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1 person found this review helpful
105.0 hrs on record (31.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Stoneshard is brimming with potential.

The fact this game is left with mostly positive reviews leaves me befuddled. Now let me tell you why.

You start the game in a tutorial mode, that really throws you into the ♥♥♥♥, and does not hold you hand. You crawl through a demonic church dungeon to face off against what can only be described as "A disgrace to god". After (hopefully) killing the character you now find yourself in a bar, recounting your tail to mysterious cloaked figure who you deem to employ to do what your old, and frail body can't do anymore.

This cloaked figure is now, your character. You choose from four different characters to play, once the game is fully developed they definitely plan a character creation system. For now your choices stand as a human warrior women. A shield bearing dwarf, a cast off noble court ranger, and a wizard. The best choice is Arna, the human warrior women. Not only is she best waifu and character, you also get different dialogues since she is a women taking mercenary work. I'm sure the same would happen if you choose the dwarf character.

After choosing your character (Arna) you are employed to get some mercenary ♥♥♥♥ done at truly, your own pace. You go from ♥♥♥♥ hell hole dungeon to the next, slaying beasts and man, and demons of all kinds. Getting stronger, you sell off the wicked loot you come upon to get better gear. Make sure to sell your items to the correct shop keepers cause you could miss out on a lot of dough. Now you have become a local hero for hire at this town, whats next? Another town, with even worse problems, and other horrible creatures to slay.

The pacing feels good since in just a few hours I went from horrifically struggling and dying a lot to feeling like a veteran of the blade. Only to get to the next area and discover, I need to get even stronger for this next line of horrors. To help prepare you for the difficulty I recommend you go down three major skill trees. Greatswords, Athletics, and Combat Mastery. You can do what you want, but let me tell you. Playing a warrior who can charge and sprint back and forth, deploying new manuevers and combat stances to survive the onslaught of enemies, feels good. For extra god like feeling, put one point into Geomancy for Stone Armor. Being able to cast a stone exoskeleton that will protect you, then explode outward onto your enemies like shrapnel is pretty damn satisfying.

The developers seem to really give a ♥♥♥♥ about their game, their first big update, Troll Slayer showed me that. Not only do I get an, incredibly, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ insane level boss to face. I also get new locations, new combat system, two new skill trees, new enemy, enemy reworks, enemy AI, and even more makes me feel incredible for backing them. The game definitely lacked enough content at first, but I feel we have a game that can really bloom into something good here.

Here's one story I will leave you with if you still don't feel sold on this game. I was transversing the woods to get back to town, just going through a bandit den, my character, Arna was low on supplies and in need of restocking. Arna then heard twigs snapping and noticed a handful of bandits come out of the woods to kill, and steal her belongings. One was an archer who was actively shooting Arna, lucky for me, he got a crit on her leg. Now I realize I can't just run because I will probably surcomb to pain with my wounded appendage. I gotta take care of these guys, and quick. Arna hears wolves howling and runs towards them. The wolves notice the scent of human and quickly charge at me and my pursuers. There is now an active battle between Arna, bandits, and wolves. Arna quickly stabs and slices at either side. She needs them to whittle eachother down or else she would just have just created an even worse situation for herself. Eventually the last bandit dies to the last wolf. Arna barely finishes of the wolf before she almost collapses from blood loss and pain gain.

Arna then stumbles through the woods towards a location on the map labeled as a point of interest. She picks up mushrooms and plants through the woods that have healing properties to keep herself going. Fly algaric has pain decreasing properties but also can be poisonous. She eats it down with anti venom. An unfourtunate use of reasources, but a necessary one. She then gets to the point of interest on deaths door. It is a ruined fort. She pushes aside some boxes and finds a hatch. Descending down she finds makeshift living quarters with a bed. Thank the Host. Finding no other medical supplies she takes a swig of the last of her alcohol. Her nerves and pain subside enough for her to finally get some rest. She wakes, feeling much better but with no food and shes starving. Shes gotta gather her things and get to town quick.

Donning her armor and weapons she ascends out of the ruins, just to find some bandits, coming back to their hideout after what was probably a raid. Hefting her Greatsword up once again she charges into the brigands, to one day, get to a point in this story that isn't a living hell.

It was beautiful and I loved every moment of it. This is a good game, and it has a lot of potential to become a great game. Please, take a moment, and give it a chance. Ink Stain Games, please don't dissapoint me my dudes.
Posted 18 April, 2020.
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149.5 hrs on record (149.4 hrs at review time)
Killing Floor is a great game.

Simple, straight to the point zombie killing. Upgrade your loot after getting enough dosh. Rush to the trader to prepare for rhe next deadly wave. Fight until the boss comes as the final challenge. Cooperate amongst friends via hardcore firefights, weapon and dosh management, healing, boarding up specific choke points, etc.

The colorful class and weapon system would make anyone feel at home. Personally, I love beserker. Being the mad ass in the middle of the horde, tanking hits was always a blast. It was especially fun as I would have buddies just come up, and blow the head off of zombies distracted by me. Hell of a time.

