Buffer   Maryland, United States
Hey, I'm Buffer. I've been playing since beta 1.3 (2001). I was in my first clan in the beta's as well (-rS- The Raging Souls). I've played continuously since then. I did however take a 1 year break and came back March of '09. Before I started my break I was in LoC (Lords of Carnage) and was on their CAL (Cyberathlete Amateur League) team. Recently I've been focusing on sniper maps and honing my sniper skills. I am now a member and Senior Admin of the Half Baked Shooters or {{Ħβ§] and spend most of my time on their server.

If you play on HBS server, please register at our website, where you can track your stats in detail and use the forum to communicate with players, admins, and clan members! Link below...
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