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"Do you want to know where the Island of Snipers is? It's in your heart." ―Sogeking
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338 Hours played
Elden Ring is one of the best games I have ever played.

Great Game Play
Dense Open World
Interesting NPCs
Fantastic Character Creation
Co Op

PC Port Issues
Confusing Quest
Vague Story
Minor Quality of Life issues

The game play is amazing. The combat is crisp with tight hit boxes and exciting fights. The game really awards learning from our mistakes. You'll run through dungeons over and over, dying after progressing a little. Every time you die or rest at a "grace" the world resets so everything is in the same place every time. Eventually you'll learn enough to prevail through the dungeon and getting through is so satisfying. The same goes for bosses. You'll fight them over and over and learn their movements, eventually prevailing. The fights are so cinematic too. Even when you're getting destroyed, you can appreciate the beauty of the animation.

There are some frustrating boss fights that may feel unfair. This is my first souls game and honestly I don't think I am very good however, even for the most frustrating bosses I eventually prevailed! and I felt such satisfaction. You don't even need to go through the game alone. You can summon friends and other random players to come assist you. If you don't want to play with real people you can summon spirits to assist you instead! Spirit ashes are the souls of enemies you may have slain and fight just like enemies they are based on but on your side!

The world of Elden Rings is so packed with things to do. The world is dense: there are bosses, dungeons, weapons, skills, and upgrades everywhere. The open world also provides a good balance to the difficult game play and bosses. if you get stuck, you can explore, kill other mini bosses, and get exp to level up. The characters that inhabit this world are really varied and are all pretty interesting. There aren't too many though and most of them have pretty sad endings. I feel like the game would really benefit from more friendly areas as it just feels like a really hostile world, which some people may like.

The character building was one of my favorite things in this game. There are so many viable character builds. You can pretty much focus on any 2 attacking stats (str, dex, int, fth, arc) and throw in some HP, FP, and Stamina (Vig, Mind, End) and you have a really well rounded character. That combined with all the weapons, armors, and spells you can find, offer a great character building process.

The game is not without flaws though. The pc port has some pretty big technical issues: There is a huge fps drop issue, problems with invisible enemies (not intentional), and network issues (problems connecting and random disconnects from co op games). There are also some small quality of life stuff I would want that aren't there like a quest log or a mini map. Some of the quest are pretty confusing to complete. The game does provide all the information you need, but it is usually in a vague way. For example there is a cave you are supposed to find and you are given a vague idea where it is. Easy enough right? Wrong, its actually hidden behind an illusion wall. To find information about that, you have to buy a piece of paper from a nearby merchant giving some vague hints. So all the info is there, just hard to find. The story is also not the strongest. You are thrown into the world with very little information and you kinda figure things out as you go.

Overall, I love this game, 10/10.
exhausincar 7 Apr, 2018 @ 3:27pm 
hi it me your love