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게시 일시: 2017년 7월 22일 오후 3시 04분

its a good game and all...but...

i cant get mods for it anymore.

imean,sure,i can go onto bethesda and do all that account stuff,but the mods i WANT are not there. i want specific mods that i can only currently find on the steam workshop for the ORIGINAL skyrim,not SPECIAL EDITION skyrim.

honestly,this is a VERY good game:good design,funny glitches,memorable characters,ect. ect. ect.
but you need to mod it at some point or else it's no longer fun,and you wind up using Tdetect to freely murder every citizen in the game.

i just wish icould find the mods i want for it...either that,or bethesda needs to make it have steam workshop support again.
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댓글 3
benjamincarter1980 2017년 7월 24일 오후 10시 57분 
You can try going to the Skyrim SE nexus. I think they have all the mods minus the ones that use SKSE for the moment.
Caligula 2017년 7월 24일 오후 12시 09분 
so...if i subscribe to,say,a mod that makes all spiders into not spiders on the steam workshop for the original skyrim,it'll work on the special edition?
León 2017년 7월 24일 오전 3시 49분 
You can learn how to port some of those mods yourself if the author is not doing it. Also, if it does not use SKSE there's a good chance the mod would work, if it's simple enough. Book of Silence for example, it does work in SE.