Chainfire LS   United States

...It isn't death you sould be afraid of...

The Shadows Call...

If someone is going to talk to me about an alpha game, consider something first. The fact that an alpha game is alpha. This means that if you are privy to a game that is still in alpha, you are one of the people that has either been selected, or has elected to become an alpha or beta TESTER. The first thing that you should think is "COOL! I can be part of this game and make it better!" And the second should be "Ok, this is alpha/'s probably going to be either unplayable, or buggy as hell. Let me see if I can find these bugs and report them"


This will serve only one purpose: Infuriate people. Moreso to people who are already understanding of the previous thoughts regarding testing. And would serve to make honest coders ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ RAGE. No one but coders and programmers who deal with the ones and zeros of the inner workings of programming truly understand and respect the hard and tedius work that goes into these things, and it only serves as a slap in the face to them to hear how much all of their efforts ammounts to naught but a pile of ♥♥♥♥.

Seriously. Stop it. If you are NOT cool with an alpha/beta not living up to full release quality and expectations, DON'T BUY IT UNTIL IT IS READY FOR RELEASE! For those who have been offered a closed beta key and you can't handle a game that will likely crash several times per sitting, DECLINE IT!

And for God's sake, DO NOT complain to me about how an alpha/beta doesn't live up to your standards. Because I am someone who will rage. Take it somewhere else.
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Syn Soul the VR King 1 May, 2022 @ 6:02pm 
owo 10/10 will nom
Chainfire 28 Dec, 2021 @ 1:28pm 
Wha?! *sniffs self* I'm clean damnit!
Syn Soul the VR King 28 Dec, 2021 @ 1:09pm 
owo *sniff* i smell dergon
The - 1 - Grit 15 Dec, 2020 @ 6:25am 
I will ABSOLUTELY beep AT YOU because YOU'RE GREAT and also a POTATO!
Chainfire 5 Jul, 2017 @ 6:37pm 
And so it has come to pass, that I have little interest in games anymore since I've had to solo-game for several months. I miss it, but I can't change that I find no fun in solo games. I miss my friends,
Chainfire 26 Oct, 2013 @ 2:43am 
DON'T look at my steam list when I say this... I'm bored.