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4.4 hrs on record
Interesting concept, I wish it got a little bit more difficult, introduced concepts usually don't mix too much or dont iterate on each other enough to provide a good challenge.

It never does anything to truly change your perspective on how its played, so you're not gonna have that "The Witness" experience.

All in all this is still a fun experience with a fun game mechanic.

It's doesnt require precise mechanics, so this a good play for literally any family member!
Posted 12 January.
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170.0 hrs on record (161.1 hrs at review time)
Kojimas masterpiece,

Sadly it has some intruding micortransactions
Posted 3 August, 2020.
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23.6 hrs on record
please play that game and dont just steam sale abuse it
Posted 2 July, 2019.
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6.5 hrs on record (3.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Justice for Jordan
Posted 28 May, 2019.
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272.1 hrs on record (252.8 hrs at review time)
I always liked the cartoony aesthetic and it's a real timekiller.
Posted 26 February, 2017.
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303.7 hrs on record (238.2 hrs at review time)
Posted 16 January, 2017.
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587.0 hrs on record (111.2 hrs at review time)
Best roguelike in decades for me
Posted 21 November, 2016.
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17.0 hrs on record (14.2 hrs at review time)
You can tomahawk chop a skull in a brain sugery or remove alien organs with a shurikenif you dont like that you either are a perfectly sane person or you should consult your surgeon to let him play with your Intestines.
Posted 3 March, 2014.
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94.4 hrs on record (71.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
There is so much I love about this game but also so much that can still get better.
What I love is that this game really encourages you to use ingame voice chat if you meet strangers, it puts a real social aspect to the game and you can use this social aspect to kill them with your axe the moment they don't pay attrntio or to travel with them the 85km² map this game has to see shipwrecks, castles, airfields and cities to not just be a tourist but to be a scavenger looting and eating everything you find to survive.It doesn'matter if you decide to be a bandit or a hero unlike the mod, the standalone doesn't judge you, in the end just you knows what you have done and everyone is just trying to survive or to have a little fun while doing so.
What I like the most is the realism added to the gun system,like :
A sniper-rifle doesn't shoot spot-on in a distance of 800 meters+ you need to calculate the bullet drop.
Upgrading your gun gives a good feeling and makes you watch how you swap your clothes and guns to military style to look like a soldier.Also your aiming isn't perfect. You cant come out of a sprint and 180 noscope over 600 meters if you dont lay down ,deploy your bipod and wait until you stop shaking and being out of breath or until you jam in some pentazemin to stay calm.You even need to find magazines for your gun to load more than one bullet at a time and yes, if you dont have two magazines you don't just press r to reload you have to fill the magazine or the gun in the inventory.
Also the medical system is very good as it is mostly invisible to you how healthy you are or how hungry you are.
You dont get to see the numbers behind the magic and if you would you would see that they are pretty realistic,like
your stomach has a 4000 ml capacity and food gets digested to become fat a reserve of energy .
If you break your legs you must craft a splint to get it to heal.Backpacks are not your storage for 9 different rocket launcher 4 grenade types and 19 assault rifles and pistols you get to have as much weapons you can carry this encourages to make decisions or to form a squad to have a sniper for overwatch and an assault rifel for close quarters.

BUT as i said there are still things I dislike (which i hope will get chaged)
[also bugs are here not included as they will get removed, hopefully, just basic game things so no complaining about the density of walls as zombies seem to ignore them or even the painful ladder deaths to which I was a victim too]

Fall damage : should be included but in real life I can jump down 4 meters without dying yes a broken leg is really suited for this but IMMEDIATE death is overdid.I fell of higher trees when i was a kid and I still have to break my first bone.

Loot spawning rates: Sometimes it is crazy how i find tree scopes for the m4 in 1 hour but not a PU or LRS scope for the sniper but this could just be bad luck. The basic spawning rate is fine if not you should lower the spawn rates of food a bit to make the player move or make it a bit harder to camp in cities.

Controls: You should do a more comfortable way to zoom with your rifle or to move your head and not to have too much controls in the default settings to be so far way from the center keys.

Missing Tutorials:
Yes in real life no screen is going to tell what you have to do to do something but in a game it is needed especiall when the variety of controls are so complex and are told in the options anyways it would just help new players to know faster which button is assigned for voice chat or crouching so they don't have to look in the options.With a tiny Tutorial-Level or ingame tips which you can turn off if you dont like them you can make this much more convenient.

Logging off:
You at least out a waiting time to log off now but I think you should be able to wait the time ingame so you can see if not in the 30 seconds in which you can't see your charakter gets hit by zombies and you log in to a fresh spawn and be like WTF.

This is still to easy but I admit I don't know how you could make better penalties for serverhoppers since this conflicts with having friends on other servers servers shut downs or poor latency. This is a problem which is hard to solve.

To sum it up:
I really like the game for its realism and socialness but it needs to be more welcoming for players who haven't had Arma II DayZ.For it being an alpa game this is newly mined diamond waiting to shine.

I apologize for any typographical mistakes for english is not my native language.
Posted 3 March, 2014. Last edited 3 March, 2014.
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