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Posted: 28 Sep, 2016 @ 1:02pm
Product received for free

Early Access Review
Lets start with the fact that this game is in Beta still: It's not perfect, but it very well can be.

- Very smooth gameplay
- Well done dungeons
- Leveling system is well fleshed out

- Combat feels a bit odd only attacking left or right
- Too often is loot found that doesnt benifit your character
- Dialogue moves a bit to slowly

Overall for what it is I give it a 7 out of 10

well worth a look for the price and could see a great game by release

Video review is here as well:
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Developer response:
Squarebit  [developer] Posted: 29 Oct, 2016 @ 3:42am
Thanks for the review! Just wanted to pop in and say clarify that you can speed up dialogue by repeatedly interacting with NPC's, and you can attack in any direction (use the right stick on the gamepad). That should give you a better experience :)