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15.1 hrs on record
This game scratches an itch I didn't know I had for old school dungeon crawlers.
Like tons of other inspired-by indies this game wears its inspirations proudly (Just look at King's Field 3 and 4 for comparison)
From the sprawling interwoven Levels full of secrets to the styling stuck between Late PS1/ Early PS2, tons of weapons and magic spells to utilize in tons of ways, and then the outstanding soundtrack this game has a lot to love.

Sure this game can be obtuse and you may need to look up a few things but the ride is nothing less than stellar.
And yes there are a fair amount of spooks and scares but they are similar to ones you'd see in a Souls titles.

$20 is well worth the admission fee and on sale it is more than worth picking up and completing in the span of a weekend.

Excited to see what KIRA will do next after enjoying this one so much.
Posted 8 May, 2024. Last edited 10 May, 2024.
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121.0 hrs on record (119.9 hrs at review time)
120 Hours into this game and there is still tons of new content to find with Friends.
Rock and Stone!
Posted 21 November, 2023.
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386.7 hrs on record (383.3 hrs at review time)
1. Decompress the BRs
2. Massively reduce/eliminate repair costs and timers
3. Reduce the amount of effort it takes to unlock new vehicles and upgrades.

The developers of this game find new ways to make this game an even more obscene grind every single year.

Unlike many other fan favorite F2P games they make the grind so egregious to push the sale of RP and currency boosting premium that only goes on sale for a limited time each year.
Time and time again they implement or try to implement changes in the game that actively hinder you from playing.

You spend all this effort to unlock a vehicle only to have to cough up the in-game currency to be able to play more than a handful of games a day due to the horrible repair system in higher tiers of vehicles.
Which means that for every repair you need to complete; because you can and will lose 1-3 vehicles per match, you have less to spend on upgrades and less on actually making any progress in the game.

Having to wait to use the content you unlocked in a game is peak 2000s F2P game design and makes it hard to actually want to play consistently especially by the time you hit Cold War vehicles!

This is compounded by Premium vehicles that cost up to $70usd that make far more rewards than their normal variations. And in most cases these vehicles out compete many freely available vehicles by a long shot AND cost less to fix after losing them in a match and take less time to be repaired for free by waiting.

The vehicle mechanics in this game are great and the moment to moment game play is fun albeit a bit stale in terms of PvP modes (Only variations of point capture).
But you come to dread what that repair bill is going to look like when you use an entire lineup in a well matched game.

Speaking of matched games, they are so few an far between because the developers decided that insanely quick match times (<5 sec) are more important than any semblance of balancing.

This leads to tons of vehicles having to match up against vastly superior and in some cases 20-30 year newer vehicles.

WT's community both 10 year veterans and players who have only played for ~2 years casually all come to the same 3 points.

1. Decompress the BRs
2. Massively reduce/eliminate repair costs and timers
3. Reduce the amount of effort it takes to unlock new vehicles and upgrades.

It's not that hard Gaijin.
Posted 20 May, 2023. Last edited 23 May, 2023.
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4.1 hrs on record (2.1 hrs at review time)
Vast Improvement on 1 and much more random and fun
Posted 30 November, 2020.
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2.8 hrs on record
I first heard of The Procession to Calvary while attending Day of the Devs 2019 in San Francisco.
After chatting with Joe about the game and his design process I got to play the demo he had, this game was a comedic hit even in that demo!

Fast forward several months and it is finally available in all its artistic glory and is even more comedic and ridiculous than that short demo was.

While the game is short (3-4 hours to get though and nab any missing achievements) the jokes and skits are in no shortage and give plenty of good laughs.

Joe is an awesome guy and is extremely passionate with making his games and you absolutely should give this Renaissance Art point and click a go!
Posted 30 April, 2020.
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78.7 hrs on record (32.6 hrs at review time)
Great Entry for new players into the world of Monster Hunter like myself.
Server issues most people talk about have been resolved or are now much more uncommon.

Yes this game can and will be a grind at some points but the fights feel different everytime you play and there are always new ways to challenge yourself.

With all the weapons availble you can change up your playstyle both for solo and cooperative play.

For people who are not particularly fond of fighting style games you can always use the ranged weapons in the game but for me personally I found fights to only be hard on the first few times before you learn the patterns as well as maps.

But if you run into trouble don't be afraid to look for a friend or fellow player for help but be weary of the difficulty increase that comes with it.

But 30+ hours in and almost done with the main storyline it is hard if not impossible that to say this game is not fun.

$60 is a bit steep price wise but if on a sale it is 100% worth the dive into.
Posted 30 August, 2018.
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20.1 hrs on record (13.9 hrs at review time)
A remake of the orignal classic freeware game, which is just as addicting as the original!
Posted 23 November, 2016.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries