 jam (Telah dimainkan 91.6 jam saat ulasan ditulis)

177+ countries still don't have access to Super Earth. The Automatons are still separating us from our brothers and sisters! We aren't done!



Keep the fight going!!!!
Diposting pada 4 Mei. Terakhir diedit pada 10 Mei.
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Tercatat 22.2 jam (Telah dimainkan 21.6 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Ulasan Akses Dini
After sinking 20+ hours in the game. I will for sure say that I can't enjoy this game as much as any survivors-like games.

Coming from Vampire Survivors, HoloCure and 20 Minutes Till Dawn. I will say this that out of the games so far that I played I would tend to avoid DRGS. Not cause it's a horrible game. But playing those prior have spoiled me. Or maybe this game isn't fully polished as those and just feel half-baked.

Now don't get me wrong, I jumped into DRGS and enjoyed it at the beginning, experiencing the weapons, levels and characters but once you played them through a few couple of runs. You can see the same boring patterns you have to follow. Now you can say yes you do the same with the others but it doesn't feel.. enjoyable with this game.

You jump into the mission with one goal. Kill a dreadnought and to do so, collect Nitra and Gold to buy upgrades in between levels while earning exp to level up. Each level up, you gain a buff towards your weapon/character and eventually a new weapon to unlock. Ok, like any other survivor-like game. However with those other games they have a unique thing with them that they eventually allow you to combine your weapons to make godly unique ones. However this one... doesn't. Instead you get overclocks which adds a small tweak with your weapon and that's all really. It doesn't feel that impactful like the other games. It's kinda saddening really.

I feel like with the amount of hours I spent in the game and going through the hazards. The devs didn't sit down for a moment to actually playtest their game that much. It feels unbalanced in certain hazards/stages. Most runs I do would last 30+ minutes and even then would just fail. Hell, most of the runs I do is like every 8th+ run could be a win. The enemies do to much damage, there isn't any massive invulnerability like any other survivor-like game. Example, if your struck you have about 1-2 seconds of invulnerability to rush through a crowd. In DRGS you don't fully. You have it, for that enemy.. but when your surrounded by 200+ bugs. You run through.. you will get jumped and just die.

A few things I think the game should work on/improve.. have the bugs have a small barrier/outline for them when they are on the upper side of a wall. Cause the amount of times I got hit by a bug that was invisible cause of the camera's position is insane. You will most of the time run into one and lose about 25+ health while red sugar gives 15 each up to a max of 45.

The balancing for weapons/characters and the enemy damage/amount of them needs to be fixed or at least tweaked a bit. There needs to be more then 3 side-objectives and hell the final objective needs to be more then just slay the dreadnaught. Also that small robot flying with you. You should have a side shop on the main menu to give it improvements just as you can give yourself stat improvements.

Either way.. it's an ok game.. needs to have a lot of fix up IMO. I might come back to it, but for the time being I say don't pick it up. Give it a few months maybe a year or two and perhaps it might have a lot more content worth grabbing.
Diposting pada 26 Februari.
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Tercatat 41.0 jam (Telah dimainkan 37.7 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Rather surprised by this little unique game. With the legendary edition you get both Evoland 1 & 2. One being a interesting little game that lets you experience and run through what it's like from the early days of gaming, from the NES era with 8bits all the way up to 3d animation. While not having that much of a interesting story, it focused on it's gimmics and unique power ups.

While with Evoland 2, it does follow a story that has a few hilarious moments and do break the forth wall once in a while with it's fun little mechanics like the first game. But instead lets you experience travelling through the eras of 8bit to 16, to 32 and 3d. And back. Really fun game IMO.

If you wanna enjoy a fun interesting RPG game, for sure pick this up. I got it on sale and I think it's worth the full price IMO.
Diposting pada 26 Februari.
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Tercatat 40.9 jam
So hands down, enjoyed this game greatly. Gave me vibes similar to Powerwash, just the satisfaction feeling when you finish a project. Same thing as you rip ships apart. There is like three annoyances I dislike about this game though.

1 is that when finishing the game up, there are 2 achievements locked to either path you choose for the end mission. Doing either one, you get the same ending. So that's kinda annoying.
2. You have to play through the career just to get that 2nd achievement you missed at the end so that is kinda of a time waste.
3. I feel like this game would have been amazing if it had coop. Single Player either way was fun.

