Boney Maroney
Hello gamer
Artwork Showcase
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Boney Maroney 8 Jun @ 12:08am 
I don't control what they do lmao. Elden ring is full of trash talk, if you can't handle it you can block me and leave. You sent hatemail, I responded. Crazy, right? :steambored:
Thanris 8 Jun @ 12:05am 
Doubtful since you're the one keeping this going while also having like 124 pages of arguments on your profile. Go off though, sis. Maybe send more of your friends to my profile to white knight for you while you're at it.
Boney Maroney 7 Jun @ 11:58pm 
Have you also considered I only saw this today, since idk... I have a life? :hunted:
Boney Maroney 7 Jun @ 11:56pm 
you commented on my profile, am I not supposed to respond?? Keep coping though. Scrub mentality who thinks anyone who beats him is a metaslave. The only people here are other ER players, so you're gonna get made fun of if you act like this, idk what to tell you :steamlaughcry:
Thanris 7 Jun @ 11:40pm 
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ I'm living rent free in your head. It's been two days my guy. BTW, no one cares if you're "good" at ER PVP especially when using crutches. It's like being the smartest kid on the short bus, lmao.
Boney Maroney 7 Jun @ 11:14pm 
bro thinks my no poise cosplay build is meta slaving im dead :hunted: