Colorado, United States
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ModID: 1278441218 This version of GunSmoke will not be updated in the future ALL GUNSMOKE MODS ARE NOW OPEN SOURCE! Map, Tailor, Decor - Creatures, Structures, Items, Weap
430 ratings
Created by - CaseFace5
FIZZ 11 Oct, 2019 @ 5:14pm 
Thank you for even responding!! He will not respond. I started a test server with only GS map , GSRP and Prospector. The minute I add Prospector the problem starts again. If you got any ideas we would be so grateful. It only happens to a few of us and doesnt matter what the profession is. Thank you in advance. We love the game and RP experience GS brings. I have about 20 people counting on us to resolve the issue.
CaseFace5 11 Oct, 2019 @ 2:46pm 
@espin39 hey yea.. hmm thats an odd one the currency is part of one of one of Cad's GSRP mods im honestly not sure what hes got those set to for anything other than on our server, but its definitely not part of the map/decor/tailor mods
FIZZ 11 Oct, 2019 @ 10:01am 
Hello Case I am using the map currently, with GS tailor and decor. I have a problem where my character collects 50 dollars every 30 minutes. Has this been implemented in the system of the map or is it one of the supporting mods? No matter what I do this problem continues. Any help is much appreciated.