Good replayability due to tight controls, various enemies, with various patterens, and a diverse selection of maps.

I can’t recommend this game enough. I wish I reviewed it back in it's prime.
Posted 9 April, 2020.
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208.4 hrs on record (202.9 hrs at review time)
EtG took the elements of the Rogue-like and made an addictive experience that always made you want to go one more run.

The RNG always felt fair and the skill progression felt reasonable. Go from fighting some canon fodder at the front door, too gunslinging against some of the great gun-punned monster ideas I've ever seen.

Explore the gungeon, and fix the past of multiple heroes trying to right their wrongs. Use and experiment between hundreds of guns and items to perfect your play style. All to eventually conquer the gungeon, then do it again, and again, and again.

10/10 one of my all times.
Posted 31 March, 2020.
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255.2 hrs on record (250.3 hrs at review time)
This was the game that made me want to get into PC gaming. The amount of things you could do, all the fun to be had, it's extremely expansive.

Jump in and lose yourself in countless servers, for countless hours, making friends and experiencing all kinds of games.

The game is quite outdated at this point but anyone could still hop in and find something to keep them entertained. I'm sure of that.
Posted 31 March, 2020.
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276.8 hrs on record
A high strategy MOBA that has been around for years at this point. Tried & true, DOTA 2 is a game that you can spend countless of hours in and a great competitor to LoL. You will have plenty of fun, just make sure you don't get too consumed.
Posted 31 March, 2020.
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1 person found this review helpful
119.2 hrs on record (119.2 hrs at review time)
Skyrim is a game of vast options and is an even more expanding world. The quests and adventures you go on can immerse you pretty heavily and im playing this game nearly a decade after it came out, it is still entertaining.

Ive still yet to play the dlcs but im sure they are just as good as the base game but ill try them out.

Now with mods like the Ultimate Skyrim Requium im sure you could play this game endlessly.
Posted 23 March, 2019.
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178.5 hrs on record (74.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Gud Game
Posted 21 November, 2018.
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144.7 hrs on record (93.7 hrs at review time)
Gud game.
Posted 21 November, 2018.
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2 people found this review helpful
318.2 hrs on record (220.2 hrs at review time)
Terraria is an amazing 2D game that is a lot more than just a minecraft clone. Truly the thing that sets this game apart from Minecraft is it's adventure and combat. The mechanics for fighting evolves so quickly. First day you start out sparring with a slime, equipped only with a wooden sword, you dodge back and forth keeping it at bay.

A hundred hours later you are flying through the sky with some alien rifle, trinkets equipped to best optimize your build, so you can survive the onslaught of an eldritch alien invasion.

Pure fun is what I would call Terraria. Plug this in and get lost in it. It has that addictive continuity like a Stardew Valley or Minecraft. Where the sense of progression and mastery of the craft keeps you coming.
Posted 21 November, 2018. Last edited 31 March, 2020.
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2 people found this review helpful
39.6 hrs on record (21.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I'm leaving a negative review until all the bad buisness processes I'm hearing from BlueHole go away. These being

-Payed cosmetics in a non free to play game
-CSGO styled crate opening for said items
-Non contextual player banning

Now these are small gripes but there have been one to many times where an indie developer has created a great game witha great idea and then kill their own buisness but greedy buisness moves. My favorite example is OVERKILL's Payday 2. They got greedy and implemented cosmetic and crate drops with keys. Also there were plenty of other stupid moves but I turned away unable to keep watching the fire.

So there's OVERKILL and then there's an Indie Company liek CD Projekt Red who created the WItcher series. A very small franchise which turned into a major power house the last few years making one of the most exclaimed games of this century. How did they do it? They made a great game with a good price and made great DLC for fair prices. They didn't bleed their product out for to much money, why? Because they want a future, they are looking for the long term. If they continue making great games with this tactic that their fanbase will ador then they'll keep making money for the long term.

Most Indie companies feel the high of money for the first time then fly off the handle and shoot themselves in the foot. I pray to god that Bluehole dosen't do that beause this game is fantastic right now. I love the adrenaline rush of playing it, the smooth controls, the animations, the gun play, etc. Great game. Yet I don't want to stop playing it like I stopped playing Payday 2 because I just couldn't handle the companies practices.

At the end of the day it's majority vote here. If everyone wants crates etc (Which I hope to god they don't) then bluehole will provide. At the end of the day I'm just trying to do my part as a player of this community. If Bluehole start watching what they say as a professional company and start making smart and likeable buisness moves then I will stick to them like a devote christian like I do CD Projekt Red. If they change this game into a eldritch abomination the likes of which I can't even recognize then I will keep this negative review. Remeber the good moments I had with this game, and never play it again.

This review is subject to change just as this game in Alpha is. If you're are weary on buying this game I don't blame you. Wait a little bit longer.
Posted 27 July, 2017.
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