ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ  ↴
─────── :rgirl_asquint: ────────────────────
|◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►▏ ⠀⠀──○─ 🔊 ⠀ 0:56 / 3:04
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Em 1 minuto conseguiu ser melhor que GTA V hoje em dia. Fiz a minha versão meia boca:

Em meio a vasta internet,
existem janelas onde a curiosidade se limita
Essas janelas não representam verdades absolutas para ninguém
Se olhasse através delas, poderia vislumbrar coisas curiosas
A internet.

Por trás de cada janela há uma opinião, um conteúdo específico
um cômodo com mesas, microfones e pessoas fervorosas
No auditorio multidões se reúnem para fortalecer algo ainda maior

Não importava a janela que eu escolhesse olhar
mesmo distintas todas mostravam um contraste profundo
Tudo comprimido na moldura de uma janela

Cada uma revela um contraste vibrante
mundos tão próximos, mas eternamente distantes
Tantos caminhos, todos comprimidos em um só
mas nenhum me acolhe, nenhum me toca
Não consigo compreender todas essas janelas
Por mais que eu navegue pela imensidão da internet
tudo que posso fazer é observar
sempre através das janelas, em uma solidão constante
Afișierul cu ilustrații evidențiate
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Afișierul cu capturi de ecran
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Creat de - Carn3iro🀄
4 evaluări
A quick guide to help you understand what these badges are and how to earn them. Last update: 12/27/2024
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Como funciona a mentalidade de um But || Mahjong Soul
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤWorldExecute(Me) C#
:rgirl_asquint: ㅤ<-   𝙲𝚕𝚒𝚌𝚔  𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

 public class GodDrinksCSharp {

┊ㅤㅤ // Lay down your pieces
┊ㅤㅤ // And let's begin
┊ㅤㅤ public static void Main(string[] args) {
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // Fill in my data
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // parameters
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ Thing me = new Lovable("Me", 0, true, -1, false);
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ Thing you = new Lovable("You", 0, false, -1, false);
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // Set up our new world
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ World world = new World(5);
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ world.AddThing(me);
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ world.AddThing(you);
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // And let's begin the
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // SIMULATION
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ world.StartSimulation();
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ //If I'm a set of points
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ if (me is PointSet) {
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // Then I will give you my
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // DIMENSION
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ you.AddAttribute(me.GetDimensions().ToAttribute());
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ  }
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // If I'm a circle
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ if (me is Circle) {
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // Then I will give you my
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // CIRCUMFERENCE
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ you.AddAttribute(me.GetCircumference().ToAttribute());
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ  }
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // If I'm a sine wave
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ if (me is SineWave) {
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // Then you can sit on all my
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // TANGENTS
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ you.AddAction("sit", me.GetTangent(you.GetXPosition()));
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ }
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // If I approach infinity
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ if (me is Sequence) {
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // Then you can be my
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // LIMITATIONS
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ me.SetLimit(you.ToLimit());
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ  }
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // Switch my current
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // To AC, to DC
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ me.ToggleCurrent();
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // And then blind my vision
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ me.CanSee(false);
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // So dizzy, so dizzy
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ me.AddFeeling("dizzy");
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // Oh, we can travel
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ world.TimeTravelForTwo("AD", 617, me, you);
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // To A.D., to B.C.
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ world.TimeTravelForTwo("BC", 3691, me, you);
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // And we can unite
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ world.Unite(me, you);
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // So deeply, so deeply
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // If I can
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // If I can give you all the
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ if (me.GetNumSimulationsAvailable() >= you.GetNumSimulationsNeeded()) {
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // Then I can
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // Then I can be your only
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // SATISFACTION
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ you.SetSatisfaction(me.ToSatisfaction());
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ  }
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // If I can make you happy
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ if (you.GetFeelingIndex("happy") != -1) {
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // I will run the
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // EXECUTION
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ me.RequestExecution(world);
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ  }
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // Though we are trapped
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // In this strange, strange
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // SIMULATION
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ world.LockThing(me);
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ world.LockThing(you);
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // If I'm an eggplant
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ if (me is Eggplant) {
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // Then I will give you my
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // NUTRIENTS
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ you.AddAttribute(me.GetNutrients().ToAttribute());
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ me.ResetNutrients();
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ  }
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // If I'm a tomato
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ if (me is Tomato) {
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // Then I will give you
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // ANTIOXIDANTS
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ you.AddAttribute(me.GetAntioxidants().ToAttribute());
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ me.ResetAntioxidants();
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ  }
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // If I'm a tabby cat
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ if (me is TabbyCat) {
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // Then I will purr for your
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // ENJOYMENT
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ me.Purr();
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ  }
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // If I'm the only god
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ if (world.GetGod().Equals(me)) {
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // Then you're the proof of my
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // EXISTENCE
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ me.SetProof(you.ToProof());
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ  }
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // Switch my gender
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // To F, to M
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ me.ToggleGender();
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // And then do whatever
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // From AM to PM
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ world.Procreate(me, you);
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // Oh, switch my role
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // To S, to M
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ me.ToggleRoleBDSM();
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // So we can enter
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // The trance, the trance
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ world.MakeHigh(me);
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ world.MakeHigh(you);
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // If I can
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // If I can feel your
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // VIBRATIONS
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ if (me.GetSenseIndex("vibration")) {
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // Then I can
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // Then I can finally be
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // COMPLETION
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ me.AddFeeling("complete");
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ  }
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // Though you have left
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ world.Unlock(you);
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ world.RemoveThing(you);
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // You have left
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ me.LookFor(you, world);
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // You have left
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ me.LookFor(you, world);
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // You have left
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ me.LookFor(you, world);
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // You have left
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ me.LookFor(you, world);
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // You have left me in
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ me.LookFor(you, world);
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // ISOLATION
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // If I can
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // If I can erase all the pointless
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // FRAGMENTS
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ if (me.GetMemory().IsErasable()) {
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // Then maybe
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // Then maybe you won't leave me so
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // DISHEARTENED
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ me.RemoveFeeling("disheartened");
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ  }
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // Challenging your god
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ try {
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ me.SetOpinion(me.GetOpinionIndex("you are here"), false);
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ  }
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ // You have made some
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ catch (ArgumentException) {
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ world.Announce("God is always true.");
┊ㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤ  }
┊ㅤㅤ  }
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𝓑𝓪𝓴𝓾𝓭𝓪𝓻 7 mart. la 18:09 
:neonbr:Have a nice weekend:neonbl:
Carn3iro🀄 3 mart. la 18:03 
Mika 3 mart. la 14:24 
I hope you had a wonderful start to the week. May you have a lot of joy in what you do and never forget to smile!
Mew . 2 mart. la 3:07 
𝓱𝓮𝓱𝓮𝓱𝓮 :chocola2:
Carn3iro🀄 27 febr. la 7:25 
Thank you :YURUCAMP_VC_01_Nadeshiko02:
WillSpringer 26 febr. la 23:37 
Carn3iro🀄 seems cool; have a Wholesome award!