Besides that, loved the game. Had fun 100% it.
Diposting pada 15 Desember 2023. Terakhir diedit pada 15 Desember 2023.
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Tercatat 522.9 jam (Telah dimainkan 521.8 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
So I will have to say this, I bought the game back before it went to full release. Love the game, I enjoy having a server set up and messing around for a month or so with some friends on it every now and again. It's a game like Minecraft, Terraira and so on you can pick up and enjoy for a while and drop and so on.

But it's getting a bit out of hands with the DLC. Game came out in October 23, 2013 as Early Access. It finished in 2019. Props to the devs for doing it. Had the game since then and loved it. A DLC or two here and there. But it's to the point that you guys should move onto a new project. Heck, make a new SE2 with a better engine. But instead you have been milking SE since full release. The game has 13 DLC. Most of it is just recoloured/redesign blocks or suits. Cool. But the DLC alone costs 4x the game now with it all combine together without the game. I don't know... maybe I'm ranting?

Either way, if you enjoy Terraria and Minecraft. Pick up this game. It will make ya waste month or two of time just messing around and building ships and flying about.
Diposting pada 11 Oktober 2023. Terakhir diedit pada 11 Oktober 2023.
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Tercatat 236.3 jam (Telah dimainkan 167.0 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
After coming back to do this review over. I gotta say that I greatly loved this game. To me Elden Ring is perhaps the best game of the year of 2022. It had introduced so many people to the Lands in Between. Let it be vets or new players. Giving us an insane world to explore, so many new bosses and experiences to take in. It was a bast. It came to the point that I have almost 100% completed the game. (And will finish it in the future to get that 100% on it).

This game is worth it's full price. Buy it, love it, embrace it.
Diposting pada 26 Februari 2022. Terakhir diedit pada 22 November 2022.
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Tercatat 16.7 jam (Telah dimainkan 13.0 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Wanna stamp Entry passes!? Wanna listen to your government or perhaps betray it?! This is your game.
Diposting pada 25 November 2020.
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Tercatat 329.6 jam (Telah dimainkan 265.0 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Hello! This is maybe... my first review? Perhaps? Unsure. Either way I'm going to say I recommend this game. Yes I got it free from a friend. Who bought it for himself and another friend of ours. I will admit I sunk a good 200+ hours in the game. I'm already at late game and will say that even with the main quest line finished, I'm still coming back daily for simple legendary grinding, doing daily challenges and a few side quests that refresh daily. With the added expansion of the daily ops added an extra thing to do which is fun.

Yes there are bugs, when is there a game without bugs? I will say that this game is a bit different then other Fallout games but give it a chance. Being able to swap out perk cards. (aka level points in a sense.) you can change your builds, however I would recommend that you focus on one kind of build until your late game and you can start messing around with other builds. I went in blind without a thought of what to do. And it was only around level 80+ did I finally focus on a build I wanted and worked towards it. With the added Legendary perks as well you can change and expand on those builds more. (Currently level 153? or 4... don't know.)

Also the game does keep getting updated, people complain "OH it's microtransaction!" not really, with the added challenge season. You can gain ingame currency aka atoms to use to buy the ingame stuff. Also there is the storage items that people like to complain. Where they are like. "OH you need Fallout 1st! to store your stuff." not really, there is a stash that you get for your character, that no one can touch. It has a weight system in it of 800 pounds. If your smart you can keep yourself steady at a 600/800 without a problem. I've been always around 600-700 pounds. If I get to much stuff I sell it. I only keep the things I need. (Other people have hoarding problems.) Of course you can get Fallout 1st and be able to store all your junk and have no weight problems. But meh. Just be smart. :P

But anyways back to what I was saying, the game is always being patched and having expansions come out. As of the last 264 hours I've spent. they added a lot in when I first joined. So really to me I recommend this game. Wait till it's on sale for maybe like... $30-40? It's not at the point of buying at full price but it's still good. If I had the chance and knowledge I would bought it. Either way, hope this helps out with some people's thought on getting it or not. Remember if you encounter a bug, just chill let it happen and either reboot your game, or go somewhere else and do something else and come back later when a patch happens. Either way, you guys have a good day!
Diposting pada 2 Oktober 2020.